Annual Pride Parade – “On June 23, hundreds of ‘drag queens’ and other LGBTQ activists marched in a parade in Manhattan. The parade marked the beginning of NYC’s ‘pride weekend.’”NYC Pride Marchers Chant: ‘We’re Coming for Your Children’ (CatholicVote)
Simpler Virtues – “Didn’t most great efforts to usher in a golden age end up in gigantic bloodbaths of the innocent? Didn’t the quest for perfect justice or the perfect race end with megalomaniacs grinding down all who posed a threat to their power?” How humility brings us great success (The Catholic Register)
Imperialist Men – “The essence of imperialism is, above all, to dominate, possess, own, appropriate, and thoroughly expropriate people considered inferior.” The Trans Ideology Movement, Global Capitalism, and the Colonisation of Women (On the Woman Question)
Avant-Garbage — “Pope Francis stunned the faithful this weekend when he welcomed some 200 avant-garde artists in the Sistine Chapel, including photographer Andres Serrano…” Pope Francis Welcomes “Piss Christ” Artist in Vatican (Breitbart)
The Summit – “Touting the process as an effort to lead global Catholicism ‘beyond fragmentation and polarization,’ the Vatican published Tuesday the Instrumentum laboris, or “working document,” for a Synod of Bishops on Synodality” Synod working doc aims to unite Catholics, but may alienate conservatives (Crux)
Children’s Personal Views – “Students at woke schools in the UK have been identifying as neogender “furries” like horses, dinosaurs and even curse-casting moons.” UK students identify as horses, dinosaurs, moons amid neogender ‘furry’ trend (NY Post)
Custody Disputes – A new [California] bill, AB 957, directs family court judges to award custody based in part on ‘a parent’s affirmation of a child’s gender identity,’ which the bill defines as intrinsic to the ‘health, safety and welfare of the child.’” Gender Cultists Make a Move for California’s Children (Compact)
This Means War — “Philosopher Edward Feser argues that Wokism cannot be defeated with economic or market solutions because it’s not fighting an economic war but a political, cultural and religious one.” In Defense of Culture War (PostLiberal Order)
Gender Issues – “[T]he public conversation on this has moved, in recent years – or even months – to a point at which bluntly confronting the truth about this movement and embracing reality – is no longer seen as a vile violation of the command to just be kind.” Consequences (Charlotte Was Both)
Fearful of the Unknown – “Two years after Pope Francis inaugurated the global process for the synod on synodality, Pierre told the USCCB in Orlando, ‘it may be we are still struggling to understand synodality.'” Is there a future for Archbishop Pierre’s synodality? (The Pillar)
Synodal Church – “The Instrumentum Laboris [IL] (Working Document) for the October Synod on Synodality, released June 20, embodies the now familiar pattern seen in the various stages of the synodal process.” The Synodal Church of “Me, Myself, and I” (The Catholic Thing)
The Grand Mystery – “One of the biggest mysteries of ‘the pandemic’ involves the supposed disappearance of the flu. Did the flu really disappear during the covid hysteria era, or is something else afoot?” How the Flu “Disappeared” During the Covid Era (The Dossier)
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So many of our modern problems exist because our current NO Mass fails to show those Catholics that still attend what the sacrifice of Love really looks like. I find it completely consistent that while the world is burning down almost everywhere the NO Church is trying to “revive” the Eucharist. I firmly believe that if we were to fix that Mass, we can fix the world.
And the fetally fatal difference between Eucharistic “revival” and Archbishop Cordileone’s originally proposed Eucharistic “coherence” is, what? Did the majority of the USCCB settle for just moving things along?
Can I add that for my local NO Bishop, “Eucharistic Revival” quickly became “communion” which, as it has developed over the course of the last 2-months, has come to mean building a stronger parish community at the local level. 🤨?
And I wish all of these endless insincere failed attempts at “renewal” might at the very least create some sort of awareness of and exhortation that it is not such a great idea for end of mass announcements to begin 20 seconds after the final distribution of the Eucharist at Mass.
I see no serious rebuttal from the hierarchy. We have failed in our stand that queers are not born that way. I still wonder. For me, anyone choosing that lifestyle will painfully receive the overwhelming scorn of society. As to gender dysphoria, I find it amazing that one would choose major surgery cavalierly.
Are we on a slippery slope to the abyss?
Of course (!) Seranno was among those invited. He’s homosexual and probably a stand-in for poster-child James Martin who hasn’t done any artful thing like Seranno’s “piss-Christ” since messing his diapers. https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100456295;jsessionid=EF5A76D5ABFD1C2D0D099145291A9EF5?print
Butt, why so non-inclusive? Where, pray tell, is there any recognition of Archbishop Paglia (chancellor of the Pontifical Theological Institute and president of the Pontifical Academy for Life!) and his homoerotic mural on his cathedral wall? About which Paglia’s mural artist Cinalli explained thusly:
“The one thing that they didn’t permit me to insert [in the catch-all mural] was the copulation of two people within this net where everything is permitted.” https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/leading-vatican-archbishop-featured-in-homoerotic-painting-he-commissioned
@ Fearful of the Unknown
We read: “Two years after Pope Francis inaugurated the global process for the synod on synodality, Pierre told the USCCB in Orlando, ‘it may be we are still struggling to understand synodality’.”
Meanwhile, the past two millennia, as well as any real future, are sacrificed on the altar of two years of willfully hijacked “synods”.
What’s to understand? Synod = focus group.
@ Synodal Church
Father Murray says it all, but clearly, he simply misunderstands how deeply rooted in history is synodality’s call to welcome all and walk together! Take for example, the precedent and spirituality of the Children’s Crusade…
In 1212 the spontaneous and incredibly naïve Children’s Crusade victimized tens of thousands of the young of nearly all early ages, mostly French and some German, who either died enroute or ended up in the prostitution rings of Christian Europe or as slaves in Muslim Baghdad and Alexandria. Twenty-first century readers need not justify ourselves by demanding how the Medieval world could allow such things to happen. More systematic victimization is very much with us today with the casually reported international trafficking of women and children, nearly one million each year (and more within national boundaries), partly to serve the now global markets of prostitution.
So, today, what does the Instrumentum Laboris of the universal Catholic Church have to say about human trafficking, alongside the blather about a new sexual morality, open-ended (!) gay sex and even upending (!) the nature of the Church itself?
We do find 4 words (below), but the self-adulating “synodal” shows up 317 times. A camel is a horse designed by a committee. Some “expert” synthesis, that!
(“Concern also emerges that the poorest to whom the Good News is primarily addressed are too often on the margins of Christian communities [for example, migrants and refugees, street children, homeless persons, victims of human trafficking, and others]).”
Re #1 – Annual Pride Parade – “We’re coming for your children”.
And Babylon Bee comes through with flying colours! Again!
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Please read Romans 1:23-32 to gain additional insight on what is occurring within our nation and society.