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Pope’s Asia visit draws attention to Holy See’s delicate China diplomacy

September 16, 2024 Catholic News Agency 0
A worshipper waves the flag of China as Pope Francis leaves following the weekly general audience on June 12, 2019, at St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. / Credit: FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP via Getty Images

CNA Newsroom, Sep 16, 2024 / 12:40 pm (CNA).

As the controversial Vatican-China agreement on bishop appointments nears its renewal deadline in October, Pope Francis’ recent 12-day apostolic journey through Southeast Asia and Oceania has thrust the Holy See’s complex relationship with Beijing into the spotlight.

Regional news outlets, including Singapore’s state-affiliated Channel News Asia, have been analyzing the potential implications of improving relations between the Holy See and Beijing. 

The pope’s marathon trip, which included stops in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Singapore, provided ample opportunity for such speculation.

Channel News reported that analysts say “China has shown a favorable stance toward improving relations with the Vatican as this aligns with its broader strategic goals of enhancing its international reputation and countering negative portrayals from the West.”

The Singaporean broadcaster, operated by a state-owned conglomerate in a nation with a large ethnically Chinese population, suggested that “warming ties” could affect the Vatican’s long-standing diplomatic relationship with Taiwan. It noted that establishing formal relations with China would necessitate severing ties with Taipei in accordance with Beijing’s “One China” policy.

George Yeo, former Singapore foreign minister and ex-member of the Vatican Council for the Economy, told Channel News Asia that even if diplomatic recognition shifts to Beijing, “the Church will still have representation in Taiwan.” 

Yeo emphasized that from the Vatican’s perspective, such a move would not signal a shift from its “One China” policy but rather a return to its historical presence in mainland China.

A ‘dress rehearsal’ for a potential visit to Beijing?

Other regional media outlets have also weighed in on the implications of the papal visit for Vatican-China relations. 

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post observed: “The Holy See under Francis has gone out of its way to extend overtures to China.”

A Bloomberg commentator, published in the Japan Times, even described the apostolic journey as a “dress rehearsal for a potential visit to Beijing.”

La Croix International, a Catholic news website, reported that China’s ruling elite had closely watched the trip. Theologian Michel Chambon told La Croix: “Beijing has closely observed Pope Francis’ trip in Asia, seeking to assess to what extent Pope Francis could contribute to the balance of power, the common good, and the development of the region.”

For his part, Pope Francis reiterated a long-standing desire to visit China during his press conference on Friday’s flight back to Rome.

Expressing respect and admiration for the country and its ancient culture, the pope told journalists on Sept. 13: “China, for me, is a dream, that is to say that I would like to visit China.” 


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Pro-life groups adjust tactics in challenging electoral panorama

September 16, 2024 Catholic News Agency 0
Voting booths on Election Day. / Credit: vesperstock/Shutterstock

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Sep 16, 2024 / 07:00 am (CNA).

The aggressive advocacy of abortion by Democratic Party candidates up and down the ballot this year, coupled with abortion ballot measures in 10 states, is causing pro-life groups across the political spectrum to adjust their tactics as well as expand collaborative efforts. 

At the state level throughout the country, “there are things that we are excited about and others that are very troubling,” said Americans United for Life (AUL) Chief Executive Officer John Mize in an interview.

“What we find most troubling are the ballot initiatives that are very deceptive by pro-abortion forces that have caused utter confusion in a vast swath of the American public,” Mize indicated.

"Very deceptive" ballot initiatives by pro-abortion forces have caused "utter confusion in a vast swath of the American public,” says American United for Life CEO John Mize. Credit: Courtesy of Americans United for Life
“Very deceptive” ballot initiatives by pro-abortion forces have caused “utter confusion in a vast swath of the American public,” says American United for Life CEO John Mize. Credit: Courtesy of Americans United for Life

In view of the current electoral panorama, Mize said his nonpartisan organization is stepping up its partnerships with other groups as part of their common objective to defend preborn lives and defeat pro-abortion measures. For example, he said, AUL has expanded its collaborative efforts with organizations such as CareNet, Heartbeat, Lifeline, and the Vitae Foundation.

Given the magnitude of the challenge the pro-life movement faces this year, National Right to Life (NRL) spokesperson Laura Echevarría said her group also welcomes increased collaborative efforts.

“We tend to be very accepting of other groups that want to work with us on issues. And we look at that commonality and we don’t get into other issues,” Echevarría observed. 

On the left, Democrats for Life and Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) are two groups that align with most aspects of the Democratic Party’s policy agenda yet are vociferously challenging its pro-abortion stance. 

PAUU executive director Caroline Taylor Smith, a Catholic who also volunteers for Democrats for Life, told CNA her pro-life principles are compatible with progressivism. She criticized both the Democratic and Republican parties for their respective stances on abortion. 

“I am very left-leaning and progressive and agree with every progressive value except for abortion. I condemn the idea that progressives have to support child-killing. My worldview is that I’m against violence and oppression against all people. I support liberation for all people. Embryos are preborn people that should be free from violence,” she said. 

"Embryos are preborn people that should be free from violence,” says Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising executive director Caroline Taylor Smith. Credit: Screenshot/EWTN Pro-Life Weekly
“Embryos are preborn people that should be free from violence,” says Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising executive director Caroline Taylor Smith. Credit: Screenshot/EWTN Pro-Life Weekly

Smith said that an example of PAAU’s pro-life commitment was set by PAAU activist Lauren Handy, 30, who was convicted under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act for occupying the Surgi-Clinic abortuary in Washington, D.C. Handy, who identifies as a “queer Catholic,” is now serving a four-year sentence. 

Allied organizations identified by PAUU’s Smith also include Pro-Life San Francisco and Rehumanize International. 

Despite their common goals, Mize acknowledged, the groups take different approaches. For example, Mize said he is skeptical about “overly aggressive tactics” such as displaying photos of aborted babies or screaming over bullhorns at women. Such tactics, he said, “add to the trauma that a woman feels when she is making a very difficult and complex decision. There’s a better way. And that is to be incremental and focused on providing alternative options to women.”

In addition, while Mize said ALU is not opposed to PAAU’s work, he said ALU is “more apt to partner with an organization like Democrats for Life, who share a lot of the same values we do in terms of the appropriate process to advance the pro-life cause.” There are also organizations like Secular Pro-Life, Mize added.

“Unfortunately, this has become far too political and it’s really not,” Mize maintains. “It’s a moral issue that isn’t defined by the politics of the party. It’s defined by the morality and character of the person.”

Echevarría and Mize agreed that the challenges for all pro-life organizations are only multiplying. Intense political battles, both said, lie in state legislatures and ballot initiatives that threaten to overturn hard-fought limitations on abortion, such as requirements for parental notification and consent.
