A clash of secularism and fundamentalism?
While President Obama is correct in saying the war on terror is not and mustn’t become a war against Islam, it would be foolish to ignore the religious dimension of Islamic terrorism as now reflected […]
While President Obama is correct in saying the war on terror is not and mustn’t become a war against Islam, it would be foolish to ignore the religious dimension of Islamic terrorism as now reflected […]
Earlier this month, congressional leaders conducting the investigation into fetal tissue research finally shifted their focus to the end-stage users in the selling of fetal body parts. Last week, in an attempt to determine exactly who […]
When I was still a miserable atheist in a career as a public policy analyst in Washington D.C. in the early-mid 90s, I would come home at night and turn on cable TV and flip […]
Last week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Little Sisters of the Poor’s legal challenge to the Obama administration’s mandate on contraception and sterilization coverage in health insurance plans. The Little Sisters’ attorneys […]
“Faith is not a product of reflection nor is it even an attempt to penetrate the depths of my own being. Both of these things may be present, but they remain insufficient without the ‘listening’ […]
When the Second Vatican Council was putting the finishing touches on one of its key documents, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium), Pope Paul VI proposed that it include a statement that the […]
The 2014 movie God’s Not Dead is one of the most successful faith-based productions of all time, grossing more than $60 million worldwide. The movie, produced by Pure Flix Entertainment, tells the story of a […]
The first time I encountered the unforgettable person of Mother Angelica was the mid-1990s. I was in graduate school, a former Catholic-turned-agnostic, but searching. I was coming back to the Catholic faith, it would turn […]
Mother Angelica, one of the most significant figures in the post-conciliar Catholic Church in America, has died after a fourteen-year struggle with the after effects of a stroke. I can attest that, in “fashionable” Catholic […]
In him, who rose from the dead, our hope of resurrection dawned. The sadness of death gives way to the bright promise of immortality. — Preface for Christian Death I Sacred images do not instantly […]
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