Ignatian Spirituality – “After seven years of formation as a Jesuit scholastic, Christopher Lowney discerned — in a way that clearly would have impressed St. Ignatius of Loyola — that religious life was not the purpose for which he was created.” Speaker draws lessons for today from centuries-old insights of St. Ignatius (The Catholic Sun)
Pray the Rosary – Six upcoming Rosary rallies in East Texas. Texas Needs Fatima Ministry holding Rosary Rally in Tyler (Tyler Morning Telegraph)
Jerusalem to Turin – “The team of Italian scientists who utilized new X-ray dating techniques to date the Shroud to the time of Christ’s death have used the same techniques to chart its probable geographical course afterward.” The Journey of the Holy Shroud of Turin
Theology Transforms – “In theology, the science is no less precise, and the words are no less important, but their significance is all the more grave.” Why Study Theology? (Catholic Stand)
The Order of Philosophy – “Philosophy endeavors to reunite what is eternally united in God. It begins with truth that recognizes the inviolability of life and the justice that life is owed.” Philosophy is Not a Box of Chocolates (Catholic Exchange)
Receiving Reverently – “Receiving communion in the hand was the common practice of the Church in both East and West for the first 800 years of Christianity, and it was certainly considered reverent by the Fathers.” Early Christian Communion in the Hand (Church Life Journal)
Codifying Roe – “President Biden announced in a Tuesday speech that his top legislative priority after the midterms will be codifying a national right to abortion.” Biden Announces Codifying Roe Will Be His Top Legislative Priority If Democrats Sweep Midterms (National Review)
Art and Virtue – “The Catholic Art Institute will be hosting its 4th annual conference, this year themed “Art & Virtue.” The event will take place on Sunday, October 30, beginning with High Mass at St. John Cantius at 12:30pm, and moving to the nearby newly refurbished Athenaeum Center for Thought and Culture.” Catholic Art Institute 4th Annual Conference (One Peter Five)
The Synodal Process – “Some things never change. The German synod alone is testimony to that, but the phenomenon now extends far beyond Germany.” A Piecemeal Vatican III (The Catholic Thing)
The Gender Theory Paradigm – “On both religious and secular levels and in seemingly every corner of the United States, debates about gender identity and gender theory have become more prominent” Conversation: How should Catholics think about gender identity and transgender persons? (America Magazine)
(*The posting of any particular news item or essay is not an endorsement of the content and perspective of said news item or essay.)
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Recommended inclusion on the list is Jeff Mirus’ Catholic Culture commentary on excluding evil from institutions. Arguing from the premise that evil is the privation or absence of good, excluding it will necessarily allow a greater good to predominate. Very interesting. https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/catholic-exclusion-drive-out-wicked-from-among-you/
Another article of similar ilk, from the Oct. issue of First Things, is authored by a Brit, Nigel Biggar. Entitled “A Christian Defense of American Empire”, it is found at
The Brit concludes that American Empire (imperfect though it has been and once again may be) offers the greater good to the greater number when the alternative hegemon is China.
As a child reaching adulthood in the industrial powerhouse of fossil-fuel-heavy Pennsylvania (also our country’s birthplace), I suggest we Christians drill and frack and restore our faith till the cows turn green with hope and power and conquest. As the Green Knight in the tale of Sir Gawain and his horse were green, so too can cows and Christian Americans be.
The “synodal process” (second from the bottom), not a “piecemeal Vatican III,” but rather a cancel-culture deconstruction of all former councils, and even the idea of ecumenical councils.
As with the 1960ish Marshall McLuhan (“the medium is the message”), now the plebiscite “process is the message.” The Deposit of Faith faithfully handed on, what’s that? And, who needs successors of the Apostles when we have “facilitators of the fluid and “endless journey” of synodality?
Before you know it, even the Council of Nicaea will be painted as a Chinese sort of “provisional agreement” along the path of historical relativism. About which, some reflections: https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2022/10/18/opinion-yesterdays-council-of-nicaea-and-todays-synodism/
@The Order of Philosophy. “In philosophy, the order of ideas is set not by nature nor by rule, but by wisdom” (Dr DeMarco). While DeMarco correctly seeks to reunite what is eternally united with God, it’s a premise that leans more toward faith than reason. Philosophy by nature, the pursuit of Wisdom, reaches that wisdom by reason.
Aquinas’ premise of the intellectual interface of faith and reason establishes the rules, those self evident principles apprehended by the intellect that reason measures. It’s the true axiom of reasoned research and the nexus of reconciling science with eternal wisdom, the end of philosophy.
I’ll second Meiron’s suggestion of inclusion of Jeff Mirus’ article, “Exclusion – drive out the wicked from among you”, in Catholic Culture.
You can include today’s Mirus article in the next round of Extra, extra!
Oops. Yesterday’s Mirus article, Oct. 18, “He’s back . . .”