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Anthony Fauci, Chelsea Clinton to speak at Vatican health conference

The Vatican announced the conference organized by the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Cura Foundation April 15.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks during a White House press briefing, conducted by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, at the White House Jan. 21./ Alex Wong / Getty Images

Vatican City, Apr 15, 2021 / 11:39 am (CNA).

Anthony Fauci, Chelsea Clinton, and Deepak Chopra are among the featured speakers at a Vatican conference being held in May on the interplay of mind, body, and soul in healthcare.

The Vatican announced the conference organized by the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Cura Foundation April 15.

“Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul: How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health,” will take place virtually May 6-8.

It will feature the CEOs of large pharmaceutical companies, including Moderna and Pfizer, along with celebrities active in medical philanthropy, global health advocates, policymakers, physicians, and religious leaders.

The Vatican conference’s website lists more than 100 speakers including Kerry Kennedy, Cindy Crawford, John Sculley, Brandon Marshall, Joe Perry of Aerosmith, and Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò, prefect emeritus of the Secretariat for Communications.

“Together, they will focus on advances in medical innovation and seek to catalyze the creation of new, interdisciplinary approaches and partnerships for curing disease and improving health, wellbeing and understanding human uniqueness,” the conference website states.

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, will co-host the summit with Monsignor Tomasz Trafny and Robin Smith, president of the Cura Foundation and author of “Cells are the New Cure.”

A statement sent out by the Holy See Press Office said that the conference organizers will also promote a roundtable on “Bridging Science and Faith” that will explore “relationship of religion and spirituality to health and wellbeing.”

“The discussion will deal with the deeper meaning of human existence and seek areas of convergence between the humanities and the natural sciences,” it said.

This is the fifth international health conference organized by the Pontifical Council for Culture and the CURA Foundation. The fourth conference, “United to Cure,” hosted at the Vatican in 2018 had Katy Perry, Deepak Chopra, and Peter Gabriel as speakers.

The first conference in this series took place in Vatican City in 2011 and focused on advances in adult stem cell research.

This year will be the first time that it is taking place completely online. The Vatican announcement said that priests, pastoral healthcare workers, and students from pontifical and Catholic universities worldwide are invited to participate in the conference.

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    • Just what the world, the Church and God need – a woke Vatican just desperate to curry favor with the elite.

    • Sol, it’s indeed the optics. “It is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact, the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium, of any extension of ourselves result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves” (Marshall McLuhan The Medium is the Message). What the Vatican health conference convey’s isn’t the technical organization of the conference. Rather it’s what the Vatican does with it, that is to say the message conveyed to the world of this Vatican’s apparent identification with the anti life convictions of the participants. As McLuhan would say an extension of the participants, and most egregiously the organizers.

      • Stop this insanity! Only pro lifers, pro marriage, Pro conservative folks should be invited to this conference.

        Change this!

      • That is exactly right! —-so now the faithful should swallow, sit down and be quiet! How many will accept and how many will fight, that is the question? I hope many will set their sails and fight, fasting and prayer included. St. Paul didn’t stop and neither should we.

    • The pope has been in the news a lot lately and it’s all bad I’m afraid. In connection with the Vatican Bank corruption and confiscation of funds, using their Leonardo De Vinci satellites to conspire in American election fraud, participation with the “new world order” proponents in Davos, and now inviting Pro-abortion Clinton Foundation to comment on Health and the Soul. You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been a Catholic all my life and I am disgusted and embarrassed to have these allegations put forth on a daily basis. Time to investigate what’s going on and clean it up.

  1. That line up says it all, doesn’t it, about this Vatican? Unreal. It’s amazing whom they want us to consider credible. I guess it’s an opportunity to hang out with celebrities. Oh yes, and when your own cardinals ask for a conversation about Catholic dogma … no time for them. It’s become a joke. A pathetic joke. These are sad times for the Church. And, a little investigative reporting would be welcome. How much Peter Pence money is going into this star-studded event?

    • It is interesting to read so called defenders of the faith who judge others “unworthy” to receive Jesus in the Eucharist while the question and critize Christ’s Vicar Pope Francis. It seems they all forget Jesus reached out to sinners and condemned the self righteous legalistic. Those pointing the finger at Fauci, Biden etc. are the true heretics because they have greater loyalty to an ideology and when in comes to politics supported a rapist,corrupt puppet of the evil one they follow

      • What nonsense are you trying to sell under cover of darkness?

        Jesus Himself who judged Judas unworthy. We follow him. We don’t follow you or others who speak with utensils in their mouths.

      • I understand your perspective. A massive difference, is that Christ wasn’t seeking guidance from criminals, prostitutes and murderers. He was giving them everlasting life by commanding them to change their ways and repent. So unless this is going to be a massive intervention via zoom led by the Vatican to call on these people to change their ways, it’s an embarrassment to the church and NOTHING that resembles Christ’s attitude towards sinners.

      • Indeed a bit of light is in order here. People that publicly embrace grave evil and promote grave evil are by their own acts making themselves unworthy to receive the Holy Eucharist, King of heaven and earth. These people commit sacrilege. They bring judgement upon themselves.

    • I was completely oblivious to what was going on in the world. I was suddenly awaken last year when they all told us to go home…thank God. I have returned to Jesus and the tradition precisely to counteract this diabolical shift and the goal of these people: shake the foundations of the church and scatter the sheeps in the woods, where the wolves lay, patiently waiting…but their plan has no foundation and will ultimately collapse. I feel kind of sorry for them, I don’t hate them, on the contrary, I pray for them. In fact they are sowing what they reep for they are the lost sheeps who have chosen power and money over God. I sincerely wish they see their way, because all I want in the end, is everybody to go in Heaven.

  2. Remind me to never again give a dime to the Catholic Church. I’ll find other, more worthy, charities to lend my financial support.

  3. This is an absolute disgrace. Active proponents of abortion are speaking at the Vatican HEALTH conference? This is so messed up. Bring on the second coming to rid us of these hypocrites.

  4. “The Vatican conference’s website lists more than 100 speakers including Kerry Kennedy, Cindy Crawford, John Sculley, Brandon Marshall, Joe Perry of Aerosmith…”

    Whaaa? What about RuPaul? The Khardasians? Sharon Osbourne? Usher?

    And when will that new reality show about the pope be airing?

    Suggested title:

    “Popin’ Out!”

    And I wonder…. Does watching an hour of TMZ now satisfy my Sunday obligation?

    I mean, really. I’m not sure whether to laugh or convert to Mormonism.

      • Jesus said the gates of hell will never prevail against my church. The only way that’s going to happen is for us to stay in the church and support making changes to it, as we pray for the souls of those, in the church, who are being misled by satan. Anyone who leaves the Catholic church is not only leaving Jesus and the church he founded but they’re also siding with satan and his efforts to get us out!

    • Laugh and stay tuned to the True Church which belongs to Christ, not to the henchmen who think they are running the True Church. What these men think is not as Christ would.

  5. They fit well in the long line of Vatican guests during this rotten papacy: Jeffrey Sachs, Bernie Sanders, Bono, George Clooney, James Martin, Rothchilds, the NBA ambassadors and various other celebrity degenerates, international banksters, Communist thugs, New World Order political hacks and population control maniacs. Whenever, God willing, this gang of perverts, swindlers and Marxist ideologues occupying the Eternal City departs or is driven off, all the Vatican grounds are going to have to be exorcised.

  6. Chelsea Clinton can speak on healthcare as authoritatively as Francis does on “climate change” or any one of the many other topics that preoccupy his mind.

  7. Couldn’t get more Left than this Conference. Do they think we won’t notice? Is this how we got vaccines started from aborted baby cells? Should have been paying more attention in past years…

  8. Vaccine I trust in thee! When Our Lady of Fatima addressed the children in 1917 Our Lady knew Jacinta and Francesco would soon die of the Coronavirus Spanish Flu. There is only one thing to fear, Hell.

  9. Once again, where are the bishops in the United States, and for that matter elsewhere, to oppose and condemn this travesty? The silence of the hirelings is deafening.

  10. Has anyone noticed that the first 10 comments about this “Vatican Health Conference” are ALL negative! What is going on in Rome? It’s really getting to be just a big joke! Nothing done, nothing accomplished, and rumors flying faster than Joe Biden’s memory!
    We need a leader!

  11. Even the “signature” artwork insults God, His Divinity and Holy Creation, but that the Vatican is associated with this Neo Tower of Babel sickens the body, depresses the mind and disorients the soul. Most certainly there is not any “health care” associated with these speakers. So, it is urgent that faithful Catholics raise their voices and witness to the innocent and ignorant that the spirit of the antiChrist threatens even the portals of Heaven. Please Father scatter the liars. Come Lord Jesus Christ and confound foolish and evil imbued women and men. Descend Holy Spirit and Inspire your loyal sons and daughters to counter with Truth, leaving no doubt that man cannot rectify what God does not recognize.

  12. What about all the nuns who staffed the hospitals for free long before Medicare and Medicaid ran up our federal deficit? Will any of their insight and sacrifice be included in this conference?

  13. Teaching Catholics how to be less Catholic….. Then all will receive Communion at the end of the conference…..

  14. Please do not give up on the Catholic Church. In today’s reading from Acts chapter 5:34-42 we are reminded that anything that comes from God will not be destroyed. Yes we will go through times of corruption and become disillusioned, but we are asked to stay faithful and trust in the Lord.

      • Abandon the Titanic. Seek ye the Lord while He may be found. Jesus came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is none righteous, no not one. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father except through Him. For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves; not of works lest any man should boast. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Folks, Jesus is the Answer! Flee to Him in these troubled and confusing times. He is coming soon for His children. Trust in the Lord within thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding; In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. God loves you… John 3:16!

  15. This is a sham and the Catholic Church is doing great harm to those who happen to believe it is the one true church. These speakers are abominable.

  16. All good Catholics need to hear Chelsea Clinton talk about pro-life being unconscionable. Give me a break. Maybe Francis hasn’t heard that the United States government is paying for body parts from aborted babies. When we stand up for life, it should be at all stages and in all arenas — especially in the Vatican. If not there, where?

  17. The ‘out of touch with what’s important’ attitude that permeates this papacy is mind-boggling! Where is the dedication to saving souls that Christ mandated to His disciples? I watched a show last night where a boy of 10 was actually taking care of himself as well as his emotionally dysfunctional mother. I commented to my husband that that scenario is sadly playing out exponentially in society today. It has certainly infected the Church – would the Apostles recognize many who call themselves Bishop today? The majority look more like sheep than shepherds. I pray every day for their wisdom, humility and courage in leading the Church and I remind myself that God’s plan will always triumph – thank God.

  18. My first reaction on reading this article was, “Huh?”. I thought I better hold off in case I’m missing something. I see I should have trusted my first instinct.
    What? No Madonna? No Cardi What’s-her-name?

  19. Chelsea Clinton is a strong supporter of abortion. Dr. Fauci is a lapsed catholic who identifies himself as a humanist. No wonder the Catholic church is losing menbers.

  20. This conference is one more reminder of the fact that it is nearly impossible to write satire these days. The Francis papacy as a prolonged SNL skit is not far-fetched.

  21. Chelsea Clinton is qualified to do exactly WHAT which would make her necessary as a speaker at the Vatican??? Being the daughter of a president may indeed get you into Ivory league Colleges, but still qualifies you as nothing special. It does seem like the Church is more worried about the opinion of the world than the souls of its flock.Why are churches in the US still semi-shut with no choirs singing, etc?? Maybe the Pope should ask Fauci when, IF EVER, we can drop the farce with the masks. Especially for those who have been vaccinated.Or is this just an attempt to de-humanize the entire population??

  22. I wonder if the Pope will invite the “feel good” giant rabbit at Biden’s secular Easter greeting as well. Or maybe he has a new special mascot for the event – Vati-Vacci the giant syringe.

    • I question the quality of the institutional leadership. They may have been ordained to minister the Holy Mysteries, but their competence to teach or lead is questionable.

  23. Is it possible that the Vatican is arranging this as a way of evangelical outreach to those who do not yet know Christ? Someone else previously noted Jesus was known to eat with sinners, and we are all sinners, correct?

    • I don’t think anyone is, in principle, opposed to hearing from non-Catholic experts on certain topics. But, as other folks have noted, Ms. Clinton not only has no demonstrated expertise in, well, anything, she is staunchly pro-abortion. Yes, Jesus ate with the sinners; it’s nowhere indicated, however, that he took directives or advise from said sinners, especially on matters of morality and anthropology.

    • This is not a tent revival.

      Just another move to determine who is important enough to spend health dollars on and who can be left to their own care

  24. The end is near if such travesty is operating at the Vatican. This corruption has been operable for years and is getting worse. It’s part of the demonic “Great Reset”. Pope Francis is either a naive puppet of the devil or the anti-Christ himself.Christ knows all. Jesus I trust in you.

    • Given the choice I would vote that he is a naive puppet of the devil, though this gives him too much credit. He is certainly NOT a candidate for the anti-Christ, who, though filled with lies and desecration, will be orders of magnitude smarter than Bergoglio, and much, much more seductive.

  25. Hopefully your editors did not learn their skills from the likes of the CEO’s of Facebook, Twitter, etc.. I agree, obscene language is not acceptable.

  26. Chelsea clinton??? What has she ever done to speak to an audience? Cindy Crawford??? She is so wealthy she sells her cosmetics on TV by subscription.
    Who ever picked some of these people? They should be fired. Wait…are our donations going towards paying these people?

  27. Pope Francis is a socialist whose main aim is for a one world government. Most of the people on this list do not seem to know much about health.

  28. What exactly does the Vatican think it is going to learn from Chelsea Clinton or Cindy Crawford about health? What nonsense. Where are they getting the money to pay for this. Talk about light weight speakers! Couldn’t they afford faithful serious speakers? Probably they tried to get some but the invitation was rejected. It seems no faithful serious Catholic with gravitas wants to speak at the Vatican these days. Instead of putting on this one pony show the Vatican would do better to deal with the heretic bishops of Germany if they want to attract top notch speakers on anything. I have been praying for the few good bishops and laity in Germany. They must be really suffering right now.

  29. This scathing reaction is worth reading in its entirety:

    Vatican Invites Abortion Advocate Chelsea Clinton To Talk About ‘Health’ And The ‘Soul’

    by Evita Duffy
    April 16, 2021


    The conference will take place May 6-8, and “will be moderated by renowned journalists, who will explore the role of religion, faith and spirituality, and the interplay of the mind, body, and soul – and, ultimately, search for areas of convergence between the humanities and the natural sciences.”

    The “renowned” journalists include Katie Couric, Richard Lui, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Amy Robach, Robin Roberts, and Meredith Vieira.

    “Together we will focus on advances in medical innovation and the creation of healthier communities and seek to catalyze new, interdisciplinary approaches and partnerships to improve health and wellbeing, as well as understand human uniqueness,” the Vatican said.

  30. The Vatican invites Satan’s helpers inside. Somehow I think Satan has been inside the Vatican for a while now. Do you think you will discuss abortions? Way more deaths to abortion than anything you can choose to discuss. I have recently left the church AGAIN after giving it another shot. My family included. I will find God elsewhere. He doesn’t reside in the Catholic Church anymore.

    • Mike. Christ’s Mystical Body from the Crucifixion on Golgotha to present day is Crucified. If Satan’s helpers obscure Christ’s presence you’ll find Him hidden in the Eucharist.

    • Mike, don’t leave Jesus because His followers are wicked. He warned us that the enemy would sew weeds amongst the wheat, that there would be hirelings who do not care for the sheep. Study Church history. There have always been wicked priests and bishops and popes. Saints from the early centuries have said the road to hell is paved with the skulls of priests and bishops but the Church is still standing because there are still saints. Satan keeps trying to destroy the Church and he does it from the inside. Jesus told us that the way to heaven is hard and narrow and few find it. If the traitors in the Church upset you remember that even Jesus had his Judas.

  31. My first reaction, I was very disturbed that such an assemblage was invited, my second was reason, that perhaps it was to save souls. Yet for many of those individuals, they have gleefully given their souls to Satan. How does one sway against such evil?

  32. Reading about this health conference is breaking my heart. The poster seems to denigrate God the father and the mystery of creation. The supernatural truths of our church and the sanctity of life are disappearing from the Mystical Body of Christ… I’m very very unhappy about this. The whole thing should be cancelled.
    As our Shepherds, the so-called leaders should know that the lay people are praying for them but we do not feel that we are being Well tended.
    Every follower of the one holy apostolic church should be PROTESTING clearly.

  33. I would imagine that the church wants to be more inclusive, which is fine with me. What if find more interesting is who was NOT invited to the conference, such as Catholic Hospital Directors from the USA who do not observe the Catholic Social Teachings, instead putting capitalism ahead of the health of their patients and, indeed, ahead of church teachings.

  34. Somehow I missed this epic event last year, but I needed a good laugh today, so thanks for running it again.

    Yuk Yuk

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