Revisiting Father Urban at 60
Father Urban turned 60 last year. Which is to say that 2022 brought the 60th anniversary of publication of J.F. Powers’ 1962 novel about a priest, Morte d’Urban. A year later, in 1963, the book […]
Father Urban turned 60 last year. Which is to say that 2022 brought the 60th anniversary of publication of J.F. Powers’ 1962 novel about a priest, Morte d’Urban. A year later, in 1963, the book […]
As a devoted admirer of Sigrid Unset, I look forward to learning more about her and the influences on her writing. In Sigrid Unset: Reader of Hearts, Fr Aidan Nichols, OP, sets the stage appropriately […]
Fictional portrayals of purgatory have a grand lineage. Dante climbed the seven-tiered mountain centuries ago, and Tolkien placed his character Niggle (in the short story “Leaf by Niggle”) in a sort of otherworldly hospital-cum-labor camp. […]
Maximilian Maria Kolbe has become a brilliant pillar and testament to Christian sacrifice in the decades following World War II. It was a war that dipped beyond the technological advances that contributed to all the […]
Father Robert Hugh Benson’s 1912 novel Come Rack! Come Rope! still speaks to us today. […]
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