Mapping the cosmologies of Sigrid Undset
As a devoted admirer of Sigrid Unset, I look forward to learning more about her and the influences on her writing. In Sigrid Unset: Reader of Hearts, Fr Aidan Nichols, OP, sets the stage appropriately […]
As a devoted admirer of Sigrid Unset, I look forward to learning more about her and the influences on her writing. In Sigrid Unset: Reader of Hearts, Fr Aidan Nichols, OP, sets the stage appropriately […]
Any student of history knows that the challenges of each generation are often complex, presenting the Christian with choices for which his simple formation may not have prepared him. Beyond the initial centuries after the […]
Roughly 10 years into his pontificate, John Paul II penned an apostolic letter, Mulieris Dignitatem (“On the Dignity and Vocation of Women”). The letter indicated not only that he took women and their call to […]
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