
Christmas and a World Upside-down

December 23, 2015 George Weigel 0

Biblical scholars generally agree that Luke’s Gospel was written at least a generation later than Paul’s first letter to the Christians at Corinth. Yet whatever the dating, and irrespective of scholarly disputes about whether “Luke,” […]


Belloc’s great gift

December 21, 2015 Russell Shaw 0

Chatting with a British bishop who’d said the famous Catholic writer  Hilaire Belloc sometimes came to his home when he was a child to visit his father, a friend, I asked the obvious question: What was […]

Special Report

Italy records sharp abortion decline

December 18, 2015 Vincenzina Santoro 0

“The phenomenon of decline continues.” With those words Italy’s Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin began her recent presentation before Parliament on the Annual Report for 2014 on abortion in Italy, as mandated by enabling Law […]