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Pope Francis at Sunday Angelus before Christmas: ‘No child is ever a mistake’

Pope Francis leads the Angelus prayer and gives an address from the chapel of Casa Santa Marta on Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024, at the Vatican. The pope delivered his marks indoors due to the intense cold, combined with cold symptoms that have manifested in recent days, the Holy See Press Office said. (Credit: Vatican Media)

Vatican City, Dec 22, 2024 / 11:20 am (CNA).

Pope Francis emphasized that “no child is ever a mistake” during his last Angelus address before Christmas Day.

“A child is a gift of life,” the Holy Father told crowds of pilgrims on Sunday via a video livestream. “Here, in St. Peter’s Square, there are mothers with their children, and perhaps there are some who are expecting a child.”

Keeping indoors in his Casa Santa Marta residence within the Vatican due to a cold, the pope urged his listeners to not remain indifferent to the presence of mothers and children.

Pope Francis leads the Angelus prayer and gives an address from the chapel of Casa Santa Marta on Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024, at the Vatican. The pope delivered his marks indoors due to the intense cold, combined with cold symptoms that have manifested in recent days, the Holy See Press Office said. Credit: Vatican Media
Pope Francis leads the Angelus prayer and gives an address from the chapel of Casa Santa Marta on Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024, at the Vatican. The pope delivered his marks indoors due to the intense cold, combined with cold symptoms that have manifested in recent days, the Holy See Press Office said. Credit: Vatican Media

“Let’s bless mothers and give praise to God for the miracle of life!” the pope said.

Marvelling at the beauty of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, the Holy Father asked his listeners to reflect on St. Luke’s Gospel account of the Annunciation and share in the joyful encounter of these two expectant mothers.

“Let’s pray in our heart and let us say, too, like Elizabeth: ‘Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.’” he said. “Let’s sing like Mary: ‘My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.’”

Visit with children from Santa Marta Pediatric Dispensary

Pope Francis shared with the crowds in St. Peter’s Square that he visited with a group of children and mothers to offer them his personal Christmas greetings.

“This morning, I had the joy of being with the children, with their mothers, who attend the Santa Marta Dispensary in the Vatican, run by the Vincentian Sisters,” he said.

Pope Francis visits a group of children and mothers from the Santa Marta Dispensary to offer them his personal Christmas greetings on Dec. 22, 2024. Credit: Vatican Media
Pope Francis visits a group of children and mothers from the Santa Marta Dispensary to offer them his personal Christmas greetings on Dec. 22, 2024. Credit: Vatican Media

“These children — there were many of them! — filled my heart with joy. I repeat: ‘No child is a mistake,’” he said.

Blessing of the Bambinelli

Continuing St. John Paul II’s Advent tradition of blessing statues of the child Jesus to be placed in Nativity scenes on Christmas Day, the Holy Father blessed his and pilgrims’ statues on Sunday, thanking them for their “simple but important gesture.”

“I will bless the ‘Bambinelli’: I have brought mine,” he said while glancing at a statue of the child Jesus given to him by the archbishop of Santa Fé and made by native Ecuadorian people.

Continuing St. John Paul II’s Advent tradition of blessing statues of the child Jesus to be placed in Nativity scenes on Christmas Day, Pope Francis blesses his and pilgrims’ statues on Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024. Credit: Vatican Media
Continuing St. John Paul II’s Advent tradition of blessing statues of the child Jesus to be placed in Nativity scenes on Christmas Day, Pope Francis blesses his and pilgrims’ statues on Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024. Credit: Vatican Media

“I heartily bless all of you, your parents, your grandparents, your families! And please, do not forget your grandparents! May no one remain alone during these days,” he added.

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  1. “These children — there were many of them! — filled my heart with joy. I repeat: ‘No child is a mistake,’” he said. These are the words of Pope Francis and they are words that have the potential of bearing truth. To be fully actualized, the Pope should now DO something about it. And here’s my suggestion which is only one of many.

    Let Francis say to all the bishops in every diocese of the world that each diocese should announce that any women in a crisis pregnancy can contact any diocese of the Catholic Church and, if they are considering an abortion, the diocese will provide medical assistance, housing if necessary, a job and adoption services if the woman feels that she is unable to care for her baby throughout its childhood.

    Francis should offer concrete services to women in crisis pregancies if he truly believes that no child is a mistake. Words mean nothing if not attached to specific acts. In that case they remain just words.

  2. Maybe the Pope can have a word with my mom who made it beyond clear that if she had her way I would’ve been aborted and reminds every day that I am a mistake. This might be the New Year’s Eve I finally end my own life. I am tired of knowing I should not exist.

    • Your value as a human being doesn’t depend on what other people say, think, or do. Maybe a better goal for the new year would be to get rid of the toxic people in your life and focus your efforts on being the best version of yourself possible. Living well is the best revenge.

    • Jane, never think that. Your Mom sounds like an emotionally disturbed person and you cannot take your sense of self from someone like that. No matter that she is your mother. There are numbers of people who are too damaged to be fit parents. You are of value to God, and to others you may not even yet know. We can never know what it is that God has in store for us. Your purpose may not yet have been revealed to you.

      I was totally devastated when I couldnt have children.The sadness went on for years. But thanks to God, I now have two sons who are now grown men. My husband and I adopted them both.God bless their birth mothers. Two children were never more wanted and I cannot express how very lucky were were to be able to adopt them. Better than hitting a huge lotto prize. Better than anything that had ever happened to us. Every life is here to impact others for a purpose God designates. My youngest is now a paramedic who has saved lives in the course of his job. That is making a difference with your life.

      My husband died young and unexpectedly, and it was a heartbreak for us. I mostly raised my sons alone. It was not how I pictured my life was going to be and it was a struggle for a long time. We hit many bumps in the road along the way. Fast forward 20 years. My boys are men. I am happy and have friends and activities that , at my lowest point after my husband’s death , I could not have imagined.

      Every day gives us a change at a new beginning. Every day is a fresh start. Imagine your future and grab it with both hands. It may take some time but you CAN get there. Please try. Because it’s likely that God plans for you to have a positive impact on others. “How” may not even be evident at this moment. You may be making a difference right now and not know it. Only God can see the whole picture. Our job is to keep trying.

      It may be helpful for you to talk to a professional about how you feel. They can give you techniques for handling your relationship with your mother, and help you find your own strong sense of self. Fight for who you want to be. Dont let anyone else paint your own picture.

      Remember what they say in the movie,” Its a Wonderful Life”?——- “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”

      Stay around and discover who God wants you to be. I will pray for you. Don’t give up. Find a new path. Lean on God, who always loves you.

    • Please don’t give up in finding the self-esteem God wants for you. Everyone here at CWR among readers and commenters and editors will pray for you.
      My own story includes a sadly ignorant father who told me similar things, and rather than encourage me, always told me I’d fail at everything. Well, I acquired four degrees and accomplished much in my field. I was also a successful athlete in my youth. But it did take a long time to have a positive self-image, which only came about after overcoming my atheism. Never lose sight of the fact that God loves you as if you were the only one He ever created.
      The greatest souls who ever lived became close to God and many had to overcome backgrounds of tragic hardship. You have my prayers.

    • Please pray for your mother. That you are reading this site shows that you can actually be an example to her and others. We are all praying for you. As many have pointed out here, you are of value to God and will be of value to others in need of one kind of another, even in need of a kind word or a smile or a question of how they are doing. Again, you are of value to God and to your fellow men and women.

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