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Extra, extra! News and views for May 24, 2023

Here are some articles, essays, and editorials that caught our attention this past week or so.*

Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, right, now Pope Francis, is pictured traveling by subway in Buenos Aires in 2008.(CNS photo/Diego Fernandez Otero, Clarin handout via Reuters)

See You Soon – “Before Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio boarded a flight from Buenos Aires to Rome in February 2013, he told the rector of his cathedral: ‘Nos vemos a la vuelta” — ‘see you around the corner.'” Why Pope Francis never went home again (The Pillar)

Italy’s Subjective Newspapers – “Scandals involving the Holy See, even ones that are decades old and unsolved, continue to intrigue readers.” View from Rome: Italian press aims to inform, but loves tabloid-style Vatican scandals (Get Religion)

The Scientific Method – “Contrary perhaps to media portrayals of science, the scientific method depends not on the existence of a mythical consensus but rather on structured scientific debates.” (The Illusion of Consensus)

No Downside – “Famed evangelical minister Timothy Keller died Friday morning after a battle with pancreatic cancer, a tweet from his account announced on Twitter. He was 72.” Timothy Keller, the famous evangelical minister, has died at 72 (CNN)

Trudeau and Meloni – “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to lecture her about her country’s LGBTQ record.” Trudeau lectures Italy’s Meloni on her opposition to gender-ideology (True North)

Nuclear Waste Official – “Samuel Brinton, a former Biden administration official who was fired last year after being charged with grand larceny for attempting to steal luggage from an airport, was arrested this week as a “fugitive from justice,” according to a new report.” Non-Binary Former Biden Admin Official Arrested as ‘Fugitive from Justice’ (National Review)

Fired for Speaking – “ADF attorneys represent Kathy McCord after South Madison Community School Corporation fired her for speaking about the school district’s controversial policy.” Indiana school counselor fired for speaking about gender identity policy (Alliance Defending Freedom)

The Trans Movement – “The normalization of transgenderism leads inevitably to the normalization of other sexual disorders.” The Trans Mind-Virus Is Mutating (The American Conservative)

No Genetic Basis – “The available research does not support the claim that same-sex attraction has an immutable genetic origin.” The ‘Born Gay’ Myth: When Ideology Masquerades as Science (National Catholic Register)

Let It Be Done – “There are some theologians who argue that Mary’s fiat could not have been genuine since she, a young girl who knew very little about the world, would have been afraid of rejecting God’s invitation.”  Was Mary’s Fiat an Act of Freedom? (Catholic Exchange)

Steady Decline – “Germany’s Catholic Church will be forced to give up a third of its properties in the face of dwindling membership and revenue, according to a new report . . . ” New Report Says Germany’s Catholic Church Faces Major Decline In Membership, Revenue (Our Sunday Visitor)

Control over Society – “A bill intended to raise big tech’s responsibility to avoid the dissemination of disinformation has sparked a heated debate in Brazil.” ‘Fake News’ bill sparks debate, divides Brazil’s Catholics (Crux)

(*The posting of any particular news item or essay is not an endorsement of the content and perspective of said news item or essay.)

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  1. “…the rights of 2SLGBTQI+ people,”

    How many more letters & numbers can we expect to be added in the future? (What is “2S”?)

    • From an official publication of the Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada (Date modified: 2022-08-28):

      2SLGBTQI+ terminology – Glossary and common acronyms:

      2SLGBTQI+ terminology is continuously evolving. As a result, it is important to note that this list is not exhaustive and these definitions are a starting point to understanding 2SLGBTQI+ identities and issues. Different 2SLGBTQI+ individuals and communities may have broader or more specific understandings of these terms.

      Common acronyms used within the Government of Canada

      It is the acronym used by the Government of Canada to refer to the Canadian community. 2S: at the front, recognizes Two-Spirit people as the first 2SLGBTQI+ communities; L: Lesbian; G: Gay; B: Bisexual; T: Transgender; Q: Queer; I: Intersex, considers sex characteristics beyond sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression; +: is inclusive of people who identify as part of sexual and gender diverse communities, who use additional terminologies.


      (also Two Spirit or Two-Spirited). An English term used to broadly capture concepts traditional to many Indigenous cultures. It is a culturally-specific identity used by some Indigenous people to indicate a person whose gender identity, spiritual identity and/or sexual orientation comprises both male and female spirits.

  2. @ Trudeau and Meloni
    Justin Trudeau has the gall to believe he’s the great liberator designated to free Mankind from natural law, biological identity, the fist principle of justice the right to life, to wit sanity itself. Italy is blessed to have Giorgia Meloni.
    Surprisingly, Italian media castigated Trudeau, perhaps a national thing nevertheless a good sign of possible change in Italy’s liberal media.

  3. @ Steady Decline
    Bismarck’s Kulturkampf realized a century later, although he wouldn’t be pleased with the underlying amoral cultural changes. Georg Bätzing of Limburg had been deeply shaken?
    Bismarck was determined to integrate Catholicism within the State and under authorization of the State. Roman Pontiff Pius IX was his adversary, Bismarck similar to today’s China perceived Pius as antithetical to Prussian hegemony in Germany. Although the Catholic Church in Germany recently has not had a traditional relationship with Rome, Pope Francis making faint efforts to intervene in Church affairs.
    The German Church, the remains chaired by Bishop Georg Bätzing’s Synodaler Weg, is on the way to extinction. This may turn out to be a blessing. Remaining traditional Catholic Bishops Voderholzer, Woelki and others could integrate forming a new executive hierarchy free of heterodoxy as well as the highly objectionable German State tax. That ancient tax was made voluntary by I believe Angela Merkel for the Christian German churches.

  4. @No Genetic Basis,
    In 2012 Jenifer Roback Morse testified powerfully before the Washington State Legislature as it advanced its bill to legalize gay “marriage.” The bill passed and some two dozen states then fell in line like dominoes, before the U.S. Supreme Court itself mouthed the same results in the contrived Obergefell v. Hodges ruling in 2015.

    Butt, yours truly also witnessed a key speaker testifying opposite Morse—even the public hearing was binary!–in favor of the proposed gay “marriage” bill. Here was a quite handsome young man in white shirt and tie and whose parents divorced when he was twelve. Having been shaped by his father’s absence, he had recently met his father after probably a decade—and for whom he now discovered that he had a deep attachment. He testified that he would like to find an older man like his father to intimately share the rest of his life! How loverly and maturing, or whatever!

    And much of the packed house and the bobble-head legislators nodded in compassionate sympathy. As did the public when the bill was subject to initiative override. (By this time, framed by scripted politics and rhetoric as a “civil rights” add-on, rather than by natural law as in Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” )

    I draw this anecdote from my book “A Generation Abandoned” (Hamilton Books, 2017) for which this CWR 2018 author interview:

    Another link to the genome research (2019) referenced by Morse can be found here: From which:

    “The study – the largest of its kind – analyzed survey responses and performed analyses known as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on data from more than 470,000 people who had given DNA samples and lifestyle information to the UK Biobank and to the U.S. genetics testing company 23andMeInc. Asked why they had wanted to conduct such research, the team told reporters on a teleconference that previous studies on this topic had mostly been too small to offer robust conclusions. ‘Previous studies were small and underpowered,’ [researcher] Ganna said. ‘So we decided to form a large international consortium and collected data for (almost) 500,000 people, (which) is approximately 100 times bigger than previous studies on this topic.'”

  5. 2SLGBTQI+ – what does it mean?

    To understand it may I make this suggestion – Think of it in terms of the Richter scale, IOW every additional letter or number means the whole concept becomes 10 times more absurd.

    I hope this helps.

  6. Fiat! “Let it be Done”
    Below are quotes from “Luisa Piccarretta and the Divine Will- Teachings of Jesus” by Susanne James, published 2020. Jesus explains Mary’s Fiat, and Jesus offers Luisa a Fiat of her own. Catholic Mystic Luisa lived on nothing but the Eucharist for 60 years and had the hidden stigmata. Wow! What a book! Quotes below.

    “Jesus told Luisa, “My daughter it is true: in my Will resides the Creative Power. From within a single FIAT billions of stars emerged. From the Fiat mihi of my Mother, from which my Redemption originated, emerged billions and billions of acts of Grace which are communicated to souls.” (1921)

    “Jesus explains how he wishes to release the third Fiat – The Decree of Sanctification: “My child, the first Fiat was uttered in Creation, without the participation of any person. I chose my Mother for the accomplishment of the Second Fiat. This Fiat will complete the glory and the honour of the Fiat of Creation, and it represents the full fruition of the Fiat of Redemption. (1921)”

    The Third Fiat, the Decree of Sanctification was to commence with the YES, the Fiat of Lusia. She was the first person to be invited to live in the Divine Will. This was a momentous occasion in history. Lusia said Yes, and this was the Fiat – Let it be done! (Like Mary’s Let it be done to me)

    “We cannot say that we have finished the work of Creation, if our Will as it was decreed by us, does not act in people and exist with the same freedom, holiness, and power that exists in us. Moreover, this is the most beautiful, brightest and supreme movement. It is the seal of fulfillment of the work of Creation and Redemption. These are Divine Decrees and must have their complete fulfillment. And in order to accomplish this Decree, we want to utilize another woman, who is you..”(1923)

    “Now the Lord’s Prayer was heading for fulfillment: God’s Will done on earth as it is in Heaven.” “Jesus explained. These three Fiats will reflect the Sacrosanct Trinity on earth, and then I will have the Fiat voluntas tua (Thy Will be done) on earth as it is in Heaven.

    These three Fiats will be inseparable. One shall be the life of the other, they shall be One and Three, yet different from each other. My Love so desires it, and my glory demands it. Having sent forth from the bosom of my Creative Power the first two Fiats, I wish to emit the Third Fiat, since I cannot contain my Love any longer. This will complete the work that poured forth from Me. Otherwise the work of Creation as well as Redemption would remain incomplete”

    “Jesus told Luisa: “That is why I want to purify the earth, because as it is now – the earth is unworthy of such a wonder of sanctity.”
    (End quotes from Susanne James book)

    Catholics living in the ‘Divine Will’, aka ‘Living Hosts’, will be a serious upgrade, by Jesus, to the Eucharist. Catholic Mystic Luisa Piccarretta and St. Faustina were early 1900s Prototypes of Catholics living in the ‘Divine Will’, added to the short list of people who lived in the ‘Divine Will’ of the past: Adam, Eve, Mary and Jesus. Upon the Coming of Messianic Reign, all Catholics will live in the ‘Divine Will’.

    Divine Mercy in My Soul, 955: Today I heard these words in my soul: Host pleasing to My Father, know, My daughter, that the entire Holy Trinity finds Its special delight in you, because you live exclusively by the will of God. No sacrifice can compare with this.

    Divine Mercy in My Soul, 923
    I delight in you as in a living host; let nothing terrify you; I am with you.

    There will be no temple in Jesus’ Kingdom Come on earth, the ‘New Jerusalem’, because Jesus will enter His Presence on earth into the whole Body of His Catholic Church. Christ’s New Jerusalem will be like, open country, with Jesus, Second Coming, to Reside within the whole Body of the Catholic Church, as it was in the pre-fall Garden of Eden. Jesus refers to St. Faustina as a ‘living host’, the delight of the Holy Trinity. God will have His ‘Holy City’, ‘Holy Nation’, ‘Royal Priesthood’, by Residing His Presence on earth, in the Body of His, State of Grace, Catholic Church.

    Adam, Eve, Mary, Jesus, Catholic Mystic Luisa Piccarretta, and the way it looks, St. Faustina, all lived in the ‘Divine Will’ of God. Jesus’ love is anxious to bring His whole Catholic Church back into the Divine Will, to repair Creation to its pre-fall of man original state, as God Wills it to be.

    According to Jesus, through Catholic mystic Luisa Piccarretta, who lived in the ‘Divine Will’ with the Holy Trinity, there are three ‘Fiats’ of God’s Church, Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification. It is our present impending Sanctification of mankind, which allows Christ’s Church back into living in God’s Divine Will on free-willed earth. Once God’s Third Fiat of Sanctification is accomplished on earth, we will live in ‘Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven’.

    Matthew 13:36
    The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. Just as weeds are collected and burned (up) with fire, so will it be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will collect out of his kingdom all who cause others to sin and all evildoers. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.

    Jesus is Getting Married!

    Reentering the Garden of Eden upon Jesus’ Kingdom Come

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  1. Extra, extra! News and views for May 24, 2023 – Via Nova

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