Section 365A of Sri Lanka’s Penal Code criminalises “any act of gross indecency” between persons. One would have imagined that it would be a grave and substantial challenge for a reasonable person to justify that acts of gross indecency and carnal intercourse against the order of nature, should be declared human rights, and be sanctioned, endorsed and celebrated.
On 21st February 2022, the notorious CEDAW committee of the UN, a battery of unelected radical feminists who issue recommendations to governments of the developing world as if they had the authority to mandate, decided that the sovereign nation of Sri Lanka should repeal 365A and endorse and encourage lesbianism together with other ingredients in the alphabet soup. They even decreed inter alia that the government should provide training to the nation’s law enforcement agencies regarding the normalisation of homosexual activity inclusive of bisexualism, even tagging transgenderism into the melée.
On 24th August 2022, MP Premanath Dolawatta submitted a private member’s bill to parliament seeking to amend the penal code in order to legalise sodomy among youth who have reached their 16th birthday, and adults, as long as it was consensual, and between humans. A concession was provided that the provision on bestiality will remain unchanged, although the reasoning for justifiying homosexuality can be likewise applied to justify bestiality.
It was deemed that Sri Lankans have “an extremely backward notion” regarding deviant sexual behaviour—id est it is queer not to be queer. “Modern psychiatry” was said not consider sodomy to be perverted, and that the perversity of sodomy was a Victorian and colonial remnant—perhaps expecting that the populace will acquiesce to institutionalisation of queerness since they no longer desire empire. While it was activism rather than integrity that removed ego-syntonic homosexuality from the manual of mental disorders, and the mental health of the perpetrator does not determine the perversity of the act, irrelevant arguments and unsound reasoning cloak the reality that these attempts at transmogrification of Sri Lankan culture is in fact subordination to neocolonialism.
US President Biden has stated that LGBT “rights” are core to US foreign policy, and the US is the largest donor to the United Nations. Freshly returned from Davos, the president of bankrupt Sri Lanka which is on its knees before the IMF, stated that the Government will not oppose the Dolawatta bill.
The national report obsequiously submitted in late 2022 for review by the United Nations’ Human Rights Council’s Working Group during its 42nd session held in Geneva, indicated the Sri Lankan government’s keen desire to conform to the LGBTIQ+ ideologies, even mentioning the prevalence of a legal gender recognition certificate that could be obtained in 3-5 days by “transgender” persons.
When men obtain this legal certification that they are, for example, women, they could with impunity enter female washrooms and shower cubicles—and compete against real women in sports. Anyone who objects, let alone resists this insanity will be accused and perhaps penalised for harassment, discrimination and all else that is whined about.
The Working Group of UN bureaucrats, some from the wealthy countries and others from Latvia, Costa Rica, Czechia and Uruguay, issued a report on February 1st resolving that the sovereign nation of Sri Lanka should repeal section 365 and 365A, and normalize not only LGB and T but also I, Q, and the even more vague “+”, that encompasses all conceivable “genders”, “gender identities” and sexual orientations—including paedophilia. The representative from Chile required Sri Lanka to ensure the legal prevention of persons with homosexual inclinations from seeking and receiving rehabilitation or therapy, thus providing clarity to their objectives which is not the wellbeing of individuals struggling with unnatural desires, but the propagation of a culture of vice.
The directives from the UN HRC, if pursued, would logically lead to the position where it would be illegal for a kleptomaniac to seek remedy, and illegal for a therapist to provide treatment to cure his disordered propensities—and our government would repeal the penal codes concerning theft because the apparatchiks of a supranational organization seeking global government mandates it.
The Fifth Column
Activists such as Ambika Satkunanathan state that “progressive” values associated unnatural and obscene acts related to sodomy and gender dysphoria being put into the educational curriculum of the state’s children would be a high priority, and indicated that textbooks could be changed even prior to the sanctioning of grossly indecent carnal acts by law. She also stated honestly that the legislative proposal at hand is merely a “small step” in the journey into establishing in this nation what would be a polychromatic dystopia: “While decriminalising homosexuality would be a notable advancement in terms of state recognition of the gay and lesbian community, it is still a small step in the long-drawn road to equality.”
While it will be commendable to treat each human being with respect and dignity since they are human beings, it does not imply that all human acts, lifestyles, and lusts need likewise to be respected, since there is a distinction to be made between the sinner and the sin. Those inflicted with tuberculosis need to be loved and protected, and not made afraid or harassed, but this does not require the national repeal of the BCG.
A petition was filed in April 2023 for the sake of protecting decency by Jehan Hameed, Shenali Waduge and Athula De Silva, pointing out the unconstitutionality of the proposed bill of MP Dolawatte, stressing on the scandalisation of the nation’s children when their elders betray them, and the escalation of sexually transmitted disease especially involving viruses received anally from one man who passes it on anally to another.
A flurry of intervening petitions was subsequently submitted in support of decriminalizing acts of gross indecency, many petitioners being ex-officio radicals already long in the tooth. Some of the persons who support the promotion of homosexuality ironically are associated with Saving Children, Child Protection and Child Rights. Less surprisingly, others are passionate promoters of abortion and have decades of experience in lobbying for the abortion of Sri Lanka’s children, often in association with foreign-funded NGOs.
The local arm of the global abortion business International Planned Parenthood Association, namely the SL Family Planning Association which for years have inter alia been corrupting the nations’ youth, subtly encouraging promiscuity with the promise of the availability of abortifacient drugs and devices to flush out the consequences, is another an intervening petitioner. HIV services are also in the fray, since without homosexuality, HIV services will cease to be required.
(Editor’s note: This essay was posted originally on the author’s “Dr Eshan Is Curious” Substack in slightly different form, and is reposted here with kind permission of the author.)
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Nothing less than Ideological Imperialism by the same people who hate European culture and history because of colonialism. They know that enough money will turn the hearts and minds of politicians to sell out their own people. We can thank the United Nations for yet more betrayal and destruction.
We read: “US President Biden has stated that LGBT ‘rights’ are core to US foreign policy, and the US is the largest donor to the United Nations.”
The bill sounds very complicated! Perhaps a well-lubricated Biden can clear things up by proposing that the bill’s sponsors publicly demonstrate in front of the Sri Lanka Parliament what they have in mind, or in hand, or whatever?
With U.S. financial support, the demonstration could include close family members, plus monkeys and horses and mongrel dogs, and even a smiling and functional effigy of the bankrolling President Biden himself. The party animal Biden-clone could lip sync (or whatever) the Democratic Party’s President Truman of a more sober era: “the buck stops here!”
The United Nations….talk of the devil!
Neo-imperialism wears rainbow drag.
Never good at acronyms, I’m quick at losing track of stuff like LGBTQI+. Googled it and it’s closing in on universal depravity, which may well include bestiality, perhaps the unimaginable worse. What remains is dread. Nightmarish visions of Hell reigning on Earth. Sodom and Gomorrah has been surpassed. Far and away. And if we look at what happened to them, what will it be today?
Pushing the vile corruption of Mankind are international corporations, related services, and presidents, Biden fulfilling his vow to surpass all his predecessors in cultural revolution. What’s no longer worrying about this is his good rapport with the Vatican, which seems to be engineering its own, slower shot at debasement. That prospect was in the making with the neutralizing of permanent moral principles in Amoris Laetitia.
What’s happening to God’s creation, his beautiful children? Where went Gothic cathedrals and Gregorian chant, the Renaissance, great music and literature, the saints? The martyrs. Are the remains of this day left to us? Christ leaves us no real choice but one. We’re assured he’ll be with us. If the depraved win the battle in the end Christus Vincit.
> HIV services are also in the fray, since without homosexuality,
> HIV services will cease to be required.
This is, plainly and simply, untrue, and so the author shews himself either sloppy or a liar—my wish is that it were the second.
Maxwell, you show yourself either to be ignorant or foolish, and my wish it is the former. Your epithet hold no meat, and it is a mere epithet.
Let me explain. HIV spreads by reason of homosexual activity. There is miniscule contribution from blood transfusion and the materno-foetal connection.
Not only HIV but all STD spread precisely because it is taken from one and given to the other. So if such behaviour did not take place, the STDs would not spread. If no proliferation of HIV, what purpose would HIV services serve.
HIV is spread through normal, heterosexual relations also. Especially in places like Africa & it hasn’t been miniscule but has caused much death & suffering.
My initial comment is rather dark. Realistically so. For example, if we were to have a new pontiff with intent to restore what’s been damaged, the intent of those who’ve promoted this new paradigm may have met their goal of irreversibility. Furthermore, an apostasy is already underway throughout Christianity. Our world predominantly secularized.
Unless there’s a miraculous intervention other than the parousia. In either event what is most relevant for the remaining faithful is the fulfillment of the common priesthood we all share, priest and laity, deacon and bishop when baptized. While it’s true the Catholic priest is specifically called by ordination to fulfill what the Apostle Paul describes as completing, in his own body what’s lacking in the suffering of Christ. Nonetheless, that also refers to the mission of us all who share priesthood, to participate with the suffering Christ in the work of conversion, and salvation of others who are within, and without the Church. Consequently, in that we, as members within his Mystical Body in the World, also inherit that mission when baptized in Christ.
If events were to transpire in which the chaos of evil predominates, and may seem unbearable, rather than be depressed and withdrawn, this Christlike mission provides us all, with a glorious raison d’etre in the midst of darkness.