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Visa CEO remains on Catholic board amid controversy

Alfred Kelly is mired in the legal scandals of Mindgeek, a Canadian porn merchant, and is one of the poster boys for the Vatican-endorsed organization Council for Inclusive Capitalism.

Visa CEO Alfred Kelly serves as board member on several Catholic councils including the Vatican Council for Inclusive Capitalism steering committee. (Image: Screenshot/Facebook)

A New York Catholic corporate titan who is mired in the legal scandals of a Canadian porn merchant turns out to also be one of the poster boys for the Vatican’s latest social justice adventure.

Alfred Kelly is the CEO of Visa, making him more than just your everyday card-carrying Irish Catholic. Getting to the C-suite by way of a private Catholic university education, he has served for a decade on the Finance Council of the New York archdiocese. He chaired the 2015 Papal Visit Committee of the archdiocese after being invited “over a beer” by no less an eminence than Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

He’s a board member of Mother Cabrini Health Foundation. He’s a trustee of Boston College. Get the picture?

Zoom out. There he is front and centre on the steering committee of the Vatican-endorsed organization Council for Inclusive Capitalism, even as his charge card company fights a lawsuit resulting from its profitable business dealings with Montreal-based porn purveyor Mindgeek. The 25-member Steering Committee is an august group that, in addition to Kelly, includes the CEOs of Bank of America, Dupont, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, BP, Merck, Bayer AG, Motorola and Salesforce.

Established in its current iteration in 2020 by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the Vatican’s “capitalism with a human face” council seeks to move “the private sector to create a more inclusive, sustainable and trusted economic system.” Early marketing of the council suggested that its creation responded to Pope Francis’ call to apply the principles of morality to the business and finance sector.

Trusted economics? Business morality? Well, the Catholic news website The Pillar published an article in late August 2022 on a lawsuit called Fleites v. Mindgeek. Mindgeek, with its head office on Montreal’s Decarie Boulevard, owns and operates numerous pornographic websites such as Pornhub, RedTube and YouPorn. Fleites is Serena Fleites, a young woman who, at 14, sent a sex video to a boy she had a crush on. The boy shared the video. Someone uploaded it to Pornhub. Like a line of dominos, Serena’s life click-clacked through to despair and alienation.

In 2021, the Fleites v. Mindgeek lawsuit was filed. Kelly’s Visa corporation was named as a co-defendant. In May 2022, Visa moved to be removed from the suit. But on July 29, Judge Cormac Carney, of the District Court of California, rejected the request. Why? Because, Carney noted, Visa made a conscious corporate decision to make money from child porn. In fact, Mindgeek wouldn’t have made money — or at least not as much — without Visa being there to grease the wheels with credit card transactions.

“It is simple,” Judge Carney wrote. “Visa made the decision to continue to recognize Mindgeek as a merchant despite its alleged knowledge that Mindgeek monetized child porn. Mindgeek made the decision to continue monetizing child porn, and there are enough facts pled to suggest that the latter decision depended on the former.”

By alleged, The Pillar reports, Carney meant a slew of communications — some sent directly to Kelly — pleading with Visa to do the moral thing and get out of the Mindgeek game, at least as far as child porn went. Among the Visa-critical voices was Bill Ackman, CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management. The day after Carney’s refusal to let Kelly and company out of the Fleites-Mindgeek suit, Ackman laid out the ramifications in a Twitter thread. He chided Kelly for speaking of Visa’s “noble purpose” when Visa made the decision to facilitate the reintroduction of illegal content to the Internet by allowing the purchase of ads and premium subscriptions on Mindgeek’s websites.

Visa is incorporated in the state of Delaware, where “directors can be held personally liable if the company’s product or service causes harm and the board has provided inadequate oversight to monitor the potential for harm.” Ackman, for one, thinks the harm is “enormous.”

Kelly was appointed as CEO of Visa in 2016 and subsequently elected to serve as Chair of the Board in April 2019. So if there is harm, as Ackman and the lawyers for Serena Fleites believe, it is impossible to see how he can evade responsibility.

For Catholics, the question becomes what responsibility the Vatican bears for allowing Kelly to remain on its “morally improved capitalism” council with his corporate feet so deep in the Mindgeek muck. Visa is a corporation that has been vocal about its adherence to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards. It burnishes its claims with its connection to the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, yet at the same time has been found by a judge to be potentially corporately liable for entanglement in the monetization of child pornography, and therefore child exploitation and trafficking.

The council website features a photo of Pope Francis standing alongside, among others, Mark Carney, Edward Breen, CEO of Dupont, and Hiro Mizuno, the UN’s Special Envoy on Innovative Finance and Sustainable Investments. The website also has well-placed inspirational quotes from Pope Francis such as “An Inclusive Capitalism that leaves no one behind, that discards none of our brothers and sisters, is a noble aspiration, worthy of our best efforts.”

The council invites businesses to “join them” in signing up to “actionable commitments aligned with the World Economic Forum International Business Council’s Pillars for sustainable value creation — People, Planet, Principles of Governance, and Prosperity — and that advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”

The language signifies a wholesale endorsement of ESG standards. De Rothschild has purposely moved her movement for inclusive capitalism into the corridors of the Vatican with the understanding that Pope Francis’ imprimatur grants a moral authority to the objectives and actions of the participating corporations.

In like fashion, Visa claims that economies, “that include everyone, uplift everyone everywhere.” But how does including Mindgeek as a merchant with access to Visa’s lucrative services uplift vulnerable children?

Will the Vatican or the communications team at the Council for Inclusive Capitalism publicly acknowledge that there is a problem with a company whose CEO sits on the steering committee of the council? Will a statement be issued denouncing pornography and the evil exploitation and trafficking of children implicit in the manufacture and distribution of child pornography?

For Kelly there is a grim irony. Had he remained at American Express, where he worked for 23 years, he would be far removed from his troubles at Visa. American Express, according to Ackman, “does not do porn.”

(Editor’s note: This article was posted originally at The Catholic Register in slightly different form on September 8, 2022, and is reposted here by kind permission of The Catholic Register and the author.)

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About Anna Farrow 6 Articles
Anna Farrow is a Montreal-based writer and columnist for The Catholic Register.


  1. As I’ve mentioned ‘ad nauseam’,this papacy and this Pope are and have been dangerously overexposed. Francis needs to say less and quit getting involved in all sorts of ventures that sully the good name of Christ and Christ’s Church.

    • Pope Francis is a reminder of Belloc’s comment on the Divine Charter of the Church:

      “Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine – but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight”

  2. We need to avoid the temptation to look away from these repeated abominations being perpetrated at the highest levels of our Church.

    This one is a veritable microcosm of the entire Bergoglian papacy.

    Money. Power. Depravity. Corruption.

    Thank you again, Ms. Farrow and CWR, for shining light into our Church’s dark places so we can watch the vermin scurry.

    Deus misereatur nostri.

    • VISA was supporting the same sort of things through their sponsoring/donations & they turned up as a significant investment holding in supposedly Christian friendly mutual funds.
      It’s frustrating because at the end of the day pretty much everything we deal with in the business world has some sort of taint. I suppose we can attempt to avoid the worst of it completely & lessen our dealings with the rest as far as possible.

  3. Thank you, Anna Farrow and CWR for reporting this.

    Sexual abuse of young people and children have, I suppose, always been present in society to some extent, although I can’t help but think that its presence in contemporary society in pandemic proportions was the result of the ubiquitous use of artificial contraception, which reduced sexual activity to merely a gratification of bodily desire, disconnecting it from reality: it is also the means by which new, innocent human beings are brought into this world.

    Sex became recreation only in the minds of many who forget that it is also about re-creation, the propagation of the human race. Keeping that fact in mind enables one to understand why it was traditionally reserved to a man and a woman willing to partner in raising any new, innocent human beings it brought forth, i.e., reserved to a married man and woman.

    This disconnection from reality led to the dehumanization of the child in the womb who became an unintended mistake to be erased instead of the natural and to be expected result of sexual activity between males and females. This disconnect then led to the “legal” murder of millions of innocent babies.

    Fundamental errors in a complex system cascade into more and more errors:

    A society that hardens itself to the plight of millions of babies being viciously dismembered will quickly become hardened to the plight of children being sexually abused and exploited for profit. After tolerating the mass murder of children, why not?

    Next we will be tolerating the completely unjustified harassment or even the sudden disappearence of our outspoken politically incorrect neighbors. After getting used to the murder and sexual exploitation of children, why not? If we have lost respect for the human dignity of children we certainly won’t have any for our neighbors.

    Uncorrected fundamental errors in a complex system ultimately lead to its total destruction. Society is such a system.

    There is a God and He does have a plan for human sexuality. America was, according to it founding document, established in accordance with “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” We either return to our founding principles or bequeath “Hell on earth” to our children.

  4. Ah, yes.
    Show me a man’s friends and I will know all I need to know about him…or something like that.
    The Vatican knows all this stuff…of course.

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