The Dispatch

Why did Jesus bother to be baptized?

January 11, 2020 Carl E. Olson 6

Readings: • Isa. 42:1-4, 6-7 • Psa. 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 • Acts 10:34-38 • Matt. 3:13-17 Growing up in a small Fundamentalist Bible chapel, I didn’t hear much about what baptism could or should […]


Seek the light of Christ—today!

January 4, 2020 Fr. Charles Fox 3

When life’s tragedies strike, people’s hearts can ache with the question: “Where was God when we needed him?” Variations on this question, infused with a heavy dose of accusation, sometimes come from the lips of […]

The Dispatch

Whose republic? Which “liberalism”?

June 19, 2019 George Weigel 2

Extra credit question: Name the author of this admonition about the insecure cultural foundations and potentially perilous future of the American republic — “Seeds of dissolution were already present in the ancient heritage as it reached […]