Ecclesia et Civitas

Thoughts and Questions about Immigration

October 14, 2015 James Kalb 0

International migration occurs in varied settings and raises a variety of issues, so much so that sorting them out would be difficult even if some of them weren’t so inflammatory. The issues are basic as […]

Ecclesia et Civitas

Public Order, Identity, and the Church

September 4, 2015 James Kalb 0

The age of Jenner, Obergefell, and #BlackLivesMatter puts issues of identity at the center of public life. As Catholics and citizens we need to understand what that means. Personal identity orients us in the world. […]

Ecclesia et Civitas

Empire and its Discontents

August 4, 2015 James Kalb 0

Many people believe that ever more comprehensive global governance is needed for the well-being and even survival of humanity. During the Soviet/American Cold War such concerns mostly had to do with the threat of nuclear […]