
The Conundrum of Progressivism

September 30, 2018 James Kalb 8

Progressivism, the view that modern political tendencies should continually be extended, has deep roots. Its beginnings are closely connected to the rise of modern natural science, which rejects the contemplative ideal of knowledge in favor […]


Political Life and the Church

September 26, 2018 James Kalb 4

The relation between the Church and political life depends on her position in society generally. In the best situation, Catholicism would be generally recognized as a guide to action and belief, and that situation would […]


The ABC of Liberal Failure

July 1, 2018 James Kalb 6

Patrick J. Deneen’s much-discussed book rightly points out that liberalism comes down to an individualism and subjectivism that divorce us from nature and make each of […]