Vatican City, Sep 28, 2024 / 12:45 pm (CNA).
A “crisis of faith” in the West requires a return to the Gospel, Pope Francis told Belgian bishops on Saturday morning at the National Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Brussels.
Addressing more than 2,500 priests, deacons, religious sisters, seminarians, catechists, and bishops gathered inside the basilica, the pope emphasized the urgency of evangelization in Europe.
“The changes in our time and the crisis of faith we are experiencing in the West have impelled us to return to what is essential, namely the Gospel,” Pope Francis said.
“The good news that Jesus brought to the world must once again be proclaimed to all and allowed to shine forth in all its beauty,” he added.
The pope’s remarks come at a critical time for the Catholic Church in Belgium, which is facing significant declines in public trust and participation.
Only 50% of Belgians identified as Catholic in 2022, a decline of 16% from 10 years prior. Attendance at Mass has also dropped significantly, with only 8.9% of the population attending at least once a month.
The pope noted that the current crisis reflects a significant shift in the Church’s role in society.
“We have moved from a Christianity located within a welcoming social framework to a ‘minority’ Christianity, or … a Christianity of witness,” he said.
This transformation, he argued, requires priests “who are in love with Jesus Christ and who are attentive to responding to the often implicit demands of the Gospel as they walk with God’s holy people.”
Pope Francis was welcomed to the basilica by Archbishop Luc Terlinden of Malines-Brussels, who highlighted the historical contributions of Belgian missionaries, including St. Damien of Molokai, who was beatified in the basilica in 1995.
Located atop Koekelberg hill, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart is the fifth largest Catholic church in the world, according to the Vatican. Inspired after a visit to Paris’ Sacred Heart basilica, Belgium’s King Leopold II called for the construction of the basilica. The king himself laid the first stone in 1905, but the basilica was not finished until 1970 as construction was halted during the two World Wars.
During the meeting at the basilica with local Belgian Catholics, Pope Francis reflected on the upcoming second Vatican assembly of the Synod on Synodality, scheduled to begin on October 2.
When asked by Dr. Arnaud Join-Lambert, a theologian on the Synod secretariat’s Methodology Commission, about the future of synodality in the secularized West, the pope responded that “the synodal process must involve returning to the Gospel.”
Pope Francis underlined that synodality should not be “about prioritizing ‘fashionable’ reforms, but asking, how can we bring the Gospel to a society that is no longer listening or has distanced itself from the faith?”
The wounds of abuse
In Belgium, the “crisis of faith” has gone hand in hand with revelations of clerical abuse by Church leadership.
At the basilica, the pope listened intently to testimonies from various church representatives, including Mia De Schamphelaere, who works with victims of abuse in Flanders.
“When the first major abuse crisis erupted in our Church in 2010, following a bishop’s confession of abuse, the social upheaval was great,” she said.
“There followed a flood of reports from victims who testified, sometimes for the first time in their lives, that they had been abused at a young age by a priest or religious person. Like many citizens, we felt horror, sadness, and helplessness. We were also shocked and ashamed as believers.”
Earlier this year, Pope Francis laicized former Bruges Bishop Roger Vangheluwe many years after the former prelate admitted to repeatedly sexually abusing his nephews. A previous archbishop of Brussels, the late Cardinal Godfried Danneels, reportedly called on a victim of Vangheluwe’s abuse to remain silent.
De Schamphelaere poignantly shared with the pope the traumatic impact of the abuse crisis.
“Victims of abuse at a young age bring with them lifelong suffering. How can the Church see, recognize, and learn from the wounds of survivors?” she asked.
In response, the pope emphasized the necessity of mercy and compassion. “There is a need for a great deal of mercy to keep us from hardening our hearts before the suffering of victims,” he stated. He urged the Church to be “at the service of all without belittling anyone,” acknowledging that the roots of violence often stem from an abuse of power.
Pope Francis met personally with 17 victims of clerical abuse in Belgium for more than two hours on Friday night at the apostolic nunciature in Brussels where he listened to their stories and their expectations regarding the Church’s commitment against abuse, according to the Holy See Press Office.
It was one of many meetings in Belgium not included in the pope’s official schedule. The pope also received European Union and World Health Organization representatives at the nunciature on Saturday morning before making a quick surprise stop at the Church of Saint Gilles in Brussels to visit the homeless assisted by the parish.
Pope Francis was gifted with some beer brewed by the parish, the profits of which are used to support their service to the homeless.
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To judge by my Belgian family members, the decline in Catholic religious practice started well before the revelations of clerical abuse in 2010.
Indeed. And, in 2019 Emeritus Pope Benedict pointed to the underlying crisis of the 1960s
Mentioned in Benedict’s analysis are the meaning of the real Vatican II and of Veritatis Splendor, both of which resonate well with recent interview comments (April 2024) on a “compromised” gospel and on a “listening” synodality, by Singapore’s Cardinal Goh:
Cardinal Goh on the Gospel of mercy and of truth:
“But I don’t believe that we should try to compromise the Gospel. And that is my fear: that, today, even Church leaders are compromising the Gospel. I don’t think Jesus ever compromised the Gospel, even for the adulterous woman. He says, ‘I do not judge you, I do not condemn you, but please sin no more.’ I think that has to be mentioned. This is where the importance of truthfulness, mercy, and compassion [comes in].”
And, on synodality within a deeper hierarchical communion (Lumen Gentium):
“…as has often been said, or some bishops are suggesting, perhaps there should be another level where it is really a Synod of Bishops, after hearing the laypeople, after journeying with them; there should be that level of bishop synods, where the bishops can come together, because that synod [with laity] cannot really be considered a theological dogmatic synod, because not all are theologically trained.”
It is not the Faithful, who are responsible for the heinous sexual abuse crisis, it is those who deny Christ’s teaching regarding sexual morality, grounded in respect for the inherent Dignity of every beloved son and daughter. Love, which is rightly ordered to the inherent personal and relational Dignity of the human person, is devoid of every form of lust.
Return to the Gospels to restore the faith is a flawless exhortation, true and good. We’ve had another gospel preached during this pontificate, the gospel of merciful embrace without conditions. Which Gospel?
Belgium among other European nations that have collapsed spiritually is another extreme example of depravity, scandal among government officials including high ranking clergy. Although a remnant of wonderful faith remains that requires nurture. If our Pontiff doesn’t offer clear, determined leadership in the faith of Christ and the Apostles, then it will be Christ, our true shepherd who will provide for his sheep.
The Good News is healing and empowering. Crisis comes and crisis fades away. An ounce of hope is sufficient to bring the hopefuls to the doorsteps of vibrant faith.
Well Francis, maybe you could lead by example and return to the Gospel yourself. Something about removing the beam in your own eye. . .
This seems like one of these little pronouncements that are designed to put the veneer of orthodoxy on this Pope whose always seems to be, in his own words “making a mess”.
Dear, dear Francis: It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that the disintegration in the Catholic Church began for earnest in the 1960’s. Now you can subscribe to any interpretation of what the causes were.
And, another thing: The Catholic Church does NOT need a return to a proclaiming of the Gospel to get back on the right path. What the Church needs is a return to a proclaiming of the FULL Gospel, ALL the Truths of the Gospel and the ENTIRE teaching of the Catholic faith. Since 1965, we’ve had nothing but a watered-down and partial proclamation of the Gospel Truth – omitting those portions of the Truth that leaders of the faith believe would get push-back by Joe & Mary Pewsitter. No, Holy Father, people are attracted to TRUTH – the FULL TRUTH.
Ask what means “Gospel”? Good News! But what is Good news? The good news is that Christ rose from death and is alive. And the best part IS He is alive in spirit within the soul of the baptized. BUT DO WE SEE HIM In us, in the soul of each one?