Elite Students – “America’s elite university students are more demographically diverse than the general population, but more politically divided along lines of race, gender, sexuality, and religion.” Diverse and Divided: A Political Demography of American Elite Students (Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology)
Face of the Synod – Cardinal Mario Grech has become much more than the coordinator of a process, he is the leading champion of the concept of a “synodal Church”. The rise of Cardinal Grech (The Pillar)
The Old Order – “[M]ost of the major theological societies in North America (American Academy of Religion, The College Theology Society, and the Catholic Theological Society of America) were thoroughly and completely run by the progressive wing of the Church.” Orwellian Synodality (Gaudium et Spes 22)
Dysconnected – As the father of three girls, California filmmaker and author Don Johnson set out in his latest documentary to uncover the truth about the transgenderism movement ‘Dysconnected’ Documentary Explores Roots of Transgender Explosion (The Epoch Times)
Historic Heart – “Those who enter the Palafoxiana Library for the first time — seeing the high, vaulted ceiling and gold-framed painting of the Virgin Mary — might think they’ve arrived at a chapel.” Oldest public library in the Americas has Catholic origins (Crux)
Open Up, FBI – “The Federal Bureau of Investigation this week arrested a pro-life father of 11 children, charging him with “conspiracy against rights secured by the FACE Act, and committing FACE Act violations.” ‘Guns Pointed at Me’: FBI Arrests Father of 11 in Front of His Children for Pro-Life Work (Daily Signal)
Catholics and Methodists – “Exploring their sacraments, rituals and outreach that promote reconciliation with God and among people, Catholic and Methodist experts acknowledged in a new document that divided Christians ‘fall short of what it means to be the church.'” Reconciliation: Catholic-Methodist dialogue looks at rituals, mission (Detroit Catholic)
Synodality – “The synodal ‘listening’ is presented as a pastoral approach to “accompanying” the “faithful.” But as we know from recent history in secular contexts, all this is really a prelude to surrender.” So What’s to Fear? (The Catholic Thing)
Spiritual and Temporal Powers – “In two recent lectures, one delivered earlier this month in Rome, the other last week in Washington, Russell Hittinger has argued for the separation of the Church from all temporal powers.” Correlation, not Contrariety: A Response to Russell Hittinger (The Lamp Magazine)
Catholic Roots – About 30 Jesuit priests from Georgetown University in Washington spent a day exploring the roots of Catholicism in colonial Maryland. Georgetown Jesuits explore roots of Catholicism on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Georgetown Jesuits explore roots of Catholicism on Maryland’s Eastern Shore (Catholic Review)
Tolle Lege – Even in an era of digital media, hard-copy books play an important role in intellectual formation at the parish level. ‘Take and Read’: Parish Libraries Help Form the Mind in Faith (National Catholic Register)
Leaving Scientism Behind – I began to believe that miracles, articles of faith were possible as I fell away from the religion of “scientism,” the belief that science could explain everything. Why I Wrote a Science Primer, And What it’s All about (Catholic Stand)
First Things First – “St. Thomas More gives us our Catholic response: “Be Catholic first.” Not sometimes, or most of the time, but every day, in every situation, big and small, in public and private.” Be Catholic First (First Things)
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Given the mindset and prominence of Cardinal Grech (“Face of the Synod,” above), we must conclude that “who am I to judge?” was not quoted out of context.
My response is to the article by Tracey Roland on Gaudiam et Spes.
I note that this article is from February, 2013, i. e. pre-Francis. I wonder if she would be as optimistic today.
P.S. I could stand to hear more from this author.
Correction – Gaudium
@The Rise [and Fall?] of Cardinal Grech. And implied by my insertion [and Fall?] he must if the Church is to regain its footing on the right path. Although, the true adherence to Christ will remain whether a proxy Antichrist church coexists within.
“The [CDF] can say what it likes about faith and morals” (Grech). But insofar as Grech suggests, we have a brand new papal authorized Magisterium. La Suprema Grech, “it’s their [the Synod on Synodality papal rank operatives and their more plebeian disciples] interpretation that matters now”. Whence comes this remarkable ad hoc authority if not from the viceroy [cardinal Mario Maria Martini SJ the departed sovereign] of Synodality Pope Francis. No longer may the hated CDF poke its traditionalist face into the progress [progressivism] of the new order.
La Superba was the adage for medieval naval power Genoa that earned the title in Mediterranean conflict with French maritime provinces, and with the Ottoman Turks. Cardinal Grech won no such victories on his own were he not the appointed vassal of Francis.
As frequently said this is not an indictment of the conscientious good intent of His Holiness, a judgment that belongs to God. It is indictment of an ecclesial policy called by Cardinal Gerhard Müller a hostile takeover of the Church. A Church, that is, the suffering faithful true to Christ’s revelation which remains representative of the Mystical Body.
@So What’s to Fear? According to scholar Robert Royal, longtime prof Catholic U, masterful Dante exegetic, esteemed Papal Posse gunslinger, Everything. Outrageous Grech, cardinal, member of the Maltese Falconari progressives, including way ahead of the sexual identity game Archbishop Scicluna says why not?
Why be exclusive?
To the rescue, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, edged out of the CDF prefect role [apparently too rigid] by His Highness, sorry, I meant Holiness now responding with both guns blazing. Although, ever the diplomat Royal warns Müller put himself in a “perilous position”. Why? The attempted assassination of His Holiness’ sacred [golden] cow, the Synod on synodality. “They have the intention to substitute their own subjective ideas, against a revealed reality of Jesus Christ, the path to the destruction of the Catholic Church” (Synod Assassin Cardinal Gerhard Müller).
Read all this depressing news. Enough is enough. We owe it to the Church’s many victims, those we have helped slaughter, to stop soft peddling the current crisis. Catholic apostates are getting the near universal moral cowardice they’ve been clamoring for since at least July 29, 1968. The Church is rapidly approaching moral thought premised on assumptions about the origins of truth not completely unlike those of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia or Maoist China, or the Khmer Rouge.
No we haven’t established death camps, yet, a Vatican ratline for those who did 76 years ago notwithstanding. But selling out the eternal moral absolutes of our creator to sustain phony charity towards death dealing sinners and what are now our highest prelates who assist them in self-exoneration for their mass murder makes us guilty as well. No one deserves a “dialogue” of “feel-good” sophistries while they are actively involved in crushing the skulls of the unborn.
To believe truth changes is to be a mass murderer. To support the sex revolution is to be a mass murderer. To be frivolous towards divorce is to be a mass murderer. To ignore and refuse to cure the sickness of mind that cause homosexuals to be 98+ percent pro-abortion is to be a mass murderer. To abuse the Holy Spirit as the source of justification for fungible truth and mass murder is demonic and worthy of damnation. And bad prelates don’t deserve “Holy” in their title. They deserve warnings about damnation.