Denver Newsroom, Jun 8, 2022 / 05:48 am (CNA).
The bishops of Colorado on Tuesday issued an open letter asking Catholic lawmakers who recently voted for a new abortion law to refrain from receiving Holy Communion. The full text of the letter is below:
Open Letter to Catholic Politicians and the Faithful on Worthily Receiving Communion
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The recently concluded 2022 legislative session was difficult for many Coloradans who watched in dismay as their state legislators rushed one of the most extreme abortion bills in the country through the chambers of the Capitol and to Governor Polis’ desk for his signature.
As HB22-1279, the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA), made its way through the legislature, there was a strong outcry against it. Thousands of people wrote to their lawmakers. Over 350 people testified against RHEA in the House and more than 215 testified against it in the Senate into the early hours of the morning. RHEA allows for abortion from conception until birth and for any reason, including the child’s race, sex, or a disability.
According to some of the lawmakers supporting RHEA, this new law is designed to make our state an abortion destination and “safe haven.” They expect pregnant mothers to come flooding in from surrounding states for abortions if Roe v. Wade is overturned. It causes us profound sadness and distress to know that some Catholic legislators voted for this.
We have a strong desire to discuss the spiritual and cultural impact of laws like RHEA with politicians of both parties who say they are Catholic and who represent people in our state. As their shepherds we want to ensure that they understand the Church’s teaching on receiving Holy Communion and the proper spiritual disposition for doing so. Efforts have already been made to speak with several of these lawmakers, but unfortunately, very few of them have accepted the invitation to meet.
During the voting on the Reproductive Health Equity Act, it became clear by their public votes that several Catholic lawmakers support ending the lives of unborn children and declaring that a “fertilized egg, embryo or fetus” has no “independent or derivative rights” in Colorado. These pre-born babies are worth less than those who have had the gift of being born, according to this morally bankrupt logic. At the same time, we would like to publicly thank state Senators Barbara Kirkmeyer, Kevin Priola and Jim Smallwood and Representative Andres Pico, Catholic lawmakers who voted to protect the unborn and against allowing our state to strip them of their God-given right to life.
Voting for RHEA was participating in a gravely sinful action because it facilitates the killing of innocent unborn babies, and those Catholic politicians who have done so have very likely placed themselves outside of the communion of the Church.
As we said with our fellow U.S. Bishops in our recent statement “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church,”
“To receive the Body and Blood of Christ while in a state of mortal sin represents a contradiction. The person who, by his or her own action, has broken communion with Christ and his Church but receives the Blessed Sacrament, acts incoherently, both claiming and rejecting communion at the same time. It is thus a counter sign, a lie — it expresses a communion that in fact has been broken.”
Moreover, receiving the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin is sacrilegious because it is “a failure to show the reverence due to the sacred Body and Blood of Christ.”
Finally, when other Catholics see public figures receiving Jesus in such a spiritual state their resolve to be faithful to the Gospel can be weakened. A Catholic politician or public figure leading or encouraging others to do evil is a failure to respect the souls of others and is what the Church defines as “scandal.”
Until public repentance takes place and sacramental absolution is received in Confession, we ask that those Catholic legislators who live or worship in Colorado and who have voted for RHEA, to voluntarily refrain from receiving Holy Communion.
The burden from their decision does not rest upon the shoulders of priests, deacons or lay Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. It rests upon the consciences and souls of those politicians who have chosen to support this evil and unjust law.
We pray that this letter and our request to refrain from receiving Jesus in the Eucharist spurs sincere reflection and conversion in the hearts of those who have participated in allowing this grave act of injustice to become law. This request is not one that we make lightly, but since it is our duty to safeguard the faith and care for the souls of all the faithful — including these politicians — we must make it.
We are always willing to engage in conversation with any Catholic politician to whom this applies, and we want you to know that we regularly pray for all who hold public office.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila, Archbishop of Denver
Most Reverend Stephen J. Berg, Bishop of Pueblo
Most Reverend James R. Golka, Bishop of Colorado Springs
Most Reverend Jorge H. Rodriguez, Auxiliary Bishop of Denver
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OK, a good start.
But if there is zero, nil response from these politicians will the bishops take the next step? In other words, how long will they allow God to be mocked? Bishop Cordileone was patient but has now acted as he must.
These Bishops are dodging in this letter, and apparently signaling their refusal to shoulder their own burden, under Canon 915, to withhold Holy Communion from such politicians.
And as to their sense of priorities, their suggestion that the “burden” of obeying Canon Law on the Eucharist is a layman’s burden is phony, the Bishop’s burden to obey Canon Law 915 comes before the layman’s undrr csnon 916, just as 925 comes before 916.
Sorry, That should be 915 is before 916.
Impressive. Clarity and charity. Thank you, Excellencies.
Congratulations, Colorado Bishops! You have taken the first step in a thoughtful manner. Please continue to apply Canon 915.
I have to think that the Holy Spirit is guiding these bishops. They put to shame those bishops who maintain their silence. Would those bishops remain silent if politicians voted to reinstate Jim Crow laws or advocate for the return to slavery? We’re talking about a matter of life or death. And as Christ said, “Choose life.”
Let us hope and pray that the courageous first step by one bishop is replicated and amplified by increasing number of bishops. Interesting that the initiative is aimed at politicians that are voting to make their states safe haven for abortion clinics which root causes analysis would suggest that the supporters of these politicians are somewhat to equally at risk which could shake the core of the liberal Catholic Church to the core as well as the balance of other Christian Churches. The recurring question for the Bishops is then “Where do we go from here?” as it is for each of us.
What’s going on?
Best news I’ve seen maybe ever
BUT – What does Whoopi have to say about this?
I hope the Bishops instruct the pastors in the parishes where these legislators are members to preach the truth about their responsibilities, and about the responsibility to form a conscience. Also I hope there is an attempt by the Bishops to reach out to the legislators in their dioceses, as Archbishop Cordileone did with Speaker Pelosi, to instruct them in the truth of the situation and to try to convert them.