Why I Love My Invisible Friend
One of the favorite taunts of the New Atheists is that religious people believe in an “invisible friend.” They are implying, of course, that religion is little more than a pathetic exercise in wishful thinking, […]
One of the favorite taunts of the New Atheists is that religious people believe in an “invisible friend.” They are implying, of course, that religion is little more than a pathetic exercise in wishful thinking, […]
At morn King Hrothgar on his throne for his lieges slain there mourned alone but Grendel gnawed the flesh and bone of the thirty thanes of Denmark. A ship there sailed like a wingéd […]
What is the purpose, the goal, and the essential mission of the Church? That is the first question I put to a group of catechists earlier this month as we embarked on a week-long course […]
Dr. James K. A. Smith (website) is professor of philosophy at Calvin College, where he also holds the Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology and Worldview. He has written several books, including works on postmodernism […]
The 36-Hour Day (Grand Central Life & Style) is a handbook familiar to many caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. That seemingly mysterious title is no mystery to the caregivers. They […]
Königstein, Germany/Erbil, Iraq (kath.net/ACN). “Unless we want to be silent witnesses to the last few lines of the history of Christianity in Iraq, the international community must respond decisively now,” said Baron Johannes Heereman, President […]
Sports movies seldom deviate from the “underdog” scenario. Many of the true-life sports stories to which Hollywood gravitates involve the “little guys” rising to the occasion and defeating the “big guys.” The formula speaks to […]
The news broke late yesterday that Islamic State jihadists executed freelance journalist James Foley and posted a video of his beheading. Foley, 40, had been missing for two years while covering the conflict in Syria. […]
It is unjust to grant natural families public recognition while denying the same to gay couples, argued agrarian writer Wendell Berry in a 2013 speech he gave at Georgetown College in Kentucky. He went on […]
After Pope Paul VI introduced the Novus Ordo Mass in 1969, the older form of the Roman rite—sometimes known as the Tridentine Mass, the Old Mass, the Traditional Latin Mass, and, more recently, the Extraordinary […]
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