Up … off your knees!
Those interested in liturgical matters are sometimes accused of being inappropriately interested in externals when they should be out doing some works of mercy. Well, probably, since we all fall short on that score. (And […]
Those interested in liturgical matters are sometimes accused of being inappropriately interested in externals when they should be out doing some works of mercy. Well, probably, since we all fall short on that score. (And […]
The young man in the seat next to me at the Angelika Film Center in New York City turned to his friend a few minutes before Wildcat began. “So, what’s this movie about?” he asked. […]
Editor’s note: This is the first of several CWR essays that will analyze various aspects of the just released document Dignitas Infinita. ———– I will leave it up to the actual philosophers and theologians to […]
This is a fairly niche subject, but my earlier post brought it to mind, so I think I’ll write about it. I also think it might shed some light on the never-ending Current Discussions in the […]
I recently went to Mass at a parish (not in Alabama) and had an experience that brought some of my usual areas of focus into…sharper focus. It was a large, growing, vibrant (as we say) […]
Let’s pretend. Let’s pretend that the Pope said this the other night: We don’t even have to wonder what the reaction would be, do we? But…that’s just his personal opinion! That’s not the teaching of […]
It was recently announced that in June 2023, that the Catholic, historically women’s college St. Mary’s in South Bend, Indiana, made a change to its admissions policy: Saint Mary’s College is a Catholic women’s college. […]
What I am going to say here is really nothing new for regular readers, but my recent trip to Spain brought it to mind again. The question of Church attendance and engagement is of great […]
Personnel is policy. We all know that. Most of the time, when we use the phrase, we’re referring to ideology. As I’ve been reflecting on this wasteful distraction of a synod, I can’t help but […]
Let’s take a little detour away from that dense, yet strangely nebulous cloud of Synodality that looms ahead and set our sights, for just a moment on the other current attempt to diagnose and fix […]
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