The Dispatch

May Day and martyrdom under Communism

April 30, 2022 Dawn Beutner 2

Are there any saintly Catholics who lived under Communist governments, died as martyrs, and are remembered by the Church during the month of May? Unfortunately, there is no shortage of blesseds who fit that description. […]

The Dispatch

Unlocking the mystery of relics

April 20, 2022 Kathy Schiffer 8

There have been some reports in the news lately about relics arriving on U.S. soil. On April 3, a relic of Blessed Carlos Acutis, the first millennial to be beatified, arrived in New York. The […]

The Dispatch

The texture of Irish sanctity

March 16, 2022 Casey Chalk 2

Are certain qualities common among the saints of certain nations? To ask the question might seem to undermine the very universality of sanctity. Are some nations’ saints more courageous than others? Do the saints of […]

The Dispatch

Saints in the News: Fall 2021

October 27, 2021 BK O'Neel 1

Spanish martyrs beatified Córdoba, Spain—On Oct. 16, Marcello Cardinal Semeraro beatified 127 martyrs of the Spanish Civil War. According to the Catholic News Agency, “The Spanish Civil War was fought from 1936 to 1939 between […]