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Secularist Ireland

December 1, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Adorning books about Ireland’s storied past are such titles as How the Irish Saved Civilization. Today’s Ireland, however, is busy losing it. In recent decades secularism has coursed through the country, transforming a pious island […]

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The Recovery of Reason

November 1, 2011 George Neumayr 0

The most robust defense of reason today comes not from academics and politicians but from the papacy. At a time of growing skepticism and relativism, Pope Benedict XVI stands almost alone in reason’s defense. In […]

Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien of Baltimore and Maryland Gov. Martin J. O'Malley are seen in Annapolis


October 2, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Illustrating the Latin proverb that the corruption of the best is the worst, many Catholic politicians continue to lead the charge against the natural moral law. Having already defined themselves as champions of “abortion rights,” […]

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The Media Bias to Come

September 22, 2011 George Neumayr 0

This utterly gratuitous AFP story, absurdly headlined “Pope to hold mass in Berlin’s ‘Hitler Stadium,’ almost seems like a parody of anti-papal media bias. The sensational headline refers to Berlin’s Olympic Stadium, where all such events occur. Nevertheless, the reporter, straining hard to […]

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“A Calculated Change of Heart”

September 12, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Even though many Democrats support gay marriage, they have been reluctant to embrace it, fearing the political consequences of open support. But a “tipping point” has been reached, says this Washington Post writer, who notes […]

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Who Will Follow Cardinal Levada?

August 26, 2011 George Neumayr 0

The Vatican Insider speculates on who will follow Cardinal William Levada at the CDF, throwing out many names, including: “One mentioned candidate that enjoys the respect of Benedict XVI is Gerhardt Ludwig Muller, 64 years old […]

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Theology As “Intellectual Game”

August 18, 2011 George Neumayr 0

A blast of truth-telling about heterodox contemporary theology comes from Fr. Thomas Weinandy in this John Allen story: “Theologians can be a ‘curse and affliction upon the church,’ according to the U.S. bishops’ top official on […]

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The Bias of Laurie Goodstein

August 16, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Catholic World News notes that the New York Times “has rehashed the story that was widely reported in May, about the criticism of Kansas City’s Bishop Robert Finn that arose after the arrest of a […]