Lady Ballers is uneven red-meat fare with serious shortcomings

If high-fiving fellow patriots, gender traditionalists, and God-fearers is the point, then the Daily Wire film succeeds. But if the goal is making quality films that transform the culture, then it is a disappointing first effort.

A still from the film "Lady Ballers," produced by Daily Wire. (Image: Screen shot from trailer/YouTube)

In March 2023, the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles, a devout Catholic, set off a firestorm by stating bluntly, “transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely.” With some biological males identifying as women and now competing against biological women in sports, our ballparks, tracks, arenas, and stadiums may be early battlegrounds following Knowles’ opening salvo. Religious convictions aside, some female athletes, along with some parents, are understandably fed up.

The new movie Lady Ballers, the first feature comedy from the Daily Wire, explores the terrain. Billing the movie as “the decade’s most triggering comedy,” the Daily Wire’s website states that they are “building the future you want to see,” making original content to compete with Hollywood. In certain ways, Lady Ballers may provide encouragement, or at least temporary amusement, to us who have some affinity for Knowles’ position on transgenderism; but in other ways, the film is a dispiriting omen for what we may expect from more conservative artistic endeavors. Do we need a flip-side to Hollywood’s coin, or should we create a whole new currency?

First, I liked some things about Lady Ballers, which hearkens back to 2000’s bro comedies like Dodgeball and Old School. Directed by, co-written by, and starring the Daily Wire’s co-founder, Jeremy Boreing, Lady Ballers is about a group of thirty-something former high school basketball stars who regroup to relive their glory days and capitalize on loopholes in transgender inclusion policies. Boreing’s character, Coach Rob Gibson, represents a growing segment of the population radicalized by personal experience. He is not particularly conservative or religious. Rather, he is scandalized by his young daughter, who returns from school telling him about a “girl” who showed off “her” penis. Disturbing and funny stuff.

As Coach Rob’s life goes off the rails, he finds one of his former players, Alex, played by newcomer Daniel Considine, working as a server in a restaurant where the staff members dress in drag. Lady Ballers is no Monty Python’s Flying Circus or Some Like it Hot, but it aims for a venerable comedic target. To the approval of Rob’s ex-wife’s hippy boyfriend, Kris, played by the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh (more anon), the old state-champion Tigers transform into a woman’s team. The first few times Lady Ballers shows us dudes with wigs posterizing teenage girls, it is hilarious.

But ultimately, the story gets serious. We are asked to consider: If pharmaceuticals and surgeries cannot change a man into a woman—let alone a wardrobe change—then what can help him be who he was born to be? In my favorite scene of the film, Lady Ballers suggests the answer is sympathy—suffering with. Kudos to Boreing, whose writing and acting come together in one touching moment to suggest a harder, nobler path that no one can walk alone.

Now for my concerns.

Although Lady Ballers is Boreing’s project, the figure of Matt Walsh looms over it. No one embodies the stick-it-to-the-Libs attitude of the Daily Wire more than Walsh. His 2022 documentary What is a Woman? has done for the Right what Michael Moore’s Bowling for Columbine did for the Left; and like Moore, Walsh always walks a fine line, daring his enemies to flinch at his deadpan demeanor. I liked What is a Woman? pretty well, but Walsh’s method has a way of wearing thin. We can point out the emperor has no clothes until the cows come home, but some people simply will not care. Feelings don’t always care about your facts.

Now, if high-fiving fellow patriots, gender traditionalists, and God-fearers is the point, then Lady Ballers succeeds. But if the goal is making quality films that transform the culture, then Lady Ballers is a disappointing first effort in the organization’s stated campaign against Hollywood. I am thinking of an episode of Mike Judge’s King of the Hill where Bobby becomes interested in Christian rock music, and Hank tells the tattooed youth pastor, “Can’t you see you’re not making Christianity better? You’re making rock and roll worse!” So it often goes nowadays with stated ideological or religious alternatives to mainstream offerings.

Accordingly, the meat of Lady Ballers is grade C ground chuck—passé satirical training montages, cameos from Daily Wire personalities, lukewarm raunch, and the aforementioned superabundance of males beating women at sports. Overall, I am sorry to say, Lady Ballers feels like a student film.

As for the acting, I have already annoyed Daily Wire devotees on X (formerly Twitter). But in for a penny, in for a pound. On December 4, 2023, Matt Walsh posted,

This is what sets the Daily Wire apart from any other conservative media company. We wanted to make a sports comedy mocking the trans insanity. We couldn’t find enough actors brave enough to star in the film, so we just played the characters ourselves. Just that fact alone is as funny as anything in the film.

I found Walsh’s statement strange, so I reposted it as the start to my own commentary thread, which begins here:

I’m withholding judgment on the movie until I see it – likely this week. But in my book making feature films without real actors isn’t something to brag about. “Funny” indeed.

My repost has received 432,000 views to date, with 139 comments to 27 likes, indicating I have been “ratioed,” as they say. Comment after comment accuses me of everything from snobbishness (“You mean actors you have heard of…”), to ignorance of basic vocabulary (anyone who acts is actor), to forgetting about acclaimed realist cinema that deliberately avoids professional actors.

But the thing is, Lady Ballers does not pretend to be a Rossellini or Dardenne Brothers film. Adam McKay’s 2004 classic The Anchorman succeeds, for example, because it is unafraid to spray risqué and politically incorrect jokes in all directions; more importantly, its cast is chock full of the highest caliber comedians of the era. To think just anyone can do what Will Ferrell does is folly. And to this point, although a lot of Lady Ballers fans did not like my use of the term “real” actors, I stand by it. We all know the difference. Boreing, Walsh, and Considine are all decent in Lady Ballers, but much of the rest of the cast is not. And the fact of poor acting is not really “funny” to me; rather, it suggests that the purpose of “conservative” cinema is simply to make fun of cinema full stop. No good comedy does this.

On the contrary, I believe the Daily Wire is sincere in wanting to create good movies, which is why I was most disturbed when a lot of commentators on my re-post noted that this is not a film requiring high-caliber acting skills—precisely the problem I have with it. Lady Ballers is just ok. It is a red-meat fan-service product for people who feel like part of the in-crowd. And maybe that is enough for the Daily Wire’s first foray into feature comedy films—get a win at home before taking the show on the road. But if they are serious about offering an alternative to the agenda-driven Hollywood machine, whose aesthetic values, by the way, have dropped off as fast as its morals, then the Daily Wire is going to have to do much better than mere pastiche. Otherwise, we have something so-so going up against a whole so-so industry. No, thanks.

Finally and more seriously, it is hard to watch Lady Ballers and imagine a future without the mainstream transgenderism that concerns Michael Knowles. Instead, I believe the film may help achieve the opposite by making light of it. Lady Ballers takes the great anthropological crisis of our time and unwittingly makes it a matter of preference—take it seriously with the Libs in their mediocre movies or laugh at it with the Daily Wire in theirs. As the credits rolled, I found myself as incredulous as Candace Owens, who says to Walsh after he breaks character at the end of the film: “I don’t understand how anything you did helped make the situation better.”

Eventually, even the Daily Wire’s fans may come to see how the label “conservative” gets in the way of creating art that speaks to the complexity of the human experience and is actually able to conserve or react. Surely, if conspicuously “progressive” art is facile and ham-handed, then conservative alternatives are likely to be too. Ask Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg what their respective politics are and they may or may not tell you. But their films are always aimed at a mass audience, and they rarely if ever get mired in ideology, showing us something more profound about what humans are made for. That’s art—highbrow, lowbrow and everything in between.

In the meantime, with a whole slate of upcoming films and television offerings advertised on the Daily Wire website, I hold out hope that something of higher value than Lady Ballers is on the way.

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About Andrew Petiprin 23 Articles
Andrew Petiprin is a columnist at Catholic World Report and host of the Ignatius Press Podcast, as well as Founder and Editor at the Spe Salvi Institute. He is co-author of the book Popcorn with the Pope: A Guide to the Vatican Film List, and author of Truth Matters: Knowing God and Yourself. Andrew was a British Marshall Scholar at Magdalen College, Oxford from 2001-2003, and also holds an M.Div. from Yale Divinity School. A former Episcopal priest, Andrew and his family came into full communion with the Catholic Church in 2019. From 2020-2023, Andrew was Fellow of Popular Culture at the Word on Fire Institute, where he created the YouTube series "Watch With Me" and wrote the introduction to the Book of Acts for the Word on Fire Bible. Andrew has written regularly for Catholic Answers, as well as various publications including The Catholic Herald, The Lamp, The European Conservative, The American Conservative, and Evangelization & Culture. Andrew and his family live in Plano, Texas. Follow him on X @andrewpetiprin.


  1. Good review. Good points. Maybe the Daily Wire will look closely and follow the suggestions. No, I do not know “the answers”, nor am I a qualified film critic. But I do believe the subject of transgenderism must be treated with care and seriousness; these folks and those who promote this are ill mentally. I think comedy may be lost on those individuals.

    • By considering this to be another mental illness to be treated by medical science are you dismissing their sinful behaviors? In particular that transgenders must destroy the innocence of children to perpetuate their ideology?

      • And the sins of Catholics “lovingly tolerant” of the overt evils of inherently promiscuous bisexuality and child abusing transsexualism in their mindlessly quick endorsement of the familiar alphabet acronym.

  2. All this apparent professional and expert sounding movie review is itself, while deconstructing the Lady Ballers movie and their participants and producers, a very good example of the Trans-deconstruction, Trans-dehumanization, Trans-crazification and Trans-destruction of the human mind and heart and soul. Making Transgenderism all sound ultra-serious and deserving an Oscar worthy movie with Oscar awarded actors (who will never participate as not to get Trans-canceled), etc. is ludicrous.

    I feel compassion for the afflicted with identity problems of any kinds and know plenty personally. In different words, most (away from cameras) agree that their conditions do not deserve the glorified seriousness that it’s being given, as it makes it all much, much, much worse. That makes the Lady Ballers movie a great display of real, authentic, legitimate charity, absent from most present professional movies and media.

  3. Mr. Petiprin seems to have missed the more important point – that the amateurs had to be used because no professionals had the balls, pardon the expression if you need to, to appear in such a counter-cultural film. To complain about their absence and the poor quality of their replacements is to ignore the large elephant standing right there.

  4. I appreciated this review. However, it left out the part that made me stop watching after the first 30 minutes. It was very hypocritical of them to make a scene prominently featuring women in bikinis since the Daily Wire hosts are always criticizing the objectification of women. Totally unnecessary and extremely disappointing. Conservatives must stick by their principles if they want to fill the cultural void. Otherwise, they risk falling prey to the very depravity they detest.

    P.S. Daily Wire’s movie “Shut In” is the best one on their platform. It should serve as a model for all their future projects. I highly recommend watching it.

    • Women in bikinis is depravity?! Since when? The fact that they are real, authentic, biological, God-created women is now offensive? That’s a very trans+homosexual comment not an encouragement for higher virtue. Respect and honor for women starts with respecting the fact that, for the highest glory of God, like his Mother Mary, they have the enormous dignity of being women!! From that total acceptance will come the respect for the Theology of the Body and better values, behaviors and attires, not the other way around.

      • Dear Phil,

        My aversion to unnecessarily revealing clothing in public settings is inspired by the Theology of the Body and a deep respect for the dignity of womanhood, which, as the Blessed Mother herself demonstrates, comes not from calling attention to private parts but from humbly loving and caring for those in need.
        I highly encourage you to read the article titled “Is it wrong to wear a bikini?” on the Chastity Project website, which presents scientific and moral reasoning in support of my objection. Here are a few highlights:

        “Male college students at Princeton University recently took part in studies of how the male brain reacts to seeing people wearing different amounts of clothing. The test subjects were placed in a brain scanner and for a fraction of a second were shown photographs of women in bikinis, as well as men and women dressed modestly. When the young men viewed the scantily clad women, the part of their brain associated with tool use lit up. . . . Researchers also discovered that when some of the men viewed scantily clad females, the men’s medial pre-frontal cortex was deactivated. This is the region of the brain associated with analyzing a person’s thoughts, intentions, and feelings. Fiske remarked, ‘It is as if they are reacting to these women as if they are not fully human.’ She added, ‘It is a preliminary study but it is consistent with the idea that they are responding to these photographs as if they were responding to objects rather than people.’

        . . .Although scientists were surprised by these findings, they won’t come as a shock to those who know the origins of the bikini. Its inventor was a Frenchman named Louis Reard, who worked for his mom’s lingerie business. When he created the first two-piece bathing suit in 1946, he had to hire a stripper to debut the outfit, because no model was willing to wear it on the runway! After all, what kind of woman would wear her underwear in public, just because it became waterproof? Over half a century years ago, these French models took for granted what today’s scientists from Princeton find surprising.

        . . .Just as bikinis cause some men’s brains to overlook a woman’s intentions and thoughts, modesty does just the opposite. It invites men to consider how much more a woman has to offer. If bikinis objectify women, modesty personalizes them.”

        God bless you!

  5. The people who refuse to believe that the appearance of bread and wine veil the reality of Christ within are eager to prove that a change in their appearance exemplifies their inner reality. Make no mistake about it. The TG movement is ANTI-EUCHARIST at its core and amounts to a mockery of Transubstantiation. It’s demonic in a manner that gives delight to the damned.

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