Bad Faith and Lacking Witness – “Ivereigh’s identification of ‘proselytism’ and ‘converting others to the Catholic Church’ is just plain ridiculous.” When Did “Conversion” Become a Dirty Word? (The Boston Pilot)
Emptying Libraries – “Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Those are all examples of books Reina Takata says she can no longer find in her public high school library in Mississauga, Ont.” ‘Empty shelves with absolutely no books’: Students, parents question school board’s library weeding process (CBC)
Politically Divisive – “Four new factors combine to make our times more perilous than most past flareups of disunion.” Is Civic Decline an Existential Threat? (Law & Liberty)
Meaning and Wisdom – “Oddly enough for an ‘information age’ that prides itself on having all knowledge at our fingertips, our weakness is itself intellectual: our ability to come to any sane conclusions about political reality or the human condition seems to have evaporated.” The World Needs Faith and Reason to Soar Again (AMAC)
A Puzzling Claim – “Archbishop Victor Fernández’s claim about a ‘doctrine of the Holy Father’ runs the risk of collapsing all distinction between the magisterium and its normative sources, such as Scripture and Tradition.” Solum Magisterium? (Crisis)
Doctrinal Change – “Archbishop (soon to be Cardinal) Victor Manuel Fernandez, the prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, proclaims that no Catholic bishop can judge ‘the doctrine of the Holy Father.'” Is Anyone Listening? (Catholic Culture)
Child of God – “The former striker Ronaldo Nazario shared his delight at finally joining the Catholic Church.” One of the world’s greatest soccer players, Ronaldo, baptized at 46 (Aleteia)
False Narrative – “‘The narrative of police genocide of African Americans turned out … to be complete nonsense,’ said Wilfred Reilly.” Academic Whose Work Was Cited As Proof Of ‘Systemic Racism’ Is Fired For Falsifying Research (The Federalist)
A Big Deal – “Holiness is not an optional feature of the Christian life; failing to grow in righteousness will leave us outside the Promised Land.” The Consequences of Not Taking Sin Seriously (American Babylon Substack)
Story of a Revolution – “It’s time for a change, and I’m looking forward to it. For now, here is a summary of what turned out to be an ambitious and at times exhausting project.” The Tale of the Machine: A user’s guide to my essay series (Paul Kings North Substack)
Never Authorized – “The Archbishop of Berlin, Heiner Koch, recently authorized priests in his archdiocese to confer ceremonial blessings upon homosexual couples.” Outing the Liberal Catholic Project (The Catholic Thing)
AI-Generated Text – “Many students may not appreciate the importance of applying themselves rather than using AI, but we must encourage those who do.” Artificial Mediocrity: The Hazard of AI in Education (Public Discourse)
Dramatic Drop-off – “[T]hat religious practice is down now does not mean it will stay that way, especially in a nation with as much religious history as the United States.” Gen-X church attendance dropped dramatically after Covid. What happened? (America)
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“Meaning and Wisdom”
Wisdom 14:22
Then it was not enough for them to err in their knowledge of God; but even though they lived in a great war of ignorance, they called such evils peace. For while they celebrate either childslaying sacrifices or clandestine mysteries, or frenzied carousals in unheard of rites, They no longer safeguard either lives or pure wedlock; but each either waylays and kills his neighbor, or aggrieves him by adultery. And all is confusion– blood and murder, theft and guile, corruption, faithlessness, turmoil, perjury,…
Hosea 4:1
Hear the word of the LORD, Israelites, for the LORD has a dispute with the inhabitants of the land: There is no fidelity, no loyalty, no knowledge of God in the land. Swearing, lying, murder, stealing and adultery break out: bloodshed follows bloodshed
@ solum magisterium
Continuing the clericalist novelty of conceptual conflation, now with regard to papal supremacy, Fernandez erases the difference between papal infallibility (as defined/delimited by Vatican I) and the papacy’s universal jurisdiction.
Revelation 17:14 Meaning of the Beast and Harlot.
They will fight with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and king of kings, and those with him are called, chosen, and faithful.”
“Doctrinal Change – “Archbishop (soon to be Cardinal) Victor Manuel Fernandez, the prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, proclaims that no Catholic bishop can judge ‘the doctrine of the Holy Father.’”
Adolph Pope Francis Hitler has conquered Christ’s Church! Archbishop Fernandez has just pronounced Pope Francis as god. It will no longer be the Deposit of Faith that the Church has held for 2000 years, but instead dictator Pope Francis as god king. It seems Dictator Pope Francis has set up Archbishop Fernandez as his Chief Nazi SS commander to initiate his Fourth Reich. With White Supremacy Domination in the Synod on Synodality voter registration, Pope Francis seems to have it all locked in.
Revelation 17:18 Babylon the Great
The woman you saw is the great city which has sovereignty over the kings of the earth.
‘Babylon the Great’ is the Descendants of Ephraim, who are the white race. The reason ‘Babylon the Great’, “has sovereignty over the kings of the earth”, is because God gifted the Descendants of Ephraim, white race, with ‘The Blessing of Abraham’, which includes world dominant power.
Because Abraham was faithful to God, God Blessed Abraham’s descendants above other descendants. The ‘Blessing of Abraham’ (Genesis 22:16-18) is: Will have Myriads of descendants (Joshua 17:14); Will have great wealth (Deuteronomy 33:13); Will have world dominant Power (Genesis 17:15); Will grow to become a multitude of nations (Genesis 48:17).
Revelation 17:1 Babylon the Great.
Then one of the seven angels who were holding the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come here. I will show you the judgment on the great harlot who lives near the many waters. The kings of the earth have had intercourse with her, and the inhabitants of the earth became drunk on the wine of her harlotry.” Then he carried me away in spirit to a deserted place where I saw a woman seated on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names, with seven heads and ten horns. The woman was wearing purple and scarlet and adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls. She held in her hand a gold cup that was filled with the abominable and sordid deeds of her harlotry. On her forehead was written a name, which is a mystery, “Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth.” I saw that the woman was drunk on the blood of the holy ones and on the blood of the witnesses to Jesus.
We need all Catholics to Pray hard for Jesus to ‘Deliver us from the Evil One’. Pope Francis is not our god.
Acts of the Apostles 26:17
I shall deliver you from this people and from the Gentiles to whom I send you, to open their eyes that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may obtain forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been consecrated by faith in me.
Matthew 6:9 The Lord’s Prayer
…your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven …//… Subject us not to trial but deliver us from the evil one.’
We don’t believe because the Church says it. Rather we believe what the Church witnesses to as true. An essential doctrine clearly articulated by Prof Eduardo Echeverria, “[Magisterium verbum Dei ministrant], not above that Word [non supra verbum Dei], as Dei Verbum states §10”. Instead, Card Víctor Manuel Fernández seeks to virtually deify the thoughts of Pope Francis. Deification because we cannot question His Holiness Francis’ new doctrine. As if this is equivalent to revelation. Revelation that changes the character of Christ’s revelation.
The pontiff has not corrected his newly appointed prefect to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. It’s more than puzzling. There’s still time for Francis to correct Fernández. Personally, I’m confident God will not permit heresy to be formally pronounced by a Roman pontiff. And even if, God forbid that did occur, our loyalty must remain, with the grace of God with the man Jesus of Nazareth, who alone is the Son of God, true God from true God.
Never Authorized – could be recompensed by subsequent approvals!
Schonborn in this link discusses the build up of the “Synod”. In this view -which is not merely emergent now but overarching- the First Council, the Council of Jerusalem, was not essentially about James’ letter but about a way of being Church. In effect, to be in a communio with this transcends times and issues “just as the Apostles did in Acts” or “in the First Council”
Four consequences would immediately flow, 1. this defines the right evolution and development of the VATICAN II synod of bishops, 2. it is held to be theologically intact in and of itself, 3.the juridical format and arrangement of the “Synod” is sound and the most appropriate and 4. this “Synod” binds all bishops. Some things he says explicitly, others not.
I had written in CWR about this before now and here the skeletals take flesh. Schonborn describes the history since before the turn of the century and attests his signature and incipient involvement.
He stakes his claim on communio. I recall what Benedict had said, his authority stopped at the door. I am thinking not only of its blockage coming out from him but of the choking off of what was due back to him ever reaching him. In a defiance of Revelation the door is not kept open.
Possible examples giving an indication of how and where “the Holy Spirit and we are moving the Church forward into Synod”, might be issues showing in the second link on “way to synthesis”I and third link “Acts 29”.
The remaining links speak further on “Acts 29” and of course there is no Chapter 29 in Acts.
“ACTS 29”
Benedict was not getting information coming into him and now there is a scramble to collect as much information as possible? Which of them were involved during Benedict’s life, in blockading him and who are they? Meantime now the “Synod on Synodality” has gone into secrecy.
‘ There was also a fourth pastoral letter to the people of God in Canada, asking them to join the “pilgrimage towards deep healing and lasting reconciliation.” The letter explains that the treatment of Indigenous Peoples is a “dark and tragic” part of both the Canadian and Christian stories.
The letters were collectively titled “That We May Walk Together,” stemming from the “Walking Together” theme of Pope Francis’s visit to Canada in July 2022. ‘
Re Altman and Chapp’s OP about Altman, Abp. Schneider responds, without naming names, in measured calm, with sheer reason, today at https://onepeterfive.com/bishop-athanasius-schneider-on-the-validity-of-pope-francis/?utm_source=1P5&utm_campaign=8493632748-1P5_DAILYRSS_
meiron, thanks for this link. The short monograph by Bishop Athanasius Schneider was an apt response to both Dr. Chapp and Father Altman.
Parenthetically, I once posed this question at a public forum to Bishop Schneider: “As someone of German heritage, do you think that with so few regularly practicing Catholics in Germany, that the German church is over-represented in the number of German Cardinals there are in the College of Cardinals?” His response did not suggest that he disagreed.
it seems john lennon was right when he said the beatles are more famous than Jesus and Truth.. now we have the proof as the new wave priests and priestesses in germany in front of the cathedral singing the beatles song “all you need us love, love , love”. as they bless how many same sex couples in such a defiance and frenzie against God himself. not the archbishop who upholds the revelation of God but God Himself who gave revelation .