Flow of Information – “The Age of Information has come to a brutal end—here’s how it happened” 30 Signs You Are Living in an Information Crap-pocalypse (Ted Gioia: The Honest Broker)
A Prefect Storm — “The praise of the mainstream media for the progressive reformers has not yet been reflected in a turning of people to faith in Jesus Christ.” Cardinal Müller reacts to Pope Francis’ new appointment to Vatican’s Doctrine chief (LifeSiteNews)
Modern Catholic Masterpiece – Fiat Lux (“Let there be light), a collaboration between two great Catholic artists, composer Sir James MacMillan, and poet Dana Gioia, is an oratorio for soprano, baritone, mixed chorus, organ, and orchestra. Fiat Lux: A Luminous Oratorio by Sir James MacMillan and Dana Gioia Comes Home (Benedict XVI Institute)
Pride Month – “The good news is that we are now seeing resistance to the so-called ‘Pride’ and also thoughts about how to replace this designation.” Taking Back The Month Of June (AMAC)
Fauci’s Hypocrisy — “Too bad Fauci didn’t practice what he now preaches when he had the chance. Physician, heal thyself.” Fauci Didn’t Practice the ‘Love’ for Adversaries He Now Preaches (National Review)
Biden and Abortion – “Joe Biden claims he is a devout Catholic, but still support killing babies in abortions up to birth.” Joe Biden Says ‘I’m a Practicing Catholic,’ But Supports Killing Babies in Abortions (Life News)
Two Competing Camps – “That anti-abortionists and pro-abortionists talk past each other is no secret. Conflicting anthropologies stemming from conflicting cosmologies ensure one dictionary but two languages.” The Metaphysics of Murder (Human Review)
American Ideals – “On Thursday, the US Supreme Court restricted the use of race as a factor in college admissions, holding that such ‘affirmative action’ violates the equal-protection clause of the Constitution.” Down With Diversocracy—and Meritocracy (Compact)
Dressed up Transgenderism – Parents said the DFL used ‘sneaky’ tactics to target kids at a county fair by handing out coloring books promoting the transgender movement. DFL hands out coloring books at county fair suggesting Joan of Arc was trans (AlphaNews)
Being Cautious – “I find myself undertaking an examination of conscience: Did we as a Church, here in the United States, go too far in obeying all the restrictions imposed during the COVID pandemic . . . ” Cardinal Dolan: Did we go too far with COVID-19 restrictions? (Our Sunday Visitor)
The Devil in History – “The devil is back on the Big Screen in the 2023 film ‘The Pope’s Exorcist.’ But he never really left the stage.” Notes on the Prince of This World: The devil is real. Deal with it. (What We Need Now)
Catholic sexual morality – “The Vatican is facing backlash after it vetoed the appointment of a prominent German-speaking moral theologian as dean of an academic institution in northern Italy.” Vatican faces backlash after denying ‘nihil obstat’ to dean (The Pillar)
Mary and the Literary Arts – “The pride of the world can be defeated only by the exaltation of the humble.” Our Lady in Literature: A Beacon of Light in the Gloom of the Death Culture (National Catholic Register)
Ardent Catholic Patriots – “Did you know that many Catholic patriots not only took part in the America Revolution but distinguished themselves in fighting for independence, even gaining the admiration of George Washington?” July 4th History: Catholic Patriots Were Unsung Heroes in American Revolution (National Catholic Register)
Tech and Ethics – “Vatican seeks to provide roadmap for how disruptive technologies can be used for good.” Catholic Church’s stance on AI ethics: Technology should be ‘at the service of humanity’ (MarketWatch)
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@ A Perfect Storm
From Cardinal Muller we read of a decimated Church: “In Latin America, the Church has lost half of its members. In synodal Germany, more than 500,000 Catholics have publicly renounced their communion with the Church in 2022 alone.”
Some will ambiguously and naively say that this is WHY synodality; others clearly and more soberly see that this IS synodality. No longer the Rock, but on the rocks.
And now the Pope Francis ghostwriter is positioned to openly perform the religiously “pluralist” Ghost Dance*, in gnostic hope for what finally will be validated synodally—not The Word, but our words! And, in pious remembrance of what has been decimated by those scape-goat, “rigid, backward, and bigoted”–and steadfast!—Catholics even up into the Documents of the “real” (not “virtual”) Vatican II.
* “The Ghost Dance [read synodal Holy Ghost?] was a spiritual movement that arose among [decimated] Western American Indians. It began among the Paiute in about 1869 [same time as Vatican I!] with a series of visions of an elder, Wodziwob [read Kung, McElroy, Hollerich and Fernandez, et al?]. These visions foresaw renewal of the Earth and help for the Paiute [now read all post-modern] peoples as promised by their ancestors [read decapitated sensus fidelium].”
Re: the link to the article about the DFL promoting a coloring book which implies Joan of Arc was trans: the book’s spin on things has been debunked by historians. The reason she continued to wear a soldier’s riding outfit (the so-called “male clothing”) in prison, according to several eyewitnesses who quoted her on the subject, was because it allowed her to keep the various parts “securely laced and tied” to deter her guards from pulling her clothing off, which the book misleadingly spins by claiming “she feels more comfortable in male clothing” (sure, because it protected her against sexual molestation, not because she was transgender). The idea that her hairstyle was “masculine” is based on the ridiculous claim by her accusers that it was somehow cut around the ears even after a year in prison with nothing available to cut it (prisoners were not allowed sharp objects), which is physically impossible since human hair grows by almost half an inch per month and hence at least 5 inches during her time in prison. We can pretty much prove she wasn’t transgender since she persistently called herself “the maiden” (“la pucelle”) while citing a prophecy about a “maiden from the borders of Lorraine” who was predicted to save France, meaning that she identified as that specific girl and therefore definitely as a girl by definition.