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  1. To whom does Cardinal Hollerach need to prove that Christians and Catholics are alive?

    According to Hollerach, “[O]ne of Pope Francis’ dreams for Europe is ‘a Europe that is a family and a community…” If only Francis had similar dreams for the universal Church. A family not founded on a father’s loving guidance, protection, providence, and just governance has little chance of survival.

  2. Cardinal Turkson clarifies (an underrated skill these days): “So it should not be a situation of, as it were, tabula rasa — ‘clean everything off because that does not exist,’” he said. “It’s a question of affirming one’s own [identity] and being able to, at the same time, listen to the other. That, I think, should be the attitude.”

    Emeritus Pope Benedict also spoke with similar clarity to this point:

    Benedict: “I am urging people to realize that a war has indeed been declared on the West. I am not pushing for a rejection of dialogue, which we need more than ever with those Islamic countries that wish to live in peaceful coexistence with the West, to our mutual benefit. I am asking for something more fundamental: I am asking for people to realize that dialogue will be a waste of time if one of the two partners to the dialogue states beforehand that one idea is as good as the other” (“Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam,” 2006. p. 45).

    Benedict, again: “Equality, which is a presupposition of interreligious dialogue, refers to the equal personal dignity of the parties in dialogue, not to doctrinal content, nor even less to the position of Jesus Christ—-who is God himself made man—-in relation to the founders of the other religions” Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Dominus Iesus, 2000, n. 22).

    • Correction: “Without Roots” consists of two parts, the second from Marcello Pera, a philosopher and politician. The first quote, above, is from Pera.

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  1. Bishops to hold meeting on Church’s social teaching to show ‘Catholics are alive in Europe’ – Via Nova Media

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