Vatican City, May 25, 2021 / 08:00 am (CNA).
Pope Francis launched Tuesday the Vatican’s seven-year Laudato si’ action plan to implement environmental sustainability in different sectors of the Church from religious orders to Catholic schools and hospitals.
“We need a new ecological approach that can transform our way of dwelling in the world, our styles of life, our relationship with the resources of the Earth and, in general, our way of looking at humanity and of living life,” Pope Francis said in a video message May 24.
The pope marked the end of the year by celebrating the fifth anniversary of his environmental encyclical Laudato si’ with the message announcing the initiative.
He said that the year would be followed immediately by a seven-year plan known as the Laudato si’ Action Platform.
The Laudato si’ Action Platform will focus on seven sectors: families, parishes, schools, hospitals, businesses, organizations, and religious orders.
The pope explained that the action plan also has seven goals: the response to the cry of the earth, the response to the cry of the poor, ecological economics, adoption of simple lifestyles, ecological education, ecological spirituality, and community involvement.
“Our selfishness, our indifference and our irresponsible ways are threatening the future of our children,” Pope Francis said.
“I therefore renew my appeal: let us take care of our mother Earth … let us overcome the temptation of selfishness that makes us predators of resources, let us cultivate respect for the gifts of the Earth and creation, let us inaugurate a lifestyle and a society that is finally eco-sustainable.”
“We have the opportunity to prepare a better tomorrow for all. From God’s hands we have received a garden, we cannot leave a desert to our children,” he added.
Cardinal Peter Turkson, the prefect for the Dicastery for Integral Human Development, said at a press conference May 24 that the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many of the Vatican’s planned events, conferences, and celebrations for the Laudato Si’ year, but expressed gratitude to the parishes and associations that organized local events.
In particular, the cardinal commended Catholics in Bangladesh for planting 700,000 trees over the course of the past year.
Fr. Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam, who leads the Ecology and Creation section of the Vatican dicastery, stressed that the Laudato Si’ Action Platform can only be accomplished in partnership with “the synodal path that Pope Francis is proposing to the entire Church.”
“Integral ecology demands that we journey together on this mission,” he said.
Kureethadam explained that the first year of the initiative will be dedicated to “drawing up concrete action plans” following by “five years of concrete action” with the final year dedicated to “praise and thank God.”
In addition to the Vatican dicastery, Eco-Jesuit, the Pan-Amazonian Church Network (REPAM), the Global Catholic Climate Movement, the Union of Religious Superiors in Rome, and other Catholic groups are involved with the organization of the seven years of programming.
“On a journey that will last for seven years, we will let ourselves be guided by the seven aims of Laudato si’, which will show us the direction while we pursue the vision of integral ecology,” Pope Francis said.
“There is hope. We can all collaborate, each one with his own culture and experience, each one with her own initiatives and capacities, so that our mother Earth may be restored to her original beauty and creation may once again shine according to God’s plan.”
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More ultramontanist rule from Bergoglio.
so we aren’t allowed to have an opinion…reminds me of Nebachadnezzar trying to make YHWH’s men to worship him..but they would not.
I find it heartbreaking that the Vicar of Christ keeps referring to Mother Earth as though the earth were a person, in the same way he did when he allowed a Pachamama idol into the Vatican. Missionaries The earth which God created is our temporary home and the salvation of our souls is determined not by reducing energy or litter picking but by being obedient and doing the will of the Father by taking the Gospel to all flesh even unto death on the Cross. Yes we should respect His creation but this is buying into the globalist agenda labelling God’s children as the problem and to quote Bill Gates “one of these numbers has to get to pretty close to zero” to reduce carbon.He was taking about population growth and his correlation to Carbon so to reduce population we need vaccines education and reproductive rights. Think about that . vaccinations as one of the means to control population. The line seems very clear as a Catholic with a devotion to Mary Our Mother. On the same say we celebrated Mary as Mother of the church we have ambiguous words harking back to the Pachama idolatry in St Peter’s and a Mother Earth character. A man made construct or idol. I am looking for a shepherd who will stand up for the Gospel Truth as proclaimed by Jesus Christ and who is aware of the impending tribulation and persecution of the Church. I seek the Peter who died for Christ and holds the keys. We are going down a globalist humanitarian wide road which is not about the battle for souls and narrow way which leads to the gateway of Jesus. Make no mistake and read your Catechism 675 to 677. Listen to the messages of Our Lady that unless we repent and pray the rosary the errors of communism will spread. Read the signs of the times as Israel is bombarded by missiles and God’s chosen tribes are being attacked and persecuted. Weep with Jesus who is the Way the Truth and the Life whose blood was poured out for our sins and lament while the Pope promotes interfaith fraternal tolerance as a fragile peace pact to infiltrate our psyche building a one world religion with other faiths which may be filled with well meaning people searching for the One True God -Yahweh but they deny His beloved Son and unless we eat of His flesh and drink of His Blood we shall not have life within us. Cosying up to idolatry is the globalist agenda as is promoting global vaccination of the flock for the common good. Whose good. I pray for the Holy Father that he discern what many are longing for the manna from heaven our daily bread and the gospel proclaimed. Lord have Mercy on your people.
tHe truth is this: KJV Bible. All others changed meanings and evden removedc words and passages. DAo not add or taske away from the word or your fate is death. tHe Catholic church took the 4th commandment out of thier bible entirely. lets look deeper into that very subject. Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus says the law stays the sanme even till the passing of this earth. Do it, teach it. tHose that do not are called least to heaven. not a dot nor a tittle of the law changes. nOt the dotting of a letter i nor a crossing of a letter T. SO why SUnday not Saturday? Daniel 7:25. Satan chnages Gods law and times. THe only times in the law is Sabbath. iN 336 AD Constantine chnaged GOds day. 1260 yearsa later the pOpe was killed. Daniels 1260 day prophecy a day is a year says God. tHen the beastsa head was healed. laudato SI Sunday Law freo the entire world . Ppacys day not gods forced on the world to save mother earth. It is not my mother . pg 176 laudato Si encyclcial all the world has sifgned. Yes the first document in earts history to be signed by all countries. ALL. Paris Accord pOpe created. mOther earth is crying outr to be healed she needs a day of rerst. SUnday. Bible says when all creation cries out it is for the return of Jesus Christ. Make your home in heaven not on earth says God. So who is the anti christ. VIcurios Feli Dei VIcor of Christ adds up to 666 in Hebrew latin greek and roman numerals. the popes title . So the Catholic church claims SUnday is thie mark ofd authority over the bible. tHe bible states it is GOd. it has the holy spiritr in it. It is the double edged sword out of jesus mouth when he returns. it is ourt armour from satan. the owrd is from the beginning. POpe says do not preach. do notr go by trhe word or you must be erriaticated. tHese are his words. THe bible tells me 21 points to be the beast of the sea. purp;e and scarlet, came from rome, political and religious, golden cup odf abominatiuon. set up a false day of worship world weide. force it or cannot buy or sell. richestr entity on eartrh. meets daniels iron statuer and 1260 prophecy wqe discusssed . control the word of god and keep it from the peop[le for many centuries. i could go on but. itsa simple. Law of god exists forever. Sabbath ids gods day i worship. not anything or anyone else he warns us. when jews worsghipped the sun god had enough and destroyed solomons temple for good. Detronomy 6:6:8. if you love me with all heart. you will write my commandments between your eyes. forehead. keep themn in your actions. your right hand. the mark of the beast is in your forehead and right hand. not Godss law but Satans. we are close. as talk is to have it implemeted by jesuit gazzette chatter and othrs like world trade unions. sept this year. god bless and follow walter vierth. for the truth . we are lamost over here.
Ah, this gives me flashbacks to growing up in a Fundamentalist, anti-Catholic Bible chapel. But we actually knew how to write and use grammar.
As a Born Again Bible believing Christian and follower of my Saviour and my God Jesus Christ I totally agree with you except for the Mary and rosary beads part… God bless you and keep you during the horrors to come