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‘Catholics for Biden’ claims Democratic candidate shares pope’s priorities

By Matt Hadro for CNA

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks to residents in Kenosha, Wis., Sept. 3, 2020, during a community meeting at Grace Lutheran Church after a week of unrest in the aftermath of the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, by a white police officer. (CNS photo/Kevin Lamarque, Reuters)

Washington D.C., Sep 4, 2020 / 06:35 pm (CNA).- The Catholic voter outreach of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign has launched its 2020 efforts, telling Catholics that Biden’s priorities align with those of Pope Francis, despite the nominee’s support for federal funding of abortions.

On Thursday night, “Catholics for Biden” held its official online launch. Speakers at the event included Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Sister Simone Campbell, and the former head of the politics department at The Catholic University of America, Dr. Stephen Schneck, who said in 2012 that concerns of the U.S. bishops about the HHS birth control mandate were “overblown.”

Durbin, a U.S. Senator since 1997, was in 2004 prohibited from receiving Holy Communion in his home Diocese of Springfield in Illinois; in 2018, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield said that prohibition remains in effect.

Speakers urged Catholics not to be single-issue voters on abortion, and challenged President Trump’s pro-life record while in office.

Biden has pledged to support taxpayer-funded abortion and codify legal abortion in law. His “public option” health care plan would also cover elective abortions. The National Abortion Rights Action League has endorsed his candidacy, and Planned Parenthood Action Fund said they were “thrilled” at his selection of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate.

After the call, organizers promoted an online quiz, “Are you a Pope Francis Voter?” that tells voters “Donald Trump rejects the vast majority of Catholic Social Teaching,” while claiming that Biden shares the “Catholic priorities” of “Pope Francis.”

The quiz tells voters that  Biden’s policies will protect people in poverty, the elderly, and migrants and reject racism, and that “you must prioritize these sacred issues in the voting booth this November.”

The U.S. bishops’ document “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” describes abortion as a “preeminent” threat to human life. The document acknowledges many attacks against human dignity, while also warning against a false “moral equivalence that makes no ethical distinctions between different kinds of issues involving human life and dignity.”

However, voting material promoted by Catholics for Biden urges voters to regard other issues as equal in priority to abortion. It discusses the idea of a “Pope Francis Voter” as someone who considers racism, poverty, migration and healthcare as “sacred issues” to be prioritized in the voting booth.

In his 2018 apostolic exhortation Gaudete et exsultate, Pope Francis said that all human life, born and unborn, is sacred.

The pope said that “defence of the innocent unborn” must be “clear, firm and passionate,” adding that “[e]qually sacred, however, are the lives of the poor, those already born, the destitute, the abandoned and the underprivileged, the vulnerable infirm and elderly exposed to covert euthanasia, the victims of human trafficking, new forms of slavery, and every form of rejection.”

Citing the words “equally sacred”—where Pope Francis refers to human life itself— a 2020 election scorecard promoted by Catholics for Biden outlines “Equally Sacred Priorities” that equate abortion with a number of other issues in importance.

“In his writing and speaking, Pope Francis makes it clear: abortion is not the only issue that matters,” the scorecard states, adding that it would compare the stances of Trump and Biden on “areas Pope Francis names as ‘equally sacred’ to the defense of the unborn.”

The scorecard was produced by Network, the social justice lobby led by Sister Simone Campbell, who led a prayer at the 2020 Democratic National Convention and endorsed Biden at Thursday night’s event.

In a recent interview with CNA, Campbell was asked if her organization opposes legal abortion. “That is not our issue. That is not it. It is above my pay grade,” she responded.

The scorecard notes that Trump, and not Biden, is seeking to overturn Roe v. Wade, but adds that Biden, and not Trump, would increase support for pregnant women and fight maternal mortality.

It then covers other issues, claiming that Biden “[s]upports families in the tax code;” opposes racism and xenophobia, the death penalty, and “discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and disabled people;” and would protect housing assistance, health care benefits, the right to organize, and humane treatment of immigrants.

Religious freedom is not mentioned in the voter materials. Biden has said that he would repeal new religious exemptions to the contraceptive mandate, which had granted relief to Catholic organizations including the Little Sisters of the Poor. If the exemptions are repealed, the sisters could once again have to appear in court.

Biden has also supported the Equality Act, which would create broad anti-discrimination protections for sexual orientation and gender identity that the U.S. bishops’ conference has warned would threaten religious freedom.

Pope Francis has made forceful denunciations of abortion. He has likened it to “hiring a hitman,” and has condemned selective abortion of the disabled as “the same as the Nazis to maintain the purity of the race, but with white gloves.”

In his 2013 apostolic exhortation Evangelii gaudium, Pope Francis wrote that “this defence of unborn life is closely linked to the defence of each and every other human right.”

Patrick Carolan, Catholic outreach director of Vote Common Good, a group campaigning for Biden, told CNA that Thursday’s event was meant to galvanize Biden’s Catholic support and to reach undecided voters.

Carolan told CNA that “there’s probably about 20% of the Catholic vote that’s still in play,” especially in several key states that Trump narrowly won in 2016.

“I think there’s a lot of, really, dissatisfaction, a lot of buyers’ remorse among Catholics,” he said of Trump voters, especially white Catholics, he added.

“A lot of it is with white Catholic women, and a lot of that is over the feeling of disgust over the separation of children and seeing pictures of children in cages,” he said. “And if you’re a mother, you can’t see that and think that that’s okay. And I know a lot of white Catholic women who saw those pictures and saw what was happening there and it just disgusted them, and they couldn’t vote for somebody who supported that.”

On Thursday, before the “Catholics for Biden” launch, the group “Catholics for Trump” attacked Biden’s record on abortion and religious freedom.

The Trump campaign’s Catholic voter outreach began with its online launch in April, which emphasized Trump’s efforts to appoint federal judges who were not “activist,” his administration’s pro-life policies and measures to protect religious freedom, and his record on the economy and on the coronavirus pandemic—which has killed more than 180,000 Americans.

Trump targeted pro-life voters this week, sending a letter to pro-life leaders outlining his policy priorities for his second term. The letter contained some of the same promises he made to pro-life voters in 2016.

Trump’s 2020 letter promises to build upon “our transformation of the federal judiciary” with judges who will “not legislate an abortion agenda from the bench.”

He also promised to “overcome Democratic filibusters in Congress to pass and finally sign into law” a 20-week abortion ban. He pledged to sign legislation protecting infant abortion survivors and blocking all taxpayer funding of abortion providers, and promised to “fully defund the abortion industry” of taxpayer dollars.

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  1. It is truly difficult for me as a Catholic, to see Biden supporters among our local parishioners. When asked about why the Biden sign in their yard they mostly clam up and turn away. Why is that? Where has the ability to exchange thoughts and facts gone? This article brings up the idea that we as Catholics should not vote for a candidate on one issue, that is as ludicrous as telling a voter in the year 1861, not to vote for Abraham Lincoln because slavery is just one of many issues facing the USA. Slavery was worthy of being “the ISSUE “ just as abortion is even more worthy of that designation.

    • Steve – Yes, Trump appears to oppose abortion. Most Catholics also oppose abortion. However, Trump has also done so many things that are so Anti-Christian, that it is hard to believe that anyone could vote for him. Is it Christ-like to separate children from their parents and place them in cages? When will those kids ever see their parents again? Trump has pulled the United States out of so many worldwide organizations that the entire world is losing confidence in the U.S.. And his “management” of the Covid-19 pandemic has been totally missing – allowing more than 180,000 deaths in the U.S. – so far! Abortion should not be a political matter – it should be a private matter between the woman and God. Trump is not a good person – definitely not a Christian person and I hope you find the courage to help us get him out of office. Thank you for listening.

      • “Abortion should not be a political matter – it should be a private matter between the woman and God.”

        So killing unborn children is just a matter of personal, private morality? Huh.

      • Dear Esther, You need to get informed not brainwashed. Trump DIDN’T separate children – Obama did that…….. check it out for yourself. Even the CDC has admitted deaths from Covid is W-A-A-A-y overstated. Only 6% of the total you’ve been reading about are actually deaths from Covid…. for one thing, hospitals etc get a significant amount of government money IF a hospitalization or death is listed from Covid. Check the CDC website itself………
        PS hope you’re not a troll, that’s such demeaning role

      • Do you realize that those children in cages were during the time that Biden and Obama were in office. That’s when the cages were used. Also, killing newborn babies is murder, not private, nor political. It’s criminal!

      • Esther,
        We should always look for ways to improve our border security facilities but a number of children enter the US with adults who are not their parents and they risk being trafficked. Separating minors from the adult population is for their own safety. If those migrants were arrested/detained under any other circumstances the same sort of policy would be used. Just as it is for American citizens.

        Sure, we can come up with more suitable housing facilities but if you’re facing large numbers of illegal entries in a short period of time you do the best you can.

        And you know, almost any crime can be rationalized by the perpetrator as being a personal matter between themselves and God. In the case of feticide it involves more than one life. A decision to take our own life may be personal but we can’t extend that rationalization when taking the lives of others.

      • “Trump has also done so many things that are so Anti-Christian, that it is hard to believe that anyone could vote for him.”

        The three things you name are not “anti-Christian,” they (unlike abortion) are political matters.

        “Is it Christ-like to separate children from their parents and place them in cages? When will those kids ever see their parents again?”

        When the parents have deliberately brought those children through and into dangerous situations I see nothing wrong in separating them. When they are the parents; there are those who claim the children as theirs when in fact they are not. You might as well complain that parents who are sent to jail for robbery, murder, drug dealing, or other crimes are “separated from their children,” and say that it shouldn’t be allowed.

        “Trump has pulled the United States out of so many worldwide organizations that the entire world is losing confidence in the U.S.”

        Is it your contention that a necessary attribute of a Christian is to remain in worldwide organizations, and to cause the world to maintain confidence in the U.S.? How very odd. In any event, the world is not losing confidence in the U.S.; the feeble, effete ones are clutching their pearls and bemoaning his refusal to agree with their generally left-wing, irrational, unscientific, and frequently downright evil opinions, but, for example, Israel and the United Arab Emirates seem to have a great deal of confidence in the U.S.

        “And his “management” of the Covid-19 pandemic has been totally missing – allowing more than 180,000 deaths in the U.S.”

        Indeed? Why, goodness me, here’s you knowing exactly how to stop the Wuhan coronavirus, and you haven’t shared that with the world! What precisely do you think he should have done? The “experts” don’t agree with each other, or even with themselves (“Don’t bother wearing masks, they don’t do any good – oh, wait, put on masks immediately, and don’t you dare take them off!”). 42% of the 180,000 deaths occurred in nursing homes. The governor of NY ordered nursing homes to take in recovering coronavirus patients and were forbidden even to test them to see if they still had the virus. “Cuomo, who said the state was following guidelines from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reversed the order under pressure May 10, long after New York’s death toll in care homes had climbed to among the nation’s highest.” Are you planning to condemn Cuomo as anti-Christian for his actions? And yet he claims to have followed the advice of experts.

        “Abortion should not be a political matter – it should be a private matter between the woman and God.”

        And if someone decides to knife you because your existence is inconvenient and embarassing, would you consider that to be a private matter between him and God? Or do you think that you’re more of a person than a baby in the womb is? If that is the case, you might reserve some of your accusations of being “anti-Christian” for the person in your mirror.

        “Trump is not a good person – definitely not a Christian person”

        Very Luke 18:11 of you. And you were appointed arbiter of that by whom, exactly?

        “and I hope you find the courage to help us get him out of office.”

        You are accusing us of being Cowardly Lions, when it is you who are more like the Scarecrow.

      • How many worldwide organizations are anything other than unelected bureaucracies? Autocracy by bureaucracy as it were. No voting rights attach to being a citizen of the world. Trump and Brexit are people trying to protect their sovereignty against bureaucratic encroachment. The whole thing about the deep state is the realistic concern by people that unelected, unaccountable bureaucracies are trying to assume the roles as the peoples’ masters. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
        From what I’ve read the WHO (World Health Organization) and China were complicit in not giving accurate information at the start of the pandemic. The science has been all over the place. The public health officials mounted the political tiger when they recommended the lockdown of the USA. Shutting down the economy is a deeply political act. The health care system itself is dependent on a healthy functioning economy for its funding.

  2. Pretty sure the Catholics for Biden crowd has it right–Biden is more in line with Pope Francis.
    How’s that McCarrick report coming along?

  3. Hoping CWR views are not in line with Catholics for Biden. So disenchanting to see this type of article and frustrated with Catholics siding with a platform that condones violence, especially abortion. To say that a lot of white catholic women are appalled at seeing children in cages, is only ignorance. These “cages” were set up in the prior administration with Biden in office. My faith in the Catholic Church is being tested when I hear priests and nuns promoting this agenda.

    • Where does it say that these “cages” were set up during the Obama administration? I saw them being set up when Trump separated the children from their parents at the Southern Border? I don’t believe that the Obama administration had anything to do with it! Trump is a liar and a greedy person who only can think of himself. Did you hear what he said this week about the military who were killed in action? He said, “They were suckers and losers.” Really? Is that someone we want to support? He’s killing the America that we know and love.

      • No, I did not hear what President Trump said about the military who were killed in action, and neither did you. I (and you) heard what a biased journalist claims that anonymous sources told him the President said; and a number of people who were present at the time of the alleged statement, including John Bolton who is most definitely not a friend or admirer of Presdident, deny vehemently that the President ever said it.

        Spreading lies about someone is calumny. It’s a sin. You might want to stop doing it.

    • While the article presents both sides of the question, it does seem to me to favor–probably unintentionally–Biden’s position. While many do agree with Biden, I can’t see any informed and sincere Catholic equating the intentional killing of tens of millions of innocent human beings with any of the other concerns mentioned. Instead of just letting others do what he personally wouldn’t, Mr. Biden is positively, if unknowingly, contributing to evil in the destruction of more human lives than the mass murders of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao combined. This in addition to eliminating religious freedom for numerous religious hospitals and medical staff, limiting freedom of speech for those who oppose the nonsense of gender theory, and going along with the other planks in the DNC platform. And, as we all know, his succesor, Kamala Harris, would be even worse.


  4. “Unrest” in Kenosha? What is there about the phrase “burning and looting and riots” which seems to upset the author?

    ‘Single issue voter’ – to me that is a voter whose decision on whom to vote for comes down to a single issue – what is the candidate’s position on that issue? The issue of abortion – Biden, while claiming to be a “faithful Catholic” fully supports abortion and contraception, in addition he fully believes that the taxpayers should fund abortion and contraception, and as a clincher – he is fully on board with same sex ‘marriage’.

    Add to all this the fact that he clearly seems to be rapidly approaching senility – this would mean President Kamala Harris, who could then run for 2 more terms on her own.

    • OMG! And what do you think that Trump believes in? He supposedly opposes abortion. I think we can all oppose abortion, but it should be a matter between the woman and God. The politics should not be involved. And I’m not sure how the government is supporting abortion – Planned Parenthood gets nothing from the government. And Trump has managed to shut down most clinics in the Midwest that were doing abortions. And there are MANY other issues involved other than the abortion issue. There is Trump’s lack of leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 180,000 deaths so far in the U.S. – most of which could have been avoided if he’d been the leader that the President of the U.S. should be! PLEASE do not be taken in by Trump’s lies. He will say anything that he thinks the people want to hear, but he does not follow up on any of his “promises”.

      • “The politics should not be involved.”

        You’re correct. Murder of the unborn should never be a political issue. It is, first and foremost, a life and moral issue.

      • Esther, you are watching far too much fake news (on CNN?); most of what you “know” about President Trump is simply not true. Unfortunately, the left-wing media will only increase their lies as the race progresses. I suggest you turn to EWTN, the worldwide Catholic TV (and radio and internet) source of not only Catholic Truth, but also a very reliable source of news. Voting for Biden and, worse, his certain successor (very possibly in his first term)
        would greatly damage the Church and harm or destroy the nation we
        are fortunate to be part of.

      • Esther, never have I heard of more lies and nonsense from someone of supposed faith in Christ. Killing the unborn, should never , I repeat never left up to the mother and God. The taking of innocent life should never be condoned under any circumstances. What is so hard to understand about this concept? If you believe that it is the mother and not God who bestows life you might have a leg to stand on. Our faith tells us that God gives us “EVERYTHING and we are to treasure and nurture our gifts not kill them before birth. Your Biden is in favor of killing , let that soak in and may you have the courage to change.

      • “OMG! And what do you think that Trump believes in? He supposedly opposes abortion. ..And Trump has managed to shut down most clinics in the Midwest that were doing abortions…He will say anything that he thinks the people want to hear, but he does not follow up on any of his “promises”.”

        Sweetie, you’re going to get whiplash if you contradict yourself like that any more often. He has also supported the Hyde Amendment, which Biden now wants to get rid of.

        “I think we can all oppose abortion, but it should be a matter between the woman and God. The politics should not be involved.”

        Manifesty you don’t think that a baby in the womb is a person, worthy of life. I remind you that from the moment the power of the Most High overshadowed Our Lady, Jesus was present in her womb; as a *person.* And John the Baptist leaped in his mother’s womb for joy when Mary, bearin our Lord, visited Elizabeth. The death of a person is not merely a matter between a woman and God.

        “And I’m not sure how the government is supporting abortion – Planned Parenthood gets nothing from the government.”

        “A new report from Planned Parenthood shows an increase in government funding during its most recent fiscal cycle and a record number of abortions at its clinics, even as the national abortion rate declines.” January 6, 2020.

      • Esther – Your statement – “It should be a matter between the woman and God – The politics should not be involved.” A fair statement but the politics ARE involved – unavoidably so.

        Life begins at conception. At the instant of conception that which was conceived begins to GROW, and if it’s GROWING – it’s ALIVE.

  5. Wish this was fake news. The Holy Father clearly opposes the evil of abortion but encourages ambiguity and confusion so that it now is impossible to refute the Biden campaign statements with clarity. How anyone can be allowed to support the murder of unborn babies up until after they are born and still be supported by bishops and priests is beyond scandal. This is right out of Bensons’ “Lord of the World”. If you can look at the two candidates for president and say Biden is the lesser evil because he only supports the murder of babies then you have given in to Evil.

  6. Your article on “Catholics for Biden” is a load of crap.

    The man will say anything and pander to anyone to get elected. He has no base principles, which he has demonstrated over decades. His foreign policy stances have been uniformally disastrous. I am sorry Sister Simone is so duped by this man. Yes, Trump has in many respects led a somewhat unprincipled life. However, what he has achieved for our country in his short tenure has been remarkable and remarkably free of his sins of the past, unlike Presidents like Bill Clinton. And if serial prevarication is a sin, then Obama too. And yes, I am Catholic. And yes, I am no fan of Pope Francis. However, Biden will be disastrous for the USA and throw the world into chaos because of his fecklessness.

  7. Hypocrisy to the bitter end. Democrat leadership, especially those with claims of faith, leading the weak of mind giving them false absolution to sin and sin again. You cannot claim Jesus Christ while denying him. Pope Francis should denounce this misinformation campaign. Let us see if he does.

  8. I wish they wouldn’t keep the “children in cages” accusation alive. I know there are voters who are swayed by that but I think it’s patronizing to assume you can garner female votes through emotions rather than facts.

  9. Good to have come across this article that brings clarity about the views of the Holy Father too , since easy to project own false desires unto him , in images as well , as has been on many occasions and painfully corrected by him at times ..

    the image above could have been about the candidate surrounded by a mountain – we can imagine of what …

    Feast of St.Mo.Teresa today , who struggled against the ‘ darkness ‘ of the
    ‘ spiritual pain ‘ of feeling distant from The Lord , possibly allowed , to make her powerful in the Divine Will a land , so very much afflicted by lies in hatred against dignity of human souls , by idolatry given to the carnal spirits , its effects, manifested in the utter poverty around – possibly being set right through the goodness of this one saint and the many who choose to follow the same Spirit .

    The key to read the Holy Father could be the Divine Will revelations , the Oneness in the wounds , his sensitivity to every wound , yet with the wisdom to see the priorities , that every choice against The Kingdom can impact its coming in power in other areas too, thus his efforts to help bring compassion and hope to all , not the prideful distancing , from the sinful and the wounded .

    An image of St.Mo.Teresa shaking her holy fingers at the candidates and those who support them , thus bringing confusion into wavering hearts , to lead many into the sin of presumption , despair and its deep bitter wounds , by breaking the seals of hell , as revealed to Dr Gloria Polo ..

    Hope the remining days of the election become filled with strong images , that supports and reveals such truths – such as of the two ‘little children ‘ , standing in front of the large Father image of St.John Paul 11 …

    with Mo.Teresa smiling , with the little ones , in their ‘adult souls ‘ that love , praise and hug The Father , Son and The Spirit ..blessed and joined by more in the nation to help them to do so in the smile of peace , where they belong in time and thus to bless all of creation as well ,

    to undo the carnal fires in hearts that spark the false fears of overpopulation …

    to instead see how the reign of evil in hearts is what often lead to others too – ? the recent fires , floods ..

    Chaste Heart of St.Joseph , Terror of demons , St.Mo.Teresa , S.G.Louisa and all of The Kingdom , pray for all, esp. for those who promote the slavery and cruelty of the reign of the rebellious self will, as opposed to the Divine Will , to yearn for and hasten The Kingdom , in ways of Truth as the only answer for all other evils .

  10. As a recent convert to Catholicism, I find the argument that all those other things noted by ‘Catholics for Biden’ as being equal to abortion completely ludicrous. Without life, nothing else really matters. The claim that racism is on equal footing, or holds the same relevance as abortion is laughable. Those that hawk racism are doing so for profit…either monetarily or for political gain. Every catholic who votes for a democrat is a hypocrite. Today’s democrats/liberals/progressives are not the same as the their party was 50 years ago. Any pretense of embracing any religion of God or Jesus Christ is completely hypocritical if one supports abortion or euthanasia.
    While a Catholic can claim with validity of their disgust of voting for Trump because of his past, his tweets, his multiple marriages, his language and coarseness…cannot in any aspect of good conscience vote for Biden and claim he is a better person because he is ‘more clean’ than Trump. Trump’s record stands for itself. Don’t vote for the ‘man’ (because all men are flawed), but rather vote for the proven record of the person in the office. Biden has had 47 years to fix America. HIS record has shown that he has never been able to do that and in fact proves the complete opposite by his support for and embrace of ideas that only harm America and her standing on the World stage. The World laughed at Obama and Biden. And those on the World stage that supported them are telling signs because of their hate for America and all that she stands for.

    “Catholics for Biden”? Oh please. Biden begs for the vote of ignorant Catholics. Open your eyes before it’s too late.

    • Allen,well stated.

      I would also like to point out that Trump, for all his faults, is not a Catholic. But Biden is, and should know better and set an example rather than support abortion. To whom much has been given, much will be expected. I don’t expect much from him except more of the same. Pander to Catholics to get their vote, then continue implementing un-Catholic policies that further dismantle our society’s morals.

    • I think of this election the same way I thought of the last – it is a “hold your nose and cast your vote” election.

      Voting is not only a right – it is a responsibility.

  11. The call for fasting that was made by the Holy Father , for Sept 4th on behalf of Lebanon could also be seen as one of the most prolife acts / statements , made in his gentle manner , of trusting in the Divine Will to work , to bring much good, in the hiddenness even , of The Sacred Host …

    The ammunition stored there , left unattended , causing havoc..

    such is the state of many , including families on up , living with the
    ammunition of bitterness from words not spoken in truth , repentance , forgiveness , apologies ..
    and same , much more magnified , when it comes to those who desire the roles to lead nations in peace , who instead choose to invite in ships loaded with evil ammunitions for carnal spirits and refuses to speak the truth from evil choices ..

    the beauty of Lebanon , that of creation , thus at risk of being blown up at any moment ..

    May we discern who are the ones who watch out ..and speak the truth of The Father and not of the father of lies –

    ‘ Your Will Father , that every life belongs to You alone , in The Mother ..’

    May the blessings of the fasting continue to bless all , to live more deeply , for and from The Food of the Divine Will meant to satisfy all our needs !

    • To deny The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, is to deny that God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, Is The Author Of Love, Of Life, And Of Marriage, and thus deny The Divinity Of The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity.

      The Sacrifice Of The Cross, Is The Sacrifice Of The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, thus the sin against The Holy Ghost, which denies The Divinity Of The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Father, Son, And Holy Ghost, in denying The Integral Essence Of The Sacrifice Of The Cross, results in a denial of Salvational Love, God’s Gift Of Grace And Mercy.

  12. Lebanon , with its connections to France and thus St.Francis too : )
    the country said to be reputed for gambling …

    Gambling with its inherent aspect that one wins at the loss of the other ..

    and the repeated efforts , of turning tables , ? like the little crowns of lies that can get repeated in hearts ..
    Glad that the Pres. has distanced himself from the previous empire of such .. the fasting and prayers from the Holy Father on down , to bring further awareness of such evils through and through , esp. in the most destructive gambling promoted , through choices of sins against life and marriage .
    Thank God too , for the crown of holiness also being revealed and promoted in many ways for our times .

  13. Well, I am a white Catholic woman and I have been fully satisfied with my vote for Trump in 2016, and plan to vote for him again in November. As a mother I saw the “children in cages” for what it was: the result of their foolish parents recklessly trying to enter our country illegally. How dare they place their children in such a predicament by breaking the law.

    These liberal Catholics are tone deaf and don’t seem to get that Biden, Pelosi, Durbin, et. al. aren’t leading by upholding the truths of their Catholic faith, but rather are trying to remedy the ills caused by not upholding those truths in the first place. That’s not leadership, it’s cowardice.

    Hey Sister Simone: It’s not above my pay grade to see abortion for the evil fraud it is. Pay grade doesn’t determine one’s stupidity.

    Funny, those who say “my body, my choice” have never spoken up for those who choose not to wear a covid mask.

  14. ” Biden supports families in the tax code’??? Is that supposed to be more important than the murder of babies? Not only abortion in sadly rare cases of rape or incest. But largely unnecessary by any measure third trimester abortions up to and and including BIRTH, as has been recently expressed by the DEMOCRATS. Indeed that sort of grotesque demand is their litmus test for membership in their ghoulish club. I am not a fan of this Pope but I doubt even HE is OK with the concept of abortion in return for a favorable tax code. Catholics can rationalize their DEM vote all they want. Its their “ethnic choice” or family tradition or whatever, but as the DEMs have made this procedure ever more radical in scope, the time has come to take a real stand for what you believe.Or, even better, for what in your heart you know is right morally. You may be fooling yourself with rationalizations in order to vote DEM, but in the final analysis you wont be able to fool God.

  15. Mr. Biden does share Jorge Bergoglio’s priorities.
    This is a statement Jorge Bergoglio made prior to his election as pope, which demonstrates that Jorge Bergoglio’s election to the Papacy cannot possibly be valid as Jorge Bergoglio, himself, was not in communion with Pope Benedict XVI, and every other validly elected Pope.

    Jorge Bergoglio’s heresy was external and made public and notorious, when as a cardinal, he stated in his book, On Heaven and Earth, in regards to same-sex sexual relationships, and thus same-sex sexual acts, prior to his election as pope, on page 117, demonstrating that he does not hold, keep, or teach The Catholic Faith, and he continues to act accordingly:
    “If there is a union of a private nature, there is neither a third party, nor is society affected. Now, if the union is given the category of marriage, there could be children affected. Every person needs a male father and a female mother that can help shape their identity.”- Jorge Bergoglio, denying The Sanctity of the marital act within The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, and the fact that God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, Is The Author Of Love, Of Life, And Of Marriage, while denying sin done in private is sin.

    To deny The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, is to deny that God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, Is The Author Of Love, Of Life, And Of Marriage, and thus deny The Divinity Of The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity.

    The Sacrifice Of The Cross, Is The Sacrifice Of The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, thus the sin against The Holy Ghost, which denies The Divinity Of The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Father, Son, And Holy Ghost, in denying The Integral Essence Of The Sacrifice Of The Cross, results in a denial of Salvational Love, God’s Gift Of Grace And Mercy.

    “It is not possible to have Sacramental Communion without Ecclesial Communion”, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, For It is “Through Christ, With Christ, And In Christ, In The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, that Holy Mother Church, outside of which, there is no Salvation, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque), exists.

    “Blessed are those Called to The Wedding Supper Of The Lamb.”

    No Greater Love Is There Than This, To Desire Salvation For One’s Beloved.

    “Love one another as I Have Loved you.” Jesus The Christ

  16. Biden and the Democrats managed to defeat dozens of bills to restrict abortions. Biden and the Democrats voted to have abortions all the way to birth and partial birth abortions. They said, if it is not born then it is not a baby. Then Virginias liberal governor suggested born alive babies after botched abortions should be laid on the table to cry and die. The bill to let the born alive babies live was defeated by Biden and the Democrats. I don’t even understand how this is not homicide.

  17. “A lot of it is with white Catholic women, and a lot of that is over the feeling of disgust over the separation of children and seeing pictures of children in cages,”

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but that policy started under Obama. And yet, he gets a free pass from the Fishwrap SJW brigade.

  18. How can Biden say he’s a catholic and want to have unborn babies aborted?
    Biden needs to read his bible that says in Jeremiah 1:5 ” Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you,and ordained you a prophet unto the nations.
    Let God be true and every man a liar.
    God is about Life.God has a purpose and good plan for these babies.
    If he believes in The Almighy God who creates and gives life,then he should protect the unborn.They have a right to Live.

  19. How can you support the democratic party and Biden when their platform is in favor of abortion that has killed or is coming close to killing as many babies as Hitler did in Word War II under the Nazis regime. I will continue to pray for those lost souls that don’t support the following of Jesus that say “Thou shall not kill”. Are country is in a mess and divided because we have thrown out God in almost every institution and now because of the equality act proposed by the Democrats, we may be throwing God out of religious institutions that will force us to abide or silence us for speaking up and everyone that has not took a stand against this will have to answer to God almighty when he opens the book on what you believed in and supported while you were alive.

5 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

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  3. “Catholics” try to Rationalize Supporting Joe Biden for Presidency Despite his Leftist Track Record - Big League Politics
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