The invitation arrived in early 2018, and I could not have been more grateful.
Father James Lloyd, the world’s oldest living Paulist priest, was writing to announce a special event, to be held “in the magnificent Church of St. Paul the Apostle” where he was ordained.
“Though I can hardly believe it,” he wrote, “I shall be 97 years old in a few days. But even more unbelievable I shall be a priest seventy years on May the First, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.”
He then joked: “With unapologetic and understandable narcissism, I want to celebrate this milestone before I take off for the Celestial Flight home.”
When I called Father to thank him for the invitation—and express how eager I was to see him celebrate Mass and preach—he promised to deliver a “barn-burner of a sermon.” He did not disappoint.
Arriving at Father Lloyd’s “Mass of Thanksgiving,” it was even grander than I imagined. St. Paul the Apostle Church—the Motherhouse Church of the Paulist Order in New York—resides on Columbus Avenue, between West 59th and 60th Streets, in Upper West Side Manhattan. It is one of the city’s most beautiful churches. It was constructed in the late nineteenth century, under the inspired vision of Paulist Founder, Father Isaac Hecker, “who dreamed of building a basilica that would combine the artistic ideals of the past, with the American genius of his day,” to quote the Church’s website. Hecker succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations. Enlisting a host of talented architects and artists, they created a majestic church, now famous for its spacious dimensions, stained glass windows, murals, sculptures and mosaic floors.
Arriving early, I sat in one of the church’s well-crafted pews, waiting for the Mass to begin. The opening procession was accompanied by the fulsome strains of “We Sing the Glorious Conquest”—a classic Christian hymn, which some modern churchgoers find too triumphalistic, but I thought perfect for the occasion.
Down the church’s central aisle came several dozen priests—all good friends of Father Lloyd, from various orders—in their flowing white vestments, followed, at last, by Lloyd himself, in his own striking black Paulist habit. To keep pace, he needed some help from his walker, but looked remarkably agile for someone approaching 100.
Father Eric Andrews, President of the Paulist Fathers, welcomed and blessed the congregation, and introduced a surprise guest: Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York. The Cardinal brought his well-known warmth and levity to the occasion, but there was an extra dose of emotion in his voice when he turned to Lloyd and said:
Father, I speak for my brother priests, here in such great numbers, two of my brother bishops, and so many people here this evening, in letting you know from the Catholic family from the Archdiocese of New York, how much we love you, how grateful we are to you, congratulations—Hallelujah–and please invite us to your 100th birthday!
The Cardinal then quipped, “I hate to bring this up, but my parents weren’t even dating when you were ordained,” adding, “The rumor is that you knew Father Hecker.”
After recounting many highlights of Father Lloyd’s ministry—including his missionary work in South Africa; his teaching career, as a seminary instructor and Professor of Psychology; and as host of Inquiry, a religious affairs program which ran on NBC for fifteen years—the Cardinal made it a point to praise Father Lloyd’s pastoral achievements. Father offers free counseling to any priest in the Archdiocese who requests it, Cardinal Dolan noted, and is a loyal chaplain for “the magnificent Courage Apostolate,” which ministers to those with same-sex desires, helping them lead chaste and rewarding lives.
If anyone in the audience didn’t understand why Father Lloyd is so widely loved, they did after Cardinal Dolan spoke.
After that moving tribute, the service moved to Lloyd’s much-anticipated homily. Although Father would have loved to stand for his entire sermon, it was going to be a long one, so he had two younger Paulists help him take a seat, with his walker nearby.
When Father Lloyd finally spoke, silence fell over St. Paul’s.
His homily began by recalling that life-changing day, in 1948, when he and four fellow Paulist deacons—”young, idealistic and innocent”—were ordained priests of God and “swore that we would be true to Christ until we died.”
Soon after, one of the older Paulists, Father Ed Nugent, told Lloyd privately, “Now you will spend the rest of your life trying to figure out what just happened to you.”
The new priest didn’t quite understand Nugent’s remark, until people started calling him “Father” Lloyd and treating him “like a piece of expensive china.”
For a self-described “roughneck from 61st street,” this was a revelation for James Lloyd. But he soon came to appreciate the special charism priests carry, “which emanates from their very presence, and even many non-Catholics feel and appreciate.”
The priesthood remains as much a wonder to Lloyd today as when he entered it.
Before his ordination, he explained, he had been afflicted with anomie—a clinical term for “unrest” or lack of purpose. Although he had excelled in school, and had opportunities to enter medicine, engineering, the military and even the theatre (which his parents thrived in), he couldn’t decide what to do. Frustrated, he wandered aimlessly about, until God finally spoke to him in a momentous way.
It was a hot Saturday afternoon, in August of 1940. The then 19- year-old Lloyd had just broken up with his girlfriend—“the best looking girl in the parish!”—and he was feeling sorry for himself, drifting along Manhattan’s busy streets. Passing Saint Paul the Apostle’s Church, which had become a fixture during his youth, he stopped, for no particular reason, and gazed across the avenue to observe a Paulist Father, in full cassock, hanging out a window, taking a break from hearing confessions. Though emerging from what must have been a stifling box, with no air conditioning, he didn’t look vexed, or overburdened; quite the contrary. Leaning over a great grey parapet, the priest watched a passing parade in total serenity.
Lloyd said he couldn’t fully describe what came over him just then, but when it did, it came in a flash: “The priest seemed so peaceful, so content, so sure he had something important to give. He seemed not to have to explain himself to anyone-even to himself. The priesthood! Could that be it? Was that what God was calling me to?”
It didn’t take him long to answer. James Lloyd entered the Paulist novitiate as soon as he could; and immediately came to appreciate what the Paulist Fathers had done for him: “I was baptized here at St. Paul’s by a Paulist priest; St. Paul’s is where I made my first Confession, and received my first Communion. The Paulists sent me to their school for eight years, covering every expense—my parents didn’t have to pay a penny!—and they taught me how to read and write and compute and above all, how to love God… They were my heroes!”
Pointing up to the various balconies which highlight St. Paul’s expansive Church, Lloyd described how his heroes “stood in that pulpit and, filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus the Christ—boldly, fearlessly and without compromise.”
They were like spiritual titans, said Father, “thumping their chests in triumph as they proclaimed the ancient faith, with no timidity and no ambivalence.” They were “consummate orators and scholars…dynamic, elegant, and prophetic.”
Explaining how these Paulists left an indelible mark on his soul, Father continued:
They hit us with Revelation 3:15-16: ‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.
The message was clear: unless Catholics, both lay and religious, devoted themselves wholly to Jesus Christ and were on fire for the Lord, He would disown them.
Lest some listening to Lloyd’s sermon became rattled by this divine warning—rarely heard in church these days—Father assured everyone that if they or anyone they knew was a weak or fallen-away Catholic, they could immediately turn their lives around by embracing the Cross and becoming a renewed disciple of Christ.
That part of Lloyd’s homily led seamlessly into the next: a stirring defense of Catholic teaching on human sexuality, and his work for the Courage apostolate.
“Everyone, without exception, is bound to chastity,” proclaimed Father Lloyd. For those in a true, loving sacramental marriage, between a man and a woman, that means total fidelity to one’s spouse; and for singles, that means having warm and wonderful friendships, yes—but no sexual relations whatsoever. For the committed Christian, said Lloyd, “there can be no rationalizations to do otherwise.”
Many Catholics today consider these teachings too strict, even impossible to observe, but Father reminded us that God never requires anything beyond our ability (1 Cor 10: 13), and that with prayer, the sacraments and the help of a sound confessor, Catholics can and must live pure and faithful lives.
These Biblical principles, he said, are the same ones followed by Courage, an apostolate founded 40 years ago by the esteemed Father John Harvey, to help men and women with same-sex attractions practice chastity—”in fellowship, truth and love.”
Yet, although Courage has been strongly endorsed by the Holy See and America’s Bishops, its apostolate has also been assailed. The secular media and dissident Catholics, who fear nothing so much as traditional morality, have consistently disparaged Courage. Father Lloyd, who has been a Courage chaplain for over twenty-five years, had a message for its critics that night: “Courage is not going anywhere.”
It is not going to make way for those who reject Catholic teaching on same-sex relations, he said, nor is it going to peter out and disappear, as its detractors predict.
With over 100 chapters in the US alone, active in 15 more countries, and having the seal of approval from the Pope himself—Francis recently honored its director, Father Phillip Bochanski, for his invaluable work—Courage is thriving.
Lloyd explained why:
For forty years, Courage has been helping those with same-sex attraction, and often engaged in same-sex relations, pull themselves out of darkness and sexual addiction and free themselves from the shackles of sin.
Then, pausing a moment, and looking out at the entire congregation, Lloyd said with emotion:
I don’t need the secular media to educate me about same-sex attraction, and especially those living with it who seek spiritual and moral well-being…I have seen and counseled people with this inclination up close, prima facie, and heard their sufferings and struggles, and watched many of them become saints before my eyes, exhibiting true holiness.
What was so remarkable about these words is not only that Lloyd spoke them, but where he did: from the pulpit at St. Paul the Apostle, which is not the same Church Lloyd grew up in. It is now considered one of the most “gay friendly” parishes in Manhattan—by which is meant, not only a Church which welcomes and respects those with same-sex attraction (as the Catechism commands Catholics do) but one which goes far beyond that—sponsoring groups and events which subtly, if not openly, sanction same-sex relations. Inside St. Paul’s that night, however, there was no sign of any of that. The entire audience sat riveted as they listened to Father’s beautiful, brave, compassionate, and utterly convincing sermon highlighting the virtues and necessity of chastity.
The inspiring example of Courage, Father said, should help all Catholics reform their lives: “If you find error within yourself, correct it. If you find ignorance, enlighten it. If you find cowardly compromise, challenge it. And if you find any bigotry whatsoever, exorcize it!”
Lloyd exhorted his listeners to “be spiritual warriors,” not accommodators and defeatists, and above all, “keep your faith.”
That last point was made with force, because of the anti-Catholicism now increasing everywhere. “If you don’t think our faith is under attack,” he said, sounding like those Paulists of old, “you must be living on the southern tip of the planet Pluto…. Today, a thousand different voices relentlessly assail our faith, and urge us to abandon our Church altogether.”
The message is always the same, he said, like the Biblical serpent: “You don’t have to believe all that Catholic nonsense; you’re too intelligent, too educated for that! Why don’t you finally give up the oppressive and superstitious teachings of your Church and enjoy the pleasures of the world?”
But the reason Catholics mustn’t conform to this world’s standards, Lloyd said, is because the Gospel explicitly warns us not to (Rom 12:2); and because faithful Catholics know that what they believe, from an instinctive and metaphysical standpoint, is true, fulfilling every human need and aspiration. Still, temptations never cease, and the world’s war against eternal life continues, so every Catholic must remain on guard.
Whenever we are approached with the world’s seductive charms, said Lloyd, “we must say to ourselves, ‘I will not give in, I will not concede. I will not surrender. I will not yield….’” We need to dig in our heels, bite the bullet and face our demons, he said, because Christian perseverance is what will deliver us from evil: He who stands firm to the end will be saved (Matt 24:13).
Before concluding his stirring remarks, Lloyd thanked everyone for coming and listening to him that night, and then brought everything back to the heart of Christ.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am here tonight, you are here, not to honor me but to honor Jesus Christ.” For it was Christ who called him to the priesthood; Christ who allowed him to enjoy its priceless benefits; and Christ who still fills him with that same evangelical fervor he experienced on the day he was ordained.
Then, in one last unforgettable gesture, Father Lloyd picked up a large Mission Cross resting on the altar, held it aloft, and loudly hailed “Jesus Christ, our Messiah, the King… All glory and honor and adoration to you, Lord God, Allelujah and Amen!”
As exhilarating as Lloyd’s homily was, it was not the highlight of the evening: that would be reserved for the high point of every Mass: the consecration and celebration of the Holy Eucharist, “the source and summit of the Christian life,” as Vatican II affirmed.
Watching Father Lloyd concelebrate Mass that night—so beautifully, and as if it was his first time doing so—I understood why he always reminds younger priests “the Mass is everything!”
As his fellow priests departed from the altar, as the service ended, with Lloyd following from behind, a space was created near the front doors of the church, so Father could say goodbye to all who had attended.
As I watched the congregation thank and embrace Father Lloyd, one by one, and enthusiastically congratulated him myself, I don’t think I have ever seen more joy on a priest’s face. Lloyd was radiating his appreciation for being a priest, and in return, the faithful were showering their affection upon him for being one.
Best of all, it wasn’t a “Last Hurrah” for Lloyd. For the very next morning, he went right back to work—counseling, writing, and celebrating Mass, just as he has for decades.
Leaving St. Paul’s that night, I thought: How much this man of God has fortified Catholics during these tumultuous times; how much he has made them love their faith even more; and how much he has inspired them to pray for the priesthood!
On April 3rd, Father Lloyd turned 99, and as he has every week since 1994, continues to lead a Courage meeting at St. Paul’s. Incredibly, except for the rarest of occasions, such as when a date has fallen on Christmas, Father has never missed a meeting. “It’s almost as seamless as Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak, but not quite,” he jokes. Not even the terrible Coronavirus has upended that. For after Father was instructed by his superiors to practice social distancing, if not isolation (because of his age), he dutifully obeyed—while making sure his Courage meetings continued online, via Zoom, without missing a week. So his amazing run continues, as he confronts the pandemic with typical fortitude, posting spiritual reflections on self-isolation and the things that matter most.
I cannot wait until Father Lloyd turns 100 next year, when his admirers can attend an even more glorious celebration for one of the Church’s living legends—and surely one of its most exceptional priests.
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Fr. Lloyd, and the writer Mr. Doino, speak the truth, 100%.
St. Paul the Apostle is a Church I am very familiar with, and neither Fr. Lloyd nor the writer pulled any punches about chastity and the fight for truth by Courage, against the forces of darkness which infest St. Paul’s in the form of the “out-in-NY-ministry.”
Thank God for holy and long-faithful priests like Fr. Lloyd.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle…
A beautiful, inspiring story about a wonderful Priest. Thank you.
Father Isaac Hecker, founder of the Paulists, was an associate of Orestes Brownson, and a fellow former socialist and convert. With Brownson and others, Fr. Hecker was in the forefront in the struggle against the “new things” of socialism, modernism, and the New Age. It is supremely ironic that a mistranslated biography of Fr. Hecker was taken as a rallying call and encouragement by the French modernists, resulting in the Apostolic Letter, Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae to the bishops of the United States. Misunderstood by Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland, and misinterpreted by others due to confusion in the meaning of the term “Americanism,” the Letter was ineffective in halting the infiltration of the new things into the Church. As a result, many people to this day are convinced that their particular versions of socialism, modernism, and the New Age are acceptable because they are either not “American,” or in their opinion are not the specific type of “Americanism” condemned in the Letter.
Fr James Lloyd: a very, very rare gem.
Would that courage such as his were infectious.
Fr. James Lloyd is an extraordinary man and priest. His blog offers wonderful inspiration, wisdom and enjoyment, he never disappoints. http://frjameslloyd.blogspot.com
Liz –
Agree 100%…I have him as a favorite.
Fr. Lloyd is like a Lebanon cedar as described in Psalm 92:
“The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree. He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that are planted in the house of the LORD will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green, to declare that the LORD is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”
I have chosen to follow The Lord in the Courage apostolate 30 years ago. To have Fr. Lloyd as an spiritual director is the fulfillment of the words of Christ to all : “take your cross and follow me…and I’ll be with you to the end of time”. What an honor and blessing has been to know this great priest.
I’m not Catholic, but I find no point of disagreement with his sermon as I understand it.
Every point was backed by scripture- God’s word, not man’s. Mr 7:7,8
His work with his Courage group is indeed scriptural. Consider that 1Cor 6:9-11 castigates equally the homosexual, the drunkard, the thief. None will inherit God’s kingdom; a death sentence, at the end. Yet we often miss the point: It is the action, not the desire that is condemned; ‘yet that is what some of you were.’
Yet I wonder about this statement, on the “gay friendly” St Paul’s: “for the committed Christian”, said Lloyd, “there can be no rationalizations to do otherwise.”
Doesn’t the Source also tell us that these ones cannot be considered Christians? Paul’s counsel at 1Cor 5:11 is also strict, but isn’t it necessary to keep the congregation ‘pure and unspoilt’ in its worship? James 1:27, NJB.
“Yet I wonder about this statement, on the “gay friendly” St Paul’s: “for the committed Christian”, said Lloyd, “there can be no rationalizations to do otherwise.”
Doesn’t the Source also tell us that these ones cannot be considered Christians? ”
Well Doug, as I understand it we don’t stop being Christians when we have disordered attractions or even when we act those out. We’ve sinned for sure when we consent to & entertain disordered desires and worse when we commit such acts, but there absolutely is redemption & forgiveness available. Just as for any other offense committed.
Few of us have the gift of reading hearts & we should be careful in condemnation.I believe many of those with same sex attractions suffered through some loss or event in childhood that sent them on that path. We don’t know what degree of mental health or consent they have, but the Lord does & He offers them healing through the Sacrament of Confession just as He does for everyone else.
God bless Father Lloyd.
An excellent point. I should have been more clear.
It seems that St Paul’s, by the admission of at least one who knows it, does more than welcome gay people.
(” the forces of darkness which infest St. Paul’s in the form of the “out-in-NY-ministry.””)
It certainly isn’t alone in this, as others noted. Some churches seem to think that Jesus commanded Christians to fill the pews regardless. Lloyd is not one of those, at least.
Jesus and Paul dealt with many sinners- everyone they met, in fact. As in the case of Zacchaeus, the jailer of Acts 16 and Paul himself, the key to forgiveness is remorse, abandonment of the sin, and changing to a godly lifestyle. Courage does just that, as I understand it. Those in charge of St Paul’s do not.
I’m not familiar with that particular parish but I have heard, sadly, that there are Catholic parishes which may more celebrate a disordered lifestyle rather than lead sinners in the Scriptural steps to a godly lifestyle you described so well.
So perhaps St. Paul’s parish needs Fr. Lloyd more than they know.
Most of us aren’t gifted by the Holy Spirit in preaching the same way St. Paul was. I expect he could strongly challenge folks & get results.
It’s hard to get the right balance but I believe if we truly love others as Christ instructed us we have a better chance of being heard.
Father James Lloyd C.S.P., as old as he is, is a Catholic Powerhouse, like all of us should aspire to be, especially at the tip of the spear against the faith/Truth/life/light smothering Homosexual Sentimental Infestation that at its core promotes a Total Forced Hybrid of Good and Evil. I admire him even more because most of his brothers at the Paulist Order have gone from charity and a call to conversion toward homosexuals (the very same call we must all respond to every day) to the EXTREME position of acceptance of radical homosexuality AS IS into the Church (as the article clearly identifies that Paulist Church in Manhattan).
The Courage to stand alone with JESUS when necessary, what a MOST BEAUTIFUL THING!!!
Too many Paulists support Jesuit Father James Martin, S.J., extreme homosexual advocate, as you can see in their website. What I’m concerned about specifically is Father Martin’s poisonous pontification of homosexuality as almost a “sacrament of authenticity” for Catholics or any doers of good, a litmus-test/virtue-signaling/forced-test-of-false-charity. He pushes homosexuality as almost divine, unquestionable, absolutely inerrant, and always worthy to be obeyed. Never!! Only Christ!!
We must all pray for the Courage ministry that truly helps homosexuals receive JESUS’ Salvation and Redemption, and even more include in all our prayers something like this: “I pray this in full communion with the Invincible Virginal Chaste Love of JESUS, Mary and Joseph to totally fill me and transform me, my family, all the Catholic Church and all humankind until JESUS returns”. The Holy Family is a Virginal Family and it is the very core of that All-Important, All-Sanctifying Chastity (TRUE sexual holiness in any personal state) that we must ALL have and that Father Lloyd preached about as noted in this great article, thank you!! Chastity is the KEY!! Even with just one chaste person among 8 billion non-chaste, JESUS still wins! The growing specific devotion to St. Joseph helps ignite this Holy Fire, as the Hearts of JESUS, Mary and Joseph are ONE.
Phil, I’ve noticed that the commenters here correctly recognize the difference between virginity and chastity. (I might add celibacy.) But your teaching that Joseph and Mary were celibate after their marriage is controversial, as you know. Nor can we can say that such a marriage is rhe best example for mankind. For one thing it works against Yahweh’s first command, at Gen 1:28- ‘Go forth and multiply …” (We’re adults here; we know where babies come from! Jerome seems not to have known, when he taught that celibacy is a holier state than marriage.)
The NJB has an excellent footnote apparatus, which I’ve used in researching the Church teaching on Joseph’s family, along with the Catholic Encyclopedia at newadvent.org. In my opinion and that of many others, your own Bibles don’t support your view.
Mr. Doug Pruner, as you said: “I am not Catholic”, so the belief that Mary and Joseph had a Virginal Family is CATHOLIC TRUTH for 2,000 years, connected straight to JESUS, not Martin Luther or any other merely human founder and their direct/indirect sympathizers. As it happens with the existence and authority of God, the Holy Trinity, etc. you can take it or leave it (Free Will), but every time you reject ANY element of JESUS’ CATHOLIC TRUTH you lose communion with the Truth Himself, JESUS (John 14:6), which is why Protestant Denominations are today between 25 to 35,000 (depending on how you count them). All those Denominations make the Truth optional according to their personal comfort, habits and preferences (humanism).
The NJB (New Jerusalem Bible) mentions ONLY Joseph’s ancestors NOT any descendants. Your argument is desperate for evidence and devious. There’s NOTHING in New Advent website or Catholic Encyclopedia that contradicts that, just the opposite is true, and which is why you don’t give any specific link to it, so you are using the NJB, New Advent, etc. as straw men fallacies for you to hide behind. That is a worn-out Protestant tactic.
The REAL Truth is not made by consensus or applause as in Protestantism, so what you or the commenters here may say about chastity and virginity does not necessarily make it True. You may disagree with Jerome that “celibacy is holier than marriage” but it was JESUS Himself who said: “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven”, (Matthew 22:30). SO… if you are planning on getting 70 virgins in Heaven or anyone else there to engage in sexual relations, you are believing the wrong thing (and will live in eternal disappointment), whatever your humanistic preferences or unbridled passions may or may not be. Unlike the hapless Hebrew Priest who touched the Ark and died (2 Samuel 6:6-8), we will be able to touch God’s Heart and not die, which is INFINITELY greater that all the combined physical sexual orgasms of all humankind of the past, present and future.
I found, as a former Protestant, that those most troubled with the issue of virginity are those troubled with their personal chastity (sexual discipline and holiness in ANY state, married or single) and are involved in secret sexual sin or greatly desiring to become involved in it. It shows openly in how they treat female Christians/non-Christians, and/or their very excessive physical contact. INDEED, after any long decades of Biblical study with both Protestants (in the past) and Catholics, I’m POSITIVE that those who brought to JESUS the woman caught in adultery were the biggest secret sexual perverts themselves (they never brough the adulterous man), looking not just to test JESUS but to justify their own sexual perversions with distracting, hypocritical self-righteousness (John 8:1-11), something still so despicably common everywhere today.
Both in Protestant and Catholic churches, the very best people I found were very sexually holy and disciplined, and had NO problem with the fact that both Mary and Joseph did not engage in sexual relationships at any time. When your eye is clean, you don’t see any pieces of wood in the eyes of God’s Holy Family. When your eye is dirty, you see your own lumber yard in their eyes (Luke 6:42). By God’s design, sexual relationships are indeed holy in a Christian marriage between one man and one woman that are totally faithful to God and to each other in an exclusive relationship.
But, again, as Matthew 22:30 shows, the great wonders of married sex are a mere shadow of the transfigured VIRGINAL and CHASTE Love in Heaven and which Celibacy on Earth in ordained and non-ordained people already prefigures and points to. JESUS said that even the rocks would cry out the Truth (Luke 19:40) and even the maggot worms will also cry out the Truth, as those sexual physical parts are among the first to disappear after a person dies (Matthew 6:19-21). Mr. Doug Pruner, may God bless you and all you hold dear, that you may all come to the Fullness of JESUS’ Catholic Truth (Ephesians 4:15)!!
I first came across Father Lloyd in South Africa, at a ‘mission’, conducted at our local parish. Oh wow! We knew our Faith those days! What gifted orators the Paulists were! And I have his book, The Reflections of a Dinosaur Priest. His articles are available on Google too. Congratulations to Father Lloyd!