Special Report

Single by Vocation

April 25, 2012 Jim Graves 0

“The unmarried man gives his mind to the Lord’s affairs and how he can please the Lord; but the man who is married gives his mind to the affairs of this world and to how […]

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The real shock…

April 24, 2012 Carl E. Olson 0

… in the CDF vs. LCWR saga is not, George Weigel notes, the faux shock of the LCWR leadership, but that the Vatican had finally acted, decisively, after three decades of half-hearted (and failed) attempts […]

If Sigmund Freud Met C.S. Lewis

April 24, 2012 Thomas S. Hibbs 0

Toward the end of the play Freud’s Last Session, a fictional conversation about the meaning of human life between Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis concludes, “How mad, to think we could untangle the world’s greatest […]

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Two options for the LCWR

April 23, 2012 Carl E. Olson 0

From a CNA/EWTN News piece, quoting Ann Carey: Carey said that after Vatican II, members of many religious orders began to live in apartments and find their own jobs, separate from a corporate apostolate such […]

(Photo courtesy of Fr. Lawrence Lew

On Fifteen Years a Catholic

April 20, 2012 Carl E. Olson 0

“How can you join a church that tells you how to think?” The question, uttered with equal parts puzzlement and anger, surprised me. In hindsight, it should have been about as surprising as an afternoon […]