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A Preamble to “Hope”

May 16, 2011 Michael J. Miller 0

Vice President Joe Biden, Senator John McCain, and Governor Sarah Palin hope that their sons will return safely from military deployment overseas, although they still disagree, as they did on the campaign trail, about how […]

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Awaiting the Rupture

May 16, 2011 Jeremy Lott 0

Richard Dooling’s website describes him as “Part man, part beast, part novelist, part screenwriter, part lawyer and law school professor, part computer programming hobbyist, part word, book, and film lover.” Outside of his hometown of […]

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Rather Trying to Keep His Head Down

May 16, 2011 Diogenes 0

The March issue of The Atlantic magazine has a lengthy article by Paul Elie called “The Velvet Reformation.” It’s partly a profile of Dr. Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury, and partly a stock-taking of […]

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Contradictory, Casual, Cool, and Crude

May 16, 2011 Anna Abbott 0

Last year, Rick Warren, a founder of the movement called the “Emergent Church,” hosted the first presidential forum between John McCain and Barack Obama. Held at Warren’s Saddleback Church in Southern California, the forum reflected […]

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Why Did It Take So Long?

May 16, 2011 CWR Staff 0

Over the last decade the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) channeled $7.3 million of parishioners’ money to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). Finally, last fall the CCHD reluctantly stopped payments to […]

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Even Deeper Into Schism

May 16, 2011 James Hitchcock 0

Father Marek Bozek, pastor of St. Stanislaus parish in St Louis (see “The Anatomy of a Schism,” CWR, June 2008), was secretly affiliated with two schismatic groups at the very moment St. Stanislaus was holding […]

Special Report

The Furor Festival

May 16, 2011 Michael J. Miller 0

During January’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Benedict XVI lifted the excommunication incurred by the four bishops of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) whom Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre had illicitly consecrated […]


Chesterton Comes of Age

May 16, 2011 David Paul Deavel 0

From early in his career critics compared G.K. Chesterton to Dr. Johnson, perhaps rightly so. Both were largely self-taught yet revered men of letters—neither had earned university degrees—who unashamedly professed orthodox Christianity in a literary […]

Special Report

Hoping for More

May 16, 2011 John Burger 0

On December 12, 2008, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith released Dignitas Personae (“The Dignity of the Person”), an “instruction on certain bioethical questions.” It was widely regarded as a sequel to Donum […]