Pacem in Terris after 60 years
On April 11, 1963, John XXIII issued the encyclical Pacem in Terris, a powerful call for a world in which there were neither victims nor executioners that cemented the pontiff’s reputation as “Good Pope John.” […]
On April 11, 1963, John XXIII issued the encyclical Pacem in Terris, a powerful call for a world in which there were neither victims nor executioners that cemented the pontiff’s reputation as “Good Pope John.” […]
Pope Francis at his Wednesday general audience on April 12, 2023. / Daniel Ibanez/CNA
Vatican City, Apr 12, 2023 / 04:10 am (CNA).
Pope Francis has told “keyboard warriors” to put aside online polemics and get out from behind their desks to pro… […]
On May 5th, Pope Francis will begin his two-day visit to Bulgaria, a multi-religious Eastern European country with an Eastern Orthodox majority that makes up 59.4% of the population. Muslims make up 7.8% of the […]
The question of immigration is complicated enough under the best circumstances. But the problem of mass migration, much of it illegal, in a globalized world […]
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