
Chesterton Comes of Age

May 16, 2011 David Paul Deavel 0

From early in his career critics compared G.K. Chesterton to Dr. Johnson, perhaps rightly so. Both were largely self-taught yet revered men of letters—neither had earned university degrees—who unashamedly professed orthodox Christianity in a literary […]


An Exile No More

May 16, 2011 David Paul Deavel 0

The death of Father Richard John Neuhaus on January 8, 2009 from complications of cancer, less than a month after the death of his dear friend, Cardinal Avery Dulles, SJ, has left a large void […]


The Tudor Period

May 13, 2011 Vincent Ryan 0

In G.K. Chesterton’s The Red Moon of Meru, Father Brown successfully foils the theft of a priceless ruby at an English manor. As the story ends, the cleric reminds his police colleague that while one […]


Rembert Weakland’s Oprah ecclesiology

May 12, 2011 Russell Shaw 0

Probably the most telling passage in Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland’s autobiography A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church concerns an apparently trivial incident in late 1977. The newly arrived archbishop of Milwaukee was cleaning out his […]


The Faith of Flannery O’Connor

May 12, 2011 Catherine Harmon 0

Brad Gooch opens his new biography of Flannery O’Connor with a quote from his subject about biographies: “As for biographies, there won’t be any biographies of me because, for only one reason, lives spent between […]


Caritas in Veritate

May 12, 2011 CWR Staff 0

On July 7, Pope Benedict XVI published his third encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, addressed to “the bishops, priests, and deacons, men and women religious, the lay faithful, and all people of good will on integral […]