Truth with Love – “You only need to hear Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers preach the Gospel one time to know he’s a beacon of Truth — the Truth that is Jesus Christ.” ‘Beacon of Truth’: Dynamic Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers Attracts Souls to Christ (National Catholic Register)
Apple Bans – “Apple banned the conservative LifeSiteNews…. threatened to ban Twitter when liberal activists raised concerns about Elon Musk and his view of free speech. In addition, there was the banning of the apps of conservative social networking site Parler and conservative social media company Gab.” So, Apple … about that deplatforming of conservative content (American Family News)
Young-Adult Marriage Rates – “A new study claims one-in-three young adults in the United States will never marry.” America’s flight from marriage laid bare by new study (Catholic Herald)
Two Years of Invasion – “For two years now, Ukraine has been living in a full-scale war unleashed by Russia. This period has dramatically changed the lives of its people … ” “Pastoral Care Amidst Grief and Sorrow”: Head of the UGCC on spiritual experience during the war (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church0
Priest Companions – “Catholics in the Diocese of Lincoln with same-sex desires or gender discordance have a program they can turn to for help in living a chaste life within the Catholic Church: Eden Invitation.” Lincoln pastor is one of first ‘priest companions’ for Eden Invitation (Our Sunday Visitor)
Teachers’ Unions – A new survey reveals a cavernous gap between teachers’ unions and the views of most parents, teenagers, and teachers on whether public schools should teach LGBT ideology to students 10 Times as Many Teachers Say Trans, CRT Lessons Hurt Rather Than Help Schools (Washington Stand)
The Church’s Implosion – “December 18, 2023, will go down in history as the date on which the die was cast: the date on which the church renounced the gospel’s right to call us to repentance … ” The Fall of Rome (Touchstone)
Joyful Anticipation – “This ritual involves those wishing to be initiated into the Church publicly professing before the bishop their desire for baptism, first Communion and/or confirmation, and receiving moral guidance and blessings on the final steps of their journey to Catholicism.” Rite of Election a final step toward full communion in the Church (Rhode Island Catholic)
Ecclesial Communion – “The meeting was an opportunity for them to express their deep gratitude to the Holy Father for the decree of February 11, 2022, by which the Pope confirmed the liturgical specificity of the Fraternity of St. Peter, but also to share with him the difficulties encountered in its application.” Audience with Pope Francis (FSSP)
No Marriage Is an Island – “In his beautifully told, poignant, and searing memoir, Key makes the case for real marriage.” The Purifying Fire of Real Marriage (Humanum Review)
Providence of God – “There is something about the deliberate act of retrospection that can illuminate the patterns of a life, where it comes to be seen that what might have looked at the time only like contingent events of personal history were in fact gifts of grace meted out by a watchful hand.” The Sacrament of the Possible, Or, Why I Became a Catholic (Church Life Journal)
Big Move for AI – “A Denver-based graduate school and Catholic publishing non-profit is close to a deal that would see it buy a sprawling Boeing-owned property outside of St. Louis.” Augustine Institute eyes Missouri move (The Pillar)
Eastern Rites – “In this episode of ‘The Catholic Talk Show,’ Ryan Scheel, Ryan Dellacrosse, and Father Rich Pagano discuss the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches with Father Jason Charron.” Eastern vs. Roman Rite Catholicism: Ukrainian Catholic Priest Breaks Down the Fascinating Differences (Church Pop)
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@ The Church’s Implosion
Touchstone’s Hans Boersman concludes: “We should pray for a new Pope Benedict, one who will revoke as illicit the false pastoral sense of his predecessor and who will once again insist that ‘only what is true can ultimately be pastoral’.”
About dismembering pastoral “mercy” from God’s truth and justice, this from Pope Benedict:
“God cannot simply ignore man’s disobedience and all the evil of history; he cannot treat it as if it were inconsequential or meaningless. Such ‘mercy’, such ‘unconditional forgiveness’ would be that ‘cheap grace’ to which Dietrich Bonhoeffer rightly objected in the face of the appalling evil encountered in his day. That which is wrong, the reality of evil, cannot simply be ignored; it cannot be left just to stand [or to “walk together”?] It must be dealt with; it must be overcome. Only this counts as true mercy [!]. And the fact that God now confronts evil himself, because men are incapable of doing so—therein lies the ‘unconditional goodness’ of God, which can never be opposed to truth [!] or the justice that goes with it [!]. ‘If we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself’, writes Paul to Timothy (2 Tim 2:13″ (Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI, “Jesus of Nazareth: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection,” Ignatius, 2011, pp. 132-3).
@ The Church’s Implosion
Not the excellent theological analysis of Fiducia Supplicans, not the prayer for a new pope Benedict to restore orthodoxy, rather The Fall of Rome is the issue in Catholic Anglican [Protestant] Prof Hans Boersma’s pronouncement.
That line, the tone of argument reminds this reader of a commenter who criticizes heterodoxy emanating from Rome and praises orthodox responses by others having tacitly revealed himself as a disgruntled Anglican, who recently alleged the hypocrisy and heresy of the Roman Catholic Church – over the precise issue of the issuance of Fiducia Supplicans. If that premise is held as true and final, then the logical conclusion is that Anglican Nashotah House Theological Seminary is the presumed remnant in waiting of the Apostolic Tradition.
Irrespective of Boersma’s adherence to Ratzingerian theology, he’s mistaken that Rome has fallen, meaning Roman Catholicism, since we cannot exclude the institution of the Chair of Peter from the institution of the mystical body. Rome has not ‘imploded’ by a document that is quite limited in magisterial authority seen in its wide rejection within Roman Catholicism. Like the SSPX this American branch of Anglicanism perhaps seeks to draw Roman Catholics into their ultra conservative fold.
Canon lawyer Fr. Gerald Murray of the Diocese of NY writes on FS at length today at First Things web exclusives: “FS is a manifest disaster that should be revoked and withdrawn by the Holy See. Until that happens, it should be ignored by all bishops, priests, and deacons.” He and D. Montagna use the word heresy and heretical to describe certain of its aspects. A heretical Rome is a Rome bereft of Christ’s moral authority and Blessing.
Meiron, please realize that it’s a presumptive rejection of the Mystical Body of Christ when saying, A heretical Rome is a Rome bereft of Christ’s moral authority and Blessing.
We cannot separate Rome, in context of the institution of the Chair of Peter by Christ, from Christ. Since it’s evident you’re faithful to the person Christ. If there’s heresy, it’s informal. The integrity of the Chair has never formally failed.
Where do you get the notion of a “presumptive rejection” of the “Mystical Body of Christ”? The word used was “ROME.” I did not define Rome. Rome is more than the Chair and yet not equal to the Church. Rome is also a city. Implicitly intended was an equivocal sense.
Blessings of Lent,
Then it was I who was presuming that you meant the Chair of Peter. I certainly agree with your apparent reference to the occupant of the Chair et al. Thanks for the explanation.
And yes meiron. May the peace, and the love of Christ be with you always. A blessed Easter.