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Pope Francis adds Hollerich and four other cardinals to his council of advisers

Pope Francis accepts a book from Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich during an audience at the Vatican June 11, 2021. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Rome Newsroom, Mar 7, 2023 / 06:45 am (CNA).

Pope Francis appointed five new members to his council of cardinals advisers on Tuesday, including Synod organizer Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich and Canadian Cardinal Gérald C. Lacroix.

The Vatican announced on March 7 the nine members of Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinals tasked with assisting the pope “in the governance of the universal Church.”

The pope has nominated Brazilian Cardinal Sérgio da Rocha, Spanish Cardinal Juan José Omella Omella, and Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, the president of the Governorate of Vatican City State, to be new members of the council, along with Hollerich and Lacroix.

With the new appointments, Honduran Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, 80, and Germany’s Cardinal Reinhard Marx, 69, are no longer members of the Council of Cardinals. Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, the 80-year-old retired president of the Governorate of Vatican City State, has been replaced by his successor.

The group of cardinal advisers, also referred to as the C9 for its nine members, was established by Pope Francis one month after his election in 2013 to advise the pope on the reform of the Roman Curia, particularly the new apostolic constitution, Praedicate evangelium, published last year.

The group continued to meet after the constitution’s publication and discussed the Synod on Synodality and the work of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors at its last meeting in December.

The inclusion of Hollerich, a Jesuit who is one of the leading organizers of the ongoing Synod on Synodality, suggests that the council will continue to have a role advising the pope on the global synod process.

The appointment also indicates the esteem the pope has for the 64-year-old cardinal archbishop of Luxembourg, whom he appointed in 2021 as the relator general of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Last fall, Hollerich said in an interview with Vatican media that he believes the possibility of Church blessings for same-sex unions is not a settled matter.

Three original members of the C9 remain in the council: American Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, Indian Cardinal Oswald Gracias, and Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican secretary of state.

Congolese Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, who was appointed in 2020, will also remain in the council of advisers and Bishop Marco Mellino will continue to serve as the group’s secretary.

The next meeting of the Council of Cardinals will be held on April 24 at the pope’s Vatican residence, Casa Santa Marta, at 9 a.m.

This is a developing story.

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  1. Unbelievable. Truly, truly, truly.

    This pope’s “radical inclusiveness” apparently embraces any and all paths to orgasm. Or, at least, views them as “not a settled matter.”

    Poor Jesus. He knew.

    “…when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

  2. The last sentence reads, “This is a developing story.”

    I hardly think so. It’s a story of gravely disturbing deterioration and dissolution.

    Authored by the evil one.

  3. I can’t wait until Hollerich makes his next statement on the beauty of relationships centered on anal sex. Everyone will express wonderment on how such things could be said by a high-ranking Cardinal, especially since it contradicts the “clear teachings of Pope Francis.” No one would know or care about this guy (or McElroy) if Francis had not promoted him precisely because of, not despite, his views on sexual morality. Let’s agree to end the charade before it starts up again. It’s better for everyone’s mental and moral health.

  4. Courtney Mares CNA acknowledges the propriety of Synod on Synodality [SOS] Relator Card Hollerich’s addition to the advisory C9. And adds insightfully that Pope Francis holds him in high esteem. A fellow Jesuit with apparently similar progressive vision, particularly on homosexuality.
    His SOS [SOS, the ‘Save our ship’ distress signal fits well with the Synod on Synodality and a barque taking on water] needs to be monitored. In olden golden days the pontiff’s mission would be moral scrutiny of the proceedings. Whether doctrine was secure. Today it’s whether doctrine is holding up pastoral advancement in an enlarged tent Church. Francis keeps barking, Radical inclusion! like a carnival barker. The rest of us, the suffering Church, continue to suffer white martyrdom, after years of negligence saying our rosaries, [some priests even reciting the entire Office of Hours], rising for vigils, penance, fast and prayer, Lent or not. If not we had better.
    I’ve said it before, that a Brooklyn boyhood conviction was that if the moral darkness of homosexuality were ever to be embraced by the Catholic Church it would surely signal end times. We’re there. At least by indication. Francis’ high level appointments of Hollerich [and a similar cadre of others] indicates that embrace.
    What will happen may well be in our hands insofar as outcome. We can, besides penance and prayer change the course of events by combating evil with good, insult and reprimand with kindness, contempt with love. The weapons of the saints. And of course, the firm witness of the spoken word, and the written word.

    • Keep saying those rosaries father. Our Lady’s triumph is near as we see the enemy make bold public announcements. They know their time is short and are showing their cards for all to see. Our Lady of Good Success pray for us.

  5. Get it right…
    Cardinal Hollerich’s comment last fall was not limited to the possibility of blessing same-sex unions: “I believe that the sociological-scientific foundation of this teaching [on sexual morality] is no longer true [….] I think it’s time we make a fundamental revision of the doctrine”

    On the other hand, removal of Cardinal Marx seems to indicate that the German non-synod, with all of its inventions, no longer has the inside track as part of the C9.

    Would like to hear more about the other new appointees. Cardinal La Croix seems a breath of fresh air, as Hollerich’s synods ripen: “I’m going to be different. One thing is certain. I will preach the Gospel. If people expect something else, they’ll be disappointed” (Wikipedia).

    • No disappointment in hearing the gospel preached!

      Mark 16:15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

      2 Timothy 2:24-26 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.

      Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

      Acts 10:42 And he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead.

      Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

  6. This pope is determined to bring schism. Then he will be able to cast out all those who disagree with him, all who criticize him, all who want the Church to hold fast to the apostolic faith. He will stop at nothing to push faithful Catholics out of the Church.

    And a word of advice to bishops. When you cover for this mad man, you have become part of the problem. You are accustomed to circle the wagons around your “brother bishops” including the pope. The gig is up. It is time for you to take a stand, even if it means losing your career. This is the time we find out what our bishops are made of.

  7. They are to “assist with the governance of the church”?? If the Pope finds himself unable to handle the workload, maybe he should follow in the footsteps of Pope Benedict and resign.

  8. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich is blessed with a creative, constructive, and a dynamic vision. The Luxembourger is serving the church with dedication and distinction. May his tribe increase.

    • Instead of your usual nonsensical rhetoric, ‘Dr.’, present your argument that the Church has been in error for centuries regarding the heterodoxy of the Cardinal and the new ‘virtue’ of accepted homosexual practice.

      Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, ‘doctor’.

      • Thanks Ram,
        indeed Catechism of the CC has to be read, meditated upon, discussed with fellow mortals, and then prayerfully applied to situations during our brief onward pilgrimage.

        • Very clever promotion of situation ethics!

          About which, St. John Paul II augmented the mentioned Catechism (1992) with his Veritatis Splendor (1993)–and the reality of moral absolutes revealed for the benefit of we “fellow mortals…during our brief onward (?) pilgrimage”:

          “…the commandment of love of God and neighbor does not have in its dynamic any higher limit, but it does have a lower limit, beneath which the commandment is broken” (n. 52).

          “The relationship between faith and morality shines forth with all its brilliance in the unconditional respect due to the insistent demands of the personal dignity of every man [italics], demands protected by those moral norms which prohibit without exception [!] actions which are intrinsically evil” [!] (n. 90).

          “The Church is no way [!] the author or the arbiter of this [‘moral’] norm” (n. 95).

          If only those last six prohibitive commandments could be “prayerfully” cancel-cultured, with your clever approval.

    • Or the depraved, self-serving vision of a practicing homosexual whose cognitive dissonance leads him to insist on the supremacy of homosexual culture.

  9. In an interview with The Pillar, Cardinal Hollerich remarks: “In Japan, I got to know a different way of thinking. The Japanese don’t think in terms of the European logic of opposites. We say: It is black, therefore it is not white. The Japanese say: It is white, but maybe it is also black. You can combine opposites in Japan without changing your point of view.” .

    Three snapshots, plus a conclusion:

    FIRST, from the internet we learn: “Onmyōdō (陰陽道, also In’yōdō, lit. ‘The Way of Yin and Yang’) is a system of natural science, astronomy, almanac, divination and magic that developed independently in Japan based on the Chinese philosophies of yin and yang and wuxing (five elements).”

    SECOND, and: “It is a system of belief based on the ancient Chinese theories of Yin and Yang and of the five elements and the magical practices that developed after it was introduced into Japan. Its traces are still found in the life of- today’s Japanese.”

    THIRD, and: “Yang elements include light, fire, rain, and the heavens. Yin elements include darkness, water, wind, and the earth. Male traits are yang, and female traits are yin. Yang qualities are active, while yin qualities are passive. Everything in the universe results from the interaction of yin and yang.”

    CONCLUSION: Who needs supernatural revelation from a Triune God, and the Gospel of the incarnate Jesus Christ, (or Veritatis Splendor and moral absolutes!) when these can be replaced—synodally!—with Yin and Yang? Who needs binary sexuality (black and white?) when the interreligious dispensation—according to Shinto Master Hollerich—is the “interacting” and harmonized, big-tent, grey, middle-ground “third option” of homosexuality (and by extension all of gender theory)?

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  1. Pope Francis adds Hollerich and four other cardinals to his council of advisers | Franciscan Sisters of St Joseph (FSJ) , Asumbi Sisters Kenya

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