
The “Mind” of Christ

July 9, 2022 James V. Schall, S.J. 0

Editor’s note: This “Sojourns With Schall” column was originally posted a decade ago, on July 11, 2012.  ——————– “The hymn to Christ, or, more commonly, the ‘Christological hymn’ (Philippians 2:4-9) is a hymn in which […]


On the Disappointed Catholic

February 12, 2022 James V. Schall, S.J. 41

To be disappointed about something means it did not live up to expectations, to some standard. A football or basketball team may not live up to its pre-season hopes. Disappointment implies that something which could […]


Ignatius Press at Forty

February 12, 2019 James V. Schall, S.J. 18

In a celebration in St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco this past November, the founders, staff, and several authors recalled the many books and initiatives that have poured forth from that dynamic and innovative source […]