The Dispatch

Roses, The Rose, and the Rosary

October 1, 2021 Peter M.J. Stravinskas 3

I suspect that everyone considers the rose the “queen of flowers.” In almost every culture, the rose has held quasi-mystical value. In the Greco-Roman world, the rose symbolized beauty, love and the season of spring; […]

'Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven' (1428-30) by Fra Angelico []
The Dispatch

Saints in the News, September 2021

September 30, 2021 BK O'Neel 1

Italian priest beatified BOLOGNA—A parish priest of Bologna who served his parishioners during World War II at the cost of his own life was beatified September 26. Fr. Giovanni Fornasini was ordained as a Bolognese […]

The Dispatch

Procession in London

September 29, 2021 Joanna Bogle 3

We surged out of the Church of the Assumption into Warwick Street where a large crowd was waiting. It took some minutes to get the procession formed as the numbers were substantial, but it was […]

The Dispatch

The Casaroli Myth

September 29, 2021 George Weigel 13

When I met Cardinal Agostino Casaroli on February 14, 1997, the architect of the Vatican’s Ostpolitik and its soft-spoken approach to communist regimes in east central Europe in the 1960s and 1970s could not have […]