
At the October Synod

April 27, 2011 Thomas P. Harmon 0

The 12th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops took place at the Vatican October 5-26, reflecting on the theme “The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church.” In addition to […]


Palin and the New Feminism

April 26, 2011 Father Matthew Gamber 0

Mentions of Feminists for Life (FFL) appeared often in the news after Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was annouced as John McCain’s running mate. Palin is one of the pro-life organization’s members. Serrin Foster has led […]


The Chief Justice

April 26, 2011 Anita Crane 0

On June 27, Pope Benedict XVI named Archbishop Raymond Burke to the office of Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. Before serving as archbishop of St. Louis, Burke served as bishop of […]


The Underpopulation Problem

April 25, 2011 Michael J. Miller 0

Steven W. Mosher is president of Population Research Institute ( and author of the book Population Control: Real Costs, Illusory Benefits (Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, NJ, 2008). Michael J. Miller interviewed him on the subject […]


Shadows and Light

April 17, 2011 George Neumayr 0

In 1996, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska, excommunicated all Catholics in his diocese who belonged to Call to Action, a dissident group which he called “totally incompatible with the Catholic faith.” The Nebraska chapter […]


The Pope and the Philosopher

March 24, 2011 John Burger 0

It’s rare for a 28-year-old to have a private audience with the pope. But John Henry Crosby found himself in Pope Benedict XVI’s office last March. Crosby told the Pope about his challenges in raising […]

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To Evangelicanism and Back

December 24, 2008 Tim Drake 0

Tell me about your family of origin. Francis Beckwith: I was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1960. My mother, Elizabeth, also born in Brooklyn, is Italian-American, whose father and four grandparents were several of […]


More Latin, More Reverence

December 24, 2008 Jeremy Lott 0

The book collects about 30 of the Pope’s weekly general audiences from 2006 and 2007. What was it about these homilies that made you want to write a study guide to go along with the […]